Reviews For Beyond the Horizon
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Reviewer: jamyail Signed [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2024 02:39 am Title: Chapter 13

I am extremely late to the party, but if you happen to read this, I'd like you to know that this fic made me cry more than goodbye michael and the finale combined, my eyes and my headache wish I was exaggerating.

I'd planned to read two or three chapters before bed, but here you have me at 3 am wide awake and still processing all the emotions this story put me through. I honestly can't recall a time in the past year that made me cry as much as all those moments where Pam was giving up, accepting her fate and above all, thinking about what would happen with Jim after she's gone, and pleading that everyone make sure he finds someone, knowing what would become of him, and promising herself in the middle of the chaos with the explosion that she'd open her eyes to see him again.

The surgery in the office, and the whole tension during all those hours where they were hostages was magnificent, every chapter had me more and more both invested in and worried about how they would make it out alive. The fact that Michael wasn't trying to do anything or talking much, made me feel even more tense in the most crucial moments. This was insane.

Seeing everyone working together at different times to keep Pam alive made me cry like a baby, her (and also Phyllis) being the priority just reminded me of how much I love all these characters, just the way they are. I'm glad they made it out alive.

Dwight and Angela made me cry, too. I wasn't expecting it, but how they came together in this fic was just so amazing, between all the angst. As Pam said, something good had to come out of this.

Also, the Jam conversation at the end?!?!? I'm so glad they worked it out; when push comes to shove, you realize what truly matters, and I feel so relieved that they will have the chance to make things right.

There are so many more things I'd like to say after reading a 40k word fic in one go, but since it's almost 4 am now and my eyes are literally begging me to let them rest, I'll just leave it here. Seriously, this is one of the best fics I've read not only on this platform, but overall!!!

Thank you for sharing this.

Reviewer: Obviously_Blonde Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 04, 2023 01:13 pm Title: Chapter 2

Thanks for introducing us to yet another AU!

Reviewer: Thats what she said Signed [Report This]
Date: October 10, 2022 08:19 pm Title: Prologue

Great story! I remember the hostage crisis at the Metro Court on GH back in the day. One of the shows best storylines and one of your best stories!

Reviewer: MaryESP Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: April 04, 2021 07:02 am Title: Chapter 13


Reviewer: Duchess Cupcake Signed [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2020 02:27 pm Title: Chapter 13

See, I just never get over your way of killing me -- K-I-L-L-I-N-G me -- throughout an entire fic and then bringing it to a beautiful, sentimental close that makes me all warm inside. Thank you so much for wrecking me with this gem. I will never be able to think of vodka or duct tape the same way again.

Reviewer: JennaBennett Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 28, 2019 09:07 pm Title: Chapter 13

This was epic. Wow. I kind of loved all the Dwight/Angela more than I thought I would. I really enjoyed your characterization of Angela. Your version of everyone was pretty great. I especially liked your Meredith - I think she would respond basically like that in a hostage situation. This was a really fun read - in an angsty, please don’t kill of Pam way. Larissa as a surgeon intern was a great twist. Definitely added an extra element to everything taking place outside of Dunder Mifflin. I’ve seen this story come up a few times in the most recent list, and I’m really glad I finally took the time to sit down and read it!

Reviewer: Coley Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 26, 2019 07:51 pm Title: Chapter 13

"But all in the same, the weight of her words matched the heaviness of their chests, the need to simply be together after all that they had been through." Oh cool. We're starting off the end of this story with immediate heartstrings being pulled. That's fine. I'm fine.

DWIGHT. Dwight trying not to cry over Pam. Sigh. Ugh. This might be my favorite fic version of Dwight ever. He and Angela got their happy ending and I'm so glad for that. After everything they just went through, they deserve it.

The comparisons between the different tortures they've been through, Jim crying on Pam's shoulder, and her trying to apologize for that silly little fight? I said I'm fine.

This ending. THIS ending. Damnit, you did it again. It's so good. And perfect. And wonderful. All the good adjectives apply here.

