Date: April 20, 2023 11:23 am Title: New Traditions
(Sorry I’m just getting to review this)
What a sweet ending to this story and I love the twist. Such a cute evolution of their story from first date to the next generation of first date.
Also, I would like to thank you for the visual of Jim in a towel and then it dropping. It was something I didn’t know I needed.
Great job with this story! And congratulations on another fantastic accomplishment. :)
Date: March 22, 2023 01:01 pm Title: New Traditions
I finally got around to reading thing one in it's entirety (four kids apparently keep you busy) and I am so glad I did. You have such an amazing way of weaving in canon and explaining so much that doesn't get explained in the show. The queen of backstory!! It's amazing. Your attention to the littlest of details always pays off. You really think of everything and it makes your stories that much more enjoyable to read.
You are also the queen of perfect gifts. Every time, in all your fics really, you think of the most thoughtful gifts they can give to each other and I love it.
And the ending!! Adorable and perfect.
Great job with this one and congrats on finishing it!!
Author's Response:
Date: March 19, 2023 06:27 pm Title: New Traditions
I can see these moments so clearly here. The who-can-hug-the-hardest contest has my eyes assuming full heart shape. Too cute! These kids are just so real and fully realized. The details of them and their relationships with their parents are terrific.
"At least this time he knew enough to let Pam pick out the outfit for the date." See? He's learning! About time, Jimbo.
Dwight the friend versus Dwight the stickler. Yeah, tough to know who you're gonna get there. But him and Angela having a Jam moment and the Angela growth! The boar getting the lecture! Dwight doing fundraising calls! Ahhh, I'm gonna miss the Goldverse.
So many good callbacks here, too.
"Her alter ego, Crankypants, sometimes made a cameo when she woke abruptly, and she had not been invited on this date." LOL.
I reread the original Beth chapter before digging into this and am honestly kinda bummed to find out Pete is gone. Poor Beth!
Awwwwwwwwwww you got me. I thought this was gonna be a make-up date from the last disaster, but nope. Cece and Jim time. Oh, that's really good circularity with him picking up on Christopher's originally!
Well, I'm sorry to see this journey end. But thank you for bringing us along on it.
Author's Response:
Writing the kids is in a way my revisiting my own past- remembering having little ones and parenting them and passing that on to Pam and Jim in my writing. And some of it is so real...
Yeah, well if Jim picked out Cece's outfit, it might have been an Arcade Fire tee shirt, or just a mismatched shirt and top. It was best for Pam to be on that and of course it was a first red herring.
Yeah, people do move on and just wait until Beth hears that the Halperts are moving too.
Got even you. I'm going to pat myself on the back for that.
I am going to miss the Goldverse too, but I thank you for always being a fan of it.
Date: March 16, 2023 06:48 am Title: New Traditions
Yes, you did trick me there. Well done. Here I was thinking Jim's taking Pam out for another romantic night and lo and behold he's taking Cece out for another first date. Like I said, very well done.
Super cute to think about Jim at least being able to start the tradition of Daddy-daughter dates at Christopher's. They'll need to find a new place once they head down to Austin, but at least they can start the tradition here. The image of Beth kneeling down to greet Cece is adorable for sure.
Great look at how Jim and Pam's relationship progressed over time through the lens of their favorite place. Even through all the changes they had in their life it's wonderful they had this place that stays mostly the same. And it's also a place where they can mostly reconnect and just enjoy being together. Great job with all of it.
Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat
Author's Response:
And like I said- that had been what I set up back in chapter one - the ending in my head all along - filling the moments in between were sometimes a challenge but even when I struggled to find them I enjoyed the process.
I'll miss Beth and Christopher's. Thanks for all your reviews along the way and of course this one.