Date: March 24, 2009 11:06 am Title: Authority
Ugh, Charles Miner. What a...well, nevermind.
I loved the dinosaur story. It was a really great way to get a peek into Jim's mind, to see how he must have felt that day. Your characterization was perfect, too. Really great, I loved it!
Author's Response: Thanks so much BigTuna, I'm glad I got Jim right, that's great to hear. I may or may not have been a dinosaur nerd myself.
Date: March 24, 2009 10:00 am Title: Authority
It was a pleasure to give you my two cents, darlin'. Really nice job. I love the simple picture of domesticity--frozen peas, laundry, lawn chairs. I also appreciate the lack of drama. I much prefer the idea of two people, who so obviously love each other, talking through a situation with patience and understanding. While I hate to see our poor Jim humiliated, I hope you're able to add to this "series." Oh, I would also like to see Jim in a tux again, but maybe under happier circumstances ; )
Author's Response: I could stand seeing Jim in a tux again myself. Glad you liked the lack of drama, I tend to get carried away with it when I write. And thanks again for your eyes and ideas.
Date: March 24, 2009 10:00 am Title: Authority
Aw, I love this one, jazzfan. There's a soft spot in me for Jim when he shows his inner nerd, and this does a great job of it. Sort of like my inner nerd telling him it all will be okay. :-) I could read story after story about nothing more than Jim and Pam's home life, just the simple, mundane things. Excellent job.
Author's Response: Thanks Mountaineers02, since I have a huge inner nerd I totally get where you're coming from. And here's to microwaved Jam peas and laundry.