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Reviewer: beanchimjin Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: January 26, 2025 06:44 pm Title: Nothing More Than That

This was amazing but also that ending threw me for a loop how dare you end it on an even juicier premise than the start and not continue!? Im joking, i meant how dare you affectionately. this was such a great twist of events and all that matters is they're together. I Loved how you wrote michael here, it reminds me of during the michael scott paper company when he showed that he can indeed be human. This was great 🫶

Author's Response:

Thanks!  I felt like where it ended was a good stopping point since it leaves the reader with the hypothetical of them having a child before Cece.  Michael is always a treat.  He's a very genuine and tender-hearted person, but you never see that side of him when the cameras are on him.

Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Graceface Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: May 02, 2023 12:16 am Title: Nothing More Than That

This was all kinds of goodness! Jim being there for his best friend even though he really didn't want to be but he couldn't NOT be, Michael being the support system for Jim once again and the fiesty best friend in Isabel! That ending though, oof! Roy was a big jerk for that, glad she had Jim there to be her support.

Well done!

Author's Response:

Thank you!  Writing Michael and Isabel were great fun, and Jim showing up for the wedding despite not wanting to is something that I wanted to explore, since he most likely wouldn't have in-canon.  As for Roy, well I just don't see him being a responsible father yet, which explains why I wrote him the way I did.

Thanks for the review! 

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: April 30, 2023 08:14 pm Title: Nothing More Than That

So Roy leaves Pam at the alter! That's a different take for sure. Then Jim coming back like that ready to be hurt. And a good Michael moment. Good thing Michael stopped him and had Jim get his head on right. About what I would expect from Izzy. Nice to have a friend like that in Pam's corner. A bit of a gut wrenching scene between Jim and Pam, but it ends in a decent place.

Then we find out why Roy split. Wow! Yeah you dodged a big bullet there Pam if Roy was going to run away from that responsibility. While not my favorite thing to imagine, Pam having Roy's child, at least here Jim is right there ready to step in. Glad they could get to that place in their lives for sure.

Author's Response:

Yeah, I wanted to be different.  Roy shirking responsibility like that makes sense to me, especially since he still has a lot of maturing to do before he decides to have kids; S9 Roy would have made a fine dad, S1-3 Roy would not.  Michael being there for Jim in his own very Michael way is always fun to write, along with a pissed off Izzy wanting to punch Jim in the mouth for hurting her best friend.

As for Jim and Pam, well, as easy as it would be to do the whole “I’m in love with you too” thing, I find it more realistic for Pam to still be confused about what she really wants out of life.  In a way, Jim is as well, and I’d rather them grow up a bit before they become official, like the ending suggests.  It’s best to be best friends for now, since it’s already worked for years and they still care about each other. 

Thanks for the review! 

Reviewer: AmeliaHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: April 30, 2023 02:13 pm Title: Nothing More Than That

Aww! This was a really cool AU..!

Author's Response: Thank you so much!

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