I have loved this story start from finish. I love that I got to experience it twice... once in Port Charles, and then again in Scranton. It has been so much fun to read, and the way you used all the characters...

I'm just saying. If you wanted to tackle the MetroCourt Fire next, well... I wouldn't hate it. You know, in your spare writing time.

Thank you for writing this!

Reviewer: Comfect Signed [Report This]
Date: June 26, 2019 03:31 pm Title: Chapter 13

Well this was very cute. I'm glad you finished it and thanks for letting us read it. Feel free to give us more soap opera JAM in the future if you feel like it ;)

Reviewer: Coley Signed [Report This]
Date: May 13, 2019 04:23 pm Title: Chapter 12

I'm so glad that Pam (and everyone else) is out of that building! And she's conscious enough to know that Jim is there, and has been there, so that's also a good thing. I'm relieved.

So, all of Jim's thoughts about Pam and she keeps his beer in her fridge and the blanket on her couch and these are the little details I love most in stories and that whole passage is so lovely and perfect. And now I want a story where Pam takes care of a sick Jim. Add that to your list.

Agian, I winced... I had a physical reaction to just reading the lines where the paramedics ripped the duct tape off of Pam.

"Oh crap. The garlic bread." Oh crap. My drink all over the computer screen. As someone who's been concerned about the garlic bread from the very beginning I'm SO happy to see this callback. My priorities are clearly in order.

Get out of there, Larisa. Let these two have a few moments to themselves. I'd say they'v earned them!

I love this story so much! But now that I know where Jim and Pam are, I need to know how Dwight and Angela are doing. And maybe Phyllis too.

Reviewer: Comfect Signed [Report This]
Date: May 11, 2019 07:51 pm Title: Chapter 12

Yay, AG is back! I'm glad this story has caught up to its in media res start, and I'm excited for the end. Nice work making this material JAMmy.

Reviewer: Duchess Cupcake Signed [Report This]
Date: February 10, 2019 08:00 pm Title: Chapter 11

I am in love with this chapter. The Dwangela aspect, Pam's reflection on her time with (and without) Jim.

Pretty much the moment where she remembers Jim's first day at DM and then waits for the shock to take over, I MAY or may NOT have been tearing up. It was this simplistic beauty and can you never, ever stop writing that?

I just, this story keeps getting better and better. I absolutely love it and I can't wait for where the story is going.

Reviewer: Coley Signed [Report This]
Date: February 08, 2019 11:28 am Title: Chapter 11

Hi, my name is Coley and I’m living for this version of Dwight in ways that keep surprising me. His balance of keeping everyone alive but making sure Angela knows he loves her is just so Him and it’s great and nope, I’m not crying or anything over here. It’s cool.

Pam thinks this is her punishment for waiting and that she’s dying and this is all very sad and I don’t like this and she’s making her last thoughts be of Jim and “I’m just waiting on you Halpert” and how he looks like when he’s asleep and his eyes and damnit AG, this is all very good and now Pam’s even calming ME down in her dying moments.

You’ve done such an incredible job with A and his team and all of the action parts of this story. It wouldn’t normally be something I’d be able to follow along reading I don’t think, but you’ve really figured out how to describe the panic and the fear and the fact that the building is about to blow.

I love Goofy Jim too.

Reviewer: Coley Signed [Report This]
Date: February 08, 2019 11:21 am Title: Chapter 10

Ugh. Good try, Meredith! I was rooting for you. Angela here just breaks my heart - from the line about weeping for her own defensive mechanisms all the way through the comparison of Jim and Pam to her and Dwight... it’s just beautiful and heartbreaking and you and I will have words if they don’t end up together at the end of all of this.

I’m so sad about Angela and now I have to be see Jim doubting Pam’s love too? Meredith should have stabbed me with that knife, it would have been less painful than this is.

Rolph! Hey buddy! I have been anxiously waiting to see who your Spinelli would be. Does not disappoint.

Dwight and Angela making jokes to keep Pam calm ... seriously... just kill me now because it’s all a little too much. All too much in the best of ways, but still.

