Date: April 04, 2023 07:43 am Title: Homemade Jam
So clever! So sweet and funny at the same too.
Author's Response: Thank you :)

Date: April 03, 2023 10:58 am Title: Homemade Jam
Oh, this is clever. I love a good meta fic!
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much!

Date: April 03, 2023 05:53 am Title: Homemade Jam
Loved this!! My top 3 parts of the recipe:
1. The small knob of ex-fiance
2. Baby carrots
3. Gently skim off any birth control
A fun way to recap the Jam journey, such a fun recipe with highs and lows and I guess plenty of room for people to interpret parts of the recipe and add some extra ingredients... maybe some wet ingredients or guitars? Anyway, very much enjoyed this!!
Author's Response:
You know what, 1) and 3) were my favourites too!!
Guitars and a wet ingredient sound like perfect additions to this recipe
Thanks for the review!

Date: April 01, 2023 03:01 pm Title: Homemade Jam
Okay, is this not the most darling recap of Jim and Pam’s entire 9 seasons??? I mean, this Jam is going to be THE sweetest, is it not?!?! Such clever instructions: “heat until hot enough to burn your feet on coals, add a splash of grape soda (though personally, not my thing at all!), baby carrots, dainty fingers, and skimming off the birth control”. This is also probably the NICEST you’ve ever written about Cathy, but seeing as how she’s not named specifically here, I’m totally fine with that— she COULD spoil the whole damn batch!! Best to toss her—it— out.
Hopefully the Jam does not get lice, because well, gross!! And your sweet ending?? Loved the nod to deletions too! So clever and fun! You know me, I am tempted to skip step 3 too… and no, you can never have enough jam!! You’ve clearly made this recipe more than 15 times too— because you’re just the best! Thank friend, for always making us smile! Love it and you!!
Author's Response: Ah thank you so much for your kind kind words!!

Date: March 31, 2023 01:22 pm Title: Homemade Jam
OHHHHH!!! This was just lovely, brilliant and brought up a welling of nostalgia in the best way....really well done!!
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much! Glad you liked it!
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much! Glad you liked it!

Date: March 31, 2023 06:43 am Title: Homemade Jam
What if we’re not good at cooking
Author's Response: Well follow the recipe, duhh

Date: March 31, 2023 06:15 am Title: Homemade Jam
That was great fun for sure. Loved the step by step instructions. Seems like the concoction could go awry at any point, but with most cooking, patience and love will create a beautifully ordinary masterpiece. Great fun for sure.
Author's Response: Thanks so much for the review, glad you liked it!

Date: March 31, 2023 04:21 am Title: Homemade Jam
Oh my goodness this “recipe” is delicious and delightful! Thank you so much for sharing your “recipe” with us!
Author's Response: You’re so welcome! Thanks for the lovely review!