Reviews For Safe
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Reviewer: WithaY Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2024 06:16 am Title: A Little bit of Beans

This is just sweetest and I loved it soooo much! The language and the sunshine and Cece’s stompy kicks just narrated how Jam must be feeling after their special morning. There’s been a ton of ways people have written about Jim and Pam finding out she’s pregnant (both canon and not) but there’s something so sweet about how you show us the details around that moment and not the actual moment that makes it this sweet, sacred, golden hued moment of light. Kind of like the teapot note— not knowing is even more perfect. I love the juxtaposition with Michael’s proposal and the announcement that he’s moving… all things that make Pam feel unsafe… and Jim’s confidence in that he can keep his family safe. Such a sweet addition to this great theme!

Author's Response: I am so happy this little vignette hit so well.  You are right, it is the not knowing… the not having each minute of the day.  And, I was largely inspired by Jenna on OL saying that her shirt was out of her shirt because she had just found out her own pregnancy.  So, to me, it was the best day to put such a memory!

Reviewer: MrsKHalpert Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2024 12:31 am Title: A Little bit of Beans

Very sweet. Particularly liked this line ‘He would open and unpackage 100,000 candles to repay Michael for talking to him that night’

Author's Response: Yay!!  I am glad that worked well.  I really want this little series to be a bunch of sweet callbacks with little nods to the current situation.  

Reviewer: grc73 Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: May 29, 2024 10:49 pm Title: A Little bit of Beans

Awwww thank you so much! And this was lovely from beginning to end :)

Author's Response: I thank YOU for your wonderful story.  It makes me smile each and every time I think of it and even my wife has accepted it as canon when I told her about it the last time we watched PDA :)

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: May 29, 2024 05:57 am Title: A Little bit of Beans

Very cute. I loved all the bits in the morning. The drive to daycare, Cecelia being adorable in the back seat, the memories of planning the bean prank. All great. Then Jim and Pam use their powers for good in helping Michael craft his proposal. Very sweet and sentimental for sure. I can also very easily see why Pam gets nervous. Change has always been hard for her. Now with a new baby on the way and Michael getting set to leave, it's two huge changes. Jim responds with a steady calmness though. Wonderful to see that. How he's committed to keeping things going for his family like this. Loved it.

Author's Response: Glad to have kickstarted the day well!  It was a sweet day that I couldn’t get out of my mind, so it needed a sweet chapter here :)

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