Ugh. This is so good. So, so, damn good.

Reviewer: Comfect Signed [Report This]
Date: February 07, 2019 07:05 pm Title: Chapter 11

Loving the Dwangela. Really like Meredith knowing the guy who came through the ceiling (don't care if that's from the original plotline, it fits with the Meredith we know and vaguely tolerate). And you do a very good job as always with the JAM emotions. So, nicely done even though it's all remarkably over the top for this show. It's still true to the emotional core, which is quite impressive.

Reviewer: Duchess Cupcake Signed [Report This]
Date: January 23, 2019 07:07 pm Title: Chapter 10

I knew I shouldn't have given Meredith too much credit too soon. Oh, well.

That Angela bit. God, AG, it was damn perfection. Seriously. Her guilt and jealousy and regret were so palpable; it was this really lovely blend of feeling sorry for her and wanting to shake her. Seriously, that might be one of my absolutely favorite parts of this whole story.

Well, then you had to make Pam say "you owe it to me and Jim to save yourselves and love each other" and I AM CRYING. Seriously, it is all so perfect(ly gut wrenching) and I just love that scene.

Absolutely wonderful. This story is so amazing.

Reviewer: Duchess Cupcake Signed [Report This]
Date: January 23, 2019 06:48 pm Title: Chapter 9

I love how this chapter has Dwight and Meredith show unexpected strength. That they are (maybe?) going to be the ones who save the day is great.
But, geez, kill me okay? Cause Pam and Jim worried about how Jim will live without her made my bottom lip get all quiver-y. That moment when she realizes he will make the next woman miserable at first, that almost-blame she takes on while still taking care of him, is so lovely and in-character and damn heartbreaking. Ugh, and then Jim with his sister!! Great great great job giving us the visual on Jim's transformation through Larissa's eyes. Her empathy made it even more sad.
Creed! Of course! I love where this story is going.

Reviewer: Comfect Signed [Report This]
Date: January 23, 2019 04:59 pm Title: Chapter 10

Well, this is quite nice. I mean, not actually. This is really awful for pretty much every character except maybe Dwangela considered as a unit. But's nice to have you updating, and it is a good update to get the plot moving.

Reviewer: Coley Signed [Report This]
Date: January 06, 2019 07:08 pm Title: Chapter 9

Ugh, why do I love this pairing of Pam, Dwight, and Oscar so much? The rapport between the three of them in this hostage situation is honestly, just great and if you want to write pages and pages of them just joking while Pam is possibly dying, I'm just saying, I'd read it.

I ALMOST forgot Meredith was waiting for her moment until the end there. And Creed's ramblings... what a perfect cover. Seriously.

Reviewer: AshleyFilippelli Signed [Report This]
Date: December 28, 2018 05:49 pm Title: Chapter 9

Glad you’re back! I love dramatic, calculated and well-written angst!

Reviewer: Comfect Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 28, 2018 02:10 pm Title: Chapter 9

Plot movement! Aggressive, sudden plot movement! I kid, but this was an interesting move forward.

Reviewer: lemniscate Signed [Report This]
Date: October 14, 2018 07:01 am Title: Chapter 8

probably one of my favorite fics ever... amazing writing! l o v e the angst

Reviewer: Coley Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: October 04, 2018 05:45 pm Title: Chapter 8

"You operated on me in the middle of an office building. With kitchen supplies." I'm not crying. You are.

I'm not ashamed to say I had one of those charlie horse cramps in my foot earlier today and I thought it was the end of the world, so I feel really bad for Pam here, okay? She's being held together by duct tape and only has vodka to dull her pain and Jim is in the parking lot and Dwight and Oscar are comforting her and there's just a lot going on in this chapter. And it's all brilliantly written and I can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: Coley Signed [Report This]
Date: October 04, 2018 05:34 pm Title: Chapter 7

You're doing such a good job with so many characters in one spot at the same time. Very happy to see Dwight, Angela and Oscar successfully keeