Date: August 02, 2007 07:00 am Title: Where I'm Not Reminded Constantly
can't wait for the next chapter!!
Date: August 02, 2007 04:44 am Title: Where I'm Not Reminded Constantly
I really can't think of any criticism for this piece but I just wanted to say thank you for writing this. I'm really enjoying it!
Date: August 02, 2007 04:40 am Title: Where I'm Not Reminded Constantly
Ooooo! This is so exciting!
I loved the beers on the patio. The sound of the bugs. the stars, perfect. Kind of like Booze Cruise, but I loved how Jim was honest with her.
I can't wait to find out what will happen next!
Author's Response: Yay, thanks, I'm a little in love with that scene right now. It is kind of like the Booze Cruise "27 seconds of silence" moment of my story, though with a more positive result.
Date: July 29, 2007 02:47 pm Title: Three O'Clock and It's Been Fourteen Days
Oh, man, the breakup! At least Lisa seems more "with it" and in tune with the relationship problems than Roy was. Glad Pam's enjoying Italy, even if she can't quite keep her thoughts from drifting to a certain someone...
Author's Response: That breakup was haunting me, that's why it took so long to write. I didn't really want Jim and Lisa to be a Canon!Pam/Roy situation, more like Jim and Karen in that they got along fine, everything on the surface was okay, but there was still a lack of connection. Still, it's very difficult to imagine any woman breaking up with Jim, I mean, c'mon, it's Jim.
Date: July 29, 2007 12:24 pm Title: Three O'Clock and It's Been Fourteen Days
I squealed a little when I saw in my e-mail that there was an update to this. And it did not disappoint. Lovely job as always, ladama. I am anxiously awaiting Pam and Jim's reunion and to see where it all goes. I trust that it'll be good in your hands. :)
Author's Response:
I won't be so trusting if I were you.
Just kidding, I think what I have planned is pretty good.
Date: July 29, 2007 07:05 am Title: Three O'Clock and It's Been Fourteen Days
ladama, I finally got around to reading this story and it's incredible.
My heart is breaking for them all over again! Can't wait to see what will happen.
Author's Response: Thank you very much. Be prepared, I think there's still some heart break in store, but it shouldn't be too bad.
Date: July 29, 2007 02:20 am Title: Three O'Clock and It's Been Fourteen Days
Wow, this was completely heart breaking. I loved it! Why I like my heart to break is completely beyond me, but I really enjoyed it. Hurry hurry and continue :-)
Author's Response: I'll admit I like the heartbreak as well, makes the happy times sweeter. Must be the masochist in me. But this isn't too heartbreaking, is it?
Date: July 28, 2007 09:14 pm Title: I've always wanted to see Canada
This is like, really REALLY good. I like how you're not just taking the template the show gave and doing an easy switch. You actually created new situations, drama, characters, etc. Just really good! I can't wait for more.
Author's Response: Thanks, I'm always worried this will start looking too much like a simple switch of Jim and Pam's situations, but comments like this reassure it's not so that's good :)
Date: June 21, 2007 08:55 pm Title: Bet I could really lose myself up there
Okay, so normally I hate reading stories that need to be updated because then I always forget about them. I won't forget this one. I absolutely love it so far! Thank you so much for writing it. Great job!
Author's Response: In exchange for you making sure to remember this story, I'll make sure to keep it updated regularly, sound good?
Date: June 19, 2007 08:32 pm Title: Bet I could really lose myself up there
Oh, this is so wonderful, but so sad. I really hope Jim sorts out his feelings soon (like before Pam actually leaves!). I feel like in general, Jim's more in touch and honest with his feelings than Pam is - even in this universe he had to coax her to admit her feelings as opposed to canon!Jim saying it without any real provocation - but he's definitely in a different position here, in such a serious commitment, so I can't really predict what he'll do or how well he'll handle it. But right now it feels like he's kind of playing with Pam's emotions, and I know he doesn't mean to, but it's painful!
Author's Response: Thank you for this comment, it expresses some of the things I'm trying to do with this story, but you say it so much better than I can. I, of course, don't want to make Jim play with Pam's emotions, I just wanted to show he's somewhat aware of Pam's feelings for him, and is not in as deep of denial about his feelings for Pam as canon!Pam was about her feelings for canon!Jim, but that kind of inadvertently turns into him playing with Pam's emotions, doesn't it? I think it's just the curse of Jim and Pam, someone is going to get their emotions toyed with at some point. :)
Date: June 18, 2007 01:22 pm Title: I've always wanted to see Canada
I'm agreeing with everyone when I say that I'm really fascinated by this. I love that you've given it it's own unique spin and I absolutely adore the voice you've given Pam, it makes me root for her more than I usually do. Heh. Great job; I can't wait to read more.
