Date: May 14, 2007 06:20 pm Title: 1
I loved the first chapter. It was very well-written, and really held my interest, much more than the second chapter.
Date: May 09, 2007 08:09 pm Title: 1
this excites me. so much.
Date: May 09, 2007 07:18 pm Title: 2
Why do I love this so much? Am I, perhaps, a gay man trapped in woman's body? I do own Brokeback Mountain...
All kidding aside, can't get enough of Roy/Ryan/Darryl. I am so unexpectedly shipping this threesome. Can't. Get. Enough. You rock. You win at life.
Date: May 07, 2007 05:29 pm Title: 1
Woah. That was...
You are continuing this, right??? Please?
Date: May 07, 2007 12:41 pm Title: 1
Really, really, ridiculously hot. So hot that I'm leaving my very first review.
Date: May 07, 2007 08:40 am Title: 1
guh. I have no words. If the guys get to read KaPam, I think we girls deserve this. Is this actually continuing?
Date: May 07, 2007 01:18 am Title: 1
Holy hell. Ryan/Darryl/Roy? I never thought this would be the hottest thing I've read in a while - hell, I don't even get into male slash that much, but this -- gah.
Seriously, though, do men do this? Wow.
Date: May 06, 2007 10:16 pm Title: 1
Okay, I don't know why I'm usually too embarrassed to leave reviews on slashy smut, but I am. Since you live for reviews, however, and I have no wish to cut short your life, I will just pretend it's non-slashy smut and review that way.
So... Thank you for the lovely smut. And, in the world of this story, I bet Darryl and Ryan were kind of upset when Roy was fired. I mean, only two guys in the shower? Where's the fun in that.
There was that cute new guy in Safety Training, you know, standing next to Lonny in the baler scene? Yeah... Ryan and Darryl will have to play some basketball with him next...
Now I'll go back to my regularly scheduled life.
Date: May 06, 2007 10:08 pm Title: 1
hahaha it looks like you're going to get a lot of negative reviews. which is too bad. i thought it was hot. but then again, guy on guy on guy is really hot to me for some reason, so maybe i appreciate it more.
Date: May 06, 2007 09:54 pm Title: 1
omg. that was ... intense. i don't really care for ANY of those characters, and yet it was just ... so freaking hot. you win the prize.