Date: June 09, 2009 02:16 pm Title: Decisons
Hey there! Working my way through the old archive reading and re-reading.
Love the flow of this one. I read it fast and flowy through the paragraphs and pause at the I can't... sounds good in my head. :)
Author's Response:
Oh for goodness sake! I saw that these were your summer plans! Yikes! Man this is so old - but it was the first time I ever wrote anything in this style so I was kinda proud and thought it was a good one.
My apologies for anything else you read from me in my overly cheesy post S2 period. :)
Date: July 29, 2007 07:31 am Title: Decisons
"I can’t…
And he’s tired of it. Because it’s simply not true. She can do whatever she wants. "
Ah, but it is so hard to believe that sometimes.
This story half made me cry half made me happy. Well, the happy was at the end which was fully happy because she told Roy she couldn't, and that is good, but it was so painful for the first part. I loved the way it was all tied together and it did start off sad, but the same phrase turned happy.
Author's Response:
EH - I am the worst review replier on the planet. I am so sorry. Thanks so much for the review. I'm so glad you liked it!!!
Date: August 06, 2006 07:12 am Title: Decisons
Oooh, this is very, very good. I love the split viewpoint, and how "I can't" means so many different things throughout the course of the story.
Author's Response: Oh I am so glad you liked it!! This story came at me like *WHAM* out of nowhere and was done in like an instant. I just loved the idea of twisting her response around to make it better - for both of them. Thanks so much for reveiwing!!
Date: July 12, 2006 08:50 pm Title: Decisons
Sigh. Lovely story. The last "I can't" was my favorite, by the way.
Author's Response: Mine too!! I just kept thinking...there's a way to make those two words mean something better.
We shall see. ;)
Date: July 11, 2006 09:23 pm Title: Decisons
Another one of my early favorites at FF.
Author's Response: kaystar - I heart you. You're just like my own personal cheerleader. ;)
Date: July 11, 2006 12:48 am Title: Decisons
Gorgeous. Love your structure.
Author's Response: Aw! Thanks! That one made me dizzy. It happened so fast.