Date: April 08, 2023 05:22 am Title: Carrots
I really like your story and I must say, this might be one of the best portraits of Angela I'e ever read around here. You managed to make her human while still being her. Great chapter!
Date: March 27, 2023 04:51 pm Title: Carrots
Nice Angela voice here. Yes she can care in her own way and for her own reasons. She doesn't like public disruption so having all this swirling over the partition is probably making her go batty. She's also good for the direct approach. Part of me wonders how Jim's going to react to this news. Will things transpire as they did in canon or will a new bit of knowledge make things happen otherwise. It's a very interesting kind of thing and you wrote it well. Nice work.

Date: March 23, 2023 12:44 am Title: Carrots
Well boy am I glad you found this. I LOVED this little interaction between the two of them. You really nailed the dialogue.
‘Fair enough, she’d have prayed for her to fail miserably at being able to sexually satisfy the beet farmer in question, and lose all her teeth. Dwight liked a good set of teeth.’ - this had me in absolute hysterics.
I’m adding this to my own personal head canon of why Jim always eats baby carrots. It’s all down to Angela.
Awesome job. Can’t wait for more!