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Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: January 01, 2009 07:15 am Title: I was nowhere near your neighborhood....

Wow, you are amazing at writing Kelly. It totally felt like Kelly. So that's awesome. And, as much as I love giggly gossip girl side of Kelly (the side that is, annoyingly, me), I love Revenge Kelly even more.

So great. I really though you got the dyanamic between the two of them down really well, especially in a prision setting.

Reviewer: Semby Signed [Report This]
Date: June 08, 2008 05:46 pm Title: I was nowhere near your neighborhood....

Oh, this was awesome. I love that Kelly is so happy to be going and she's all, "I'm going to look HOT and rub it in his FACE" and then she gets there and is actually affected by his situation and concerned. And I love Ryan in this, so defeated, with hardly any fight left in him. I pretty much hated Ryan throughout season 4, but even I find it difficult to picture him torn down like this, living this life. Makes me think of season 2 Ryan and all the potential he had!

Author's Response:

Yes.  I won't lie and say that I loved Ryan in S4, because I didn't.  The other day I was watching some old S2 episodes and I realized that I really missed THAT Ryan.  He was a bit snarky, and he could be a jerk occasionally, but you knew that underneath he really wasn't a bad guy.  Also, watching him put up w/ all of Michael's antics in S2 makes you really feel for the guy.  Anyway, I think that he felt really pressured to do a good job when he was promoted and from there he just went crazy.  Kind of like when super sheltered teenagers go to college far away and spend their freshman year drinking too much, hehe.  

So, bottom line, I know what you mean about the potential Ryan had.  Maybe they'll redeem him a bit down the road.  Thanks for reading and reviewing, Semby.  I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

Reviewer: supergirlsudz Signed [Report This]
Date: June 08, 2008 08:02 am Title: I was nowhere near your neighborhood....

This is great, kells! I really liked the mostly humorous tone throughout but the moment between the two of them at the end was really well done. My favorite line was "Guards stand to the left and right of the doorway she came through, and they don’t even seem to notice her. They must be gay." LOL! Oh, Kelly, you are one of a kind. :-)

Author's Response: Hi sudz!  It's funny you mentioned the part about the guards - I actually took that out and put it back a few times because I wasn't sure if it came across the right way.  So, I'm glad that it worked for you :)  I tried to keep the tone light but I wanted Kelly to walk away knowing that Ryan cares at least a tiny bit.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Cousin Mose Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: June 08, 2008 07:22 am Title: I was nowhere near your neighborhood....

I've got a real soft spot for Kelly!fic, and this one was just great. It was funny in all the right places, such as the first thing she notices about Ryan is the fact that orange isn't his color, and yet you manage to keep the Kelly-ness from going over the top. That's not easy to do, either. (I have a really hard time writing Kelly, so I'm impressed!). I like that you ended on an honest and poignant moment as well. Ryan's a tool, yeah, but I don't think he's pure evil. :D

Great job! 

Author's Response: Mose!  It's nice to hear from you!  I really struggled with this story.  I agree that Kelly is tough to write and it's easy to go over the top with her, and so I'm glad to hear you feel I got it right.  And yeah, Ryan isn't pure evil, and so I'm glad I got that across as well, lol.  Thanks for reading and reviewing :)

Reviewer: untherapy Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: June 08, 2008 04:34 am Title: I was nowhere near your neighborhood....

too cute. I love it when ryan shines through as nice (even though here it's tortured nice) like when he kisses her nose in Safety Training, or is just being cute with her in Benihana XMas or stuff like that. Great work

Author's Response: Hi untherapy!  Yes, I loved those little Ryan moments when you see that he does, on some level at least, care for Kelly. Even after he was promoted and he came back to Sranton, every once in a while you could see it a tiny bit.  Tortured nice is a great term for it.  Thanks for reading and reviewing! 

Reviewer: WWilloughby Signed [Report This]
Date: June 08, 2008 12:55 am Title: I was nowhere near your neighborhood....

I just registered to review this! The way you wrote Kelly was perfect. I love how she will always be Kelly, and the way that Ryan's honesty knocked her speechless for that one rare moment felt so real. His confession also made him a little more human, to me, so thank you for that, as well :)

Author's Response: Thank you, WWilloughby!  I changed Ryan's "speech" about a hundred times because I didn't want it to come across too strong, but I'm glad that you felt it softened him up a tiny bit.  I think he does have that in him from time to time.  Thanks for taking the time to read and review! 

Reviewer: thedominantmalekitty Signed [Report This]
Date: June 07, 2008 10:53 pm Title: I was nowhere near your neighborhood....

You did such a good job with Kelly's voice. I think it can be a really hard character to capture, but I really could hear her in my head saying this dialogue. Nice job!

Oh, also, the story itself was really cute and funny! 

Author's Response: Thank you so much!  I was really worried about capturing Kelly here.  It was hard to strike the right balance for Kelly (she's a tough one, I think) so I'm glad that it came across as believable to you.  Thanks for reading and reviewing, thedominantmalekitty.

Reviewer: Bailey08 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 07, 2008 10:24 pm Title: I was nowhere near your neighborhood....

Yay! Good stuff.

I really like how you took that one talking head and just expanding Kelly believably out of it to what you read in the story.

And I like how she'll be back next week.

Author's Response: Thanks so much, Bailey. I figured Kelly's been waiting for an opportunity like this - where she can give him a piece of her mind and he has no choice but to listen.  Oh, Kelly.  Thanks again for your help :)

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