Reviews For Ordinary Doodles
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Reviewer: WithaY Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2024 07:41 pm Title: Chapter 6

Love this!! I’m sooo worried that Jim and Pam are not going to have the same timing!! As much as I’m glad she’d breaking up with Roy, I’m worried that he’s going to try and convince her not to— and that Jim is going to start dating someone else—- I don’t do Jam angst well!

I love the sweet details you put into every chapter. From Pam packing up to go meet Jim and Pam knowing where Angela was simply because her slid sandals were missing from her very Angela like shoe lineup, the details are what make the story for me.

I also love your sweet canon callbacks— Pam pong, the eight dollar lamp, and how Angela sleeps at night— were perfectly worked in! And I agree with Jim— if Pam has cute hair, she sure as hell should capture it in some selfies! Thanks for posting so soon back to back— what a treat! We’ll take whatever you want to post next— as long as it’s soon!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Author's Response: Thank you! I do like a bit of angst so it won’t be without its blips but I’m all for the Jam! I so love to sprinkle in cannon moments to add to the vibe. 

Reviewer: MrsKHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2024 11:20 pm Title: Chapter 6

Another excellent chapter, obviously.
Am I upset Pam didn’t break up with Roy already? A little. But did a date being with Jim make up for it? The idea of being pressed up against the bus and Jim sure helped. All is forgiven.
Excellent choice of movie for them to watch, loved that
And cloud sliders are GREAT. Thank you for influencing me to buy them. I’ll send you the affiliate fee as thanks.
Great chapter. Now please give me more immediately. I’m out of jelly beans, so have some nachos instead

Author's Response: Cheers for the nachos, they always help. And cloud sliders rule for sure. They’ll break up soon don’t you worry! 

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2024 05:32 pm Title: Chapter 6

Well good for Pam on deciding to break things off with Roy. Hopefully the feeling keeps up till when she sees him next. Though I was kind of hoping she'd break up with him via text. He'd deserve it. Feels like Pam's been mentally broken up with Roy for a while now. She just needs to actually go through with it.

Tons of fun hanging out with Jim. Loved that the $8 quirky lamp from Fun Run made it in. That's a great little detail.

Can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: For sure, she’s at that moment where she’s mentally checking out of that relationship already. I do love that lamp. Thanks! 

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