Author's Response: What actually inspired this story was a question I saw on a message board that asked if people would cheer for a woman pining away for years for an engaged man the same way people cheered for Jim in season 2, so I'm happy to read that you are rooting for the single Pam in my story here. Thanks!
Date: June 18, 2007 10:27 am Title: Bet I could really lose myself up there
Wow. I don't usually read AU fanfic, but I really was intrigued by this one. Great concept. I'm glad this story is TBC. I can't wait until Pam gets back from Italy. Great job!
Author's Response: I almost don't want to call this fic AU Jim and Pam's relationship status is the only thing really different from the show. But anyway, I'm glad you were intrigued. And things will be very interesting when Pam gets back from Italy.
Date: June 18, 2007 08:37 am Title: Bet I could really lose myself up there
This chapter made me feel really bad for Lisa :( I'm loving it though, can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Yeah, me too a bit, but don't worry, Lisa isn't going to be too much of a victim or anything.
Date: June 18, 2007 02:17 am Title: Bet I could really lose myself up there
I'm really enjoying this. It's a great concept and you're doing it justice. Can't wait for more!
Author's Response: Thank you very much, I get really nervous when I update this one for some reason. Maybe I'm just worried people will say, "Oh this and that wouldn't happen in this situation". But it a fun concept to write about and it makes me happy to know I'm doing it justice.
Date: June 14, 2007 05:57 am Title: I've always wanted to see Canada
This is really good. Great idea and I love that you have them in the same places but the dialogue is different. I really want to dislike Lisa, but I feel like that's not gonna happen :) Can't wait to see what's going to happen!
Author's Response: Part of me wishes I could villainize Lisa, it would make it easier to write, but I have to figure if Jim's about to marry her, she has to be pretty nice, cool, good sense of humor, etc. Thanks for commenting!
Date: June 13, 2007 10:01 pm Title: Some place where my head can clear
Wow. seriously...heart started beating faster at the end there.
Author's Response: That makes me very happy to hear, since I'm always nervous about writing anything remotely sexy (not sure why).
Date: June 13, 2007 05:36 pm Title: I've always wanted to see Canada
I'm very much looking forward to how this story turns out. I'm really glad that the role reversal isn't just a mirror image, and retains your unique spin on Pam and Jim's swapped situations. Please update soon!
Date: June 13, 2007 03:33 pm Title: Some place where my head can clear
"Pam started shaking her head; this was exactly why she never said anything, she knew it would be awkward, and Jim would reject her, and she'd look like a fool." Wow, this hit my grief bone just as hard as the real CN did.
Date: June 13, 2007 03:21 pm Title: I've always wanted to see Canada
Don't know how I missed this first time around. I love the way it mirrors CN to a point - with Pam's declration being her leaving and not her feelings for him.
Date: June 13, 2007 01:53 pm Title: Some place where my head can clear
Oh, wow, this is fantastic! I really like how you didn't keep it exactly as it appeared in the show. I like that things developed differently for Jim and Lisa.
You've got a great handle on the characters and how it would play out between them. I can't wait for the last past!
Date: June 13, 2007 12:13 pm Title: Some place where my head can clear
glad this story is back! i like how it doesn't exactly mirror casino night
Date: June 13, 2007 12:09 pm Title: Some place where my head can clear
YAY! I'm so glad you updated. I really like this - it's similar to Casino Night, but yet at the same time it's so different. It's really interesting to see things turned around the other way. More please!
Date: May 22, 2007 10:26 pm Title: Where do I go now
very interesting so far, I'd like to see where this is going
Date: May 22, 2007 12:43 pm Title: Where do I go now
I really enjoyed this! I would love to see what happens next...
Date: May 02, 2007 09:59 pm Title: Where do I go now
Oh, wow! I felt going in that this had the potential to be a little pointless, just the same story the other way around, but you've really done a great job of showing how it would be different and the same based on who they are as characters. It's not Pam declaring her love in the spur of the moment and surprising Jim with a killer kiss, it's her running away in pursuit of her art, and still turning to her mom to deal with all her mixed up feelings. Can't wait to hear how the Jim of these circumstances reacts to what he heard there!
Author's Response: Thank you very much! Believe me, I've been worried while writing this that it will end up rehashing what we've already seen, but reading comments like yours make me feel like I'm achieve the goals I have with this story.