Date: July 18, 2023 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 2
I loved this little story before our lovely day in London but after a few days traipsing through the city, this story just owns my heart! Such a character on it’s own— and I just have to believe that Pam and Jim/Duncan just belong together in this city! You’re doing it such justice!
Hmmm.. who is Duncan/Jim?? Aside from a huge fan of Pam, that is. I totally get JK vibes with the black mask and the baseball cap! I love that you just dove right into their connection, no beating around the bush, or waiting 3 years to hear Jim say, “alright, then, it’s a date!”
However… something tells me that Dunc—Jim— can afford this fancy bottle of champagne and is indeed not a penniless musician. But I love this idea of Pam not having any idea who he is— aside from simply this charming Jim— and that it seems like Jim (Duncan?) is ready for some of this genuine chemistry and interest Pam brings to their interactions.
And I know I say this every time but you do the sweetest job incorporating canon lines into new fic— “absolutely I do”, “I like cheesy”, “yeah, I think I am”, 27 seconds, and “I just couldn’t wait”. All swoon worthy, of course! I’m loving this bold art student Pam who feels the connection and just goes for the hand hold— because when you’re in London with this handsome, charming guy and connecting in a darling Italian restaurant in this romantic city, why wouldn’t you just dive right in? And it definitely gives Jim the courage to go for the kiss. I love the true city interruption of the peeing man because that’s just how it is! They’re clearly not as enthralled with Jim and Pam as they are with each other— nor is the person in queue who is delayed by Jim’s last romantic kiss for the evening. And Jim’s text?! Perfection. PERFECTION!!! I can’t wait either to see where this goes! Such a sweet story that is near abd dear after my visit! You’re the best!!!! Thanks for sharing these beautiful works friend!!
Author's Response:
Dammit I wish I’d have taken you to the Phoenix garden!!! Next time!
And you know me, no angst, gotta get them together asap as possible! But it might not be such smooth sailing later on!
Hopefully I’ll get an update of this out again soon! Thanks for your wonderful review!

Date: June 19, 2023 03:41 pm Title: Chapter 2
Ha! The 73 bus route is one of my favourites, along with the 240, you should know that one!
Author's Response: I basically lived on the 73 for about 15 years of my life!! I do know the 240 pretty well too!!

Date: June 19, 2023 06:47 am Title: Chapter 2
Loved it all! Honestly felt like I was just following them through London. I love Pam not realising Jim's status while she's on the phone and he's taking a selfie. When I'm next at the Phoenix Garden I'll deffo think of Pam and Du- Jim! Love love loved "I couldn't wait" honestly absolute Laaandaan romance.
Look forward to the next part old chap. Have a well earned jellybean (it's NY Cheesecake flavor)
Author's Response:
Ah thank you so much! I will do my best to keep the Landaan vibes going
Date: June 14, 2023 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 2
Ohhhh… this totally took it to a great place! Had not anticipated the ‘in cognito’ aspect and it is fabulous!
Author's Response: Well thank you very much!

Date: June 14, 2023 08:04 pm Title: Chapter 2
So looks like this Jim is already famous and I don't think there's any chance he's going to forget about her. It's all super cute. Jim trying to play down his fame. Them both being so smitten with each other. The reuse of canon lines. And of course a wonderful first kiss. It's all lovely. Hopefully we get more soon.
Author's Response:
I mean he could be...and yeah I don't think Pam is going anywhere!
Thanks for the lovely review, it will be back soon!

Date: June 11, 2023 08:21 pm Title: Chapter 2
This is why you stalk people, Pam... lolz.
Her buying them a bottle of champagne thinking neither of them can afford it is just one of the funniest things I've read.
Can't wait for that big ol bomb to drop.
And like Jim who couldn't wait to text Pam, the next chapter better be up real soon.
Author's Response:
How can she stalk him? She doesn't even know his name! And maybe Jim can't afford the champagne. It's not like he's a CEO or anything.
The chapter will be up when it's up. You be patient please. Also thank you for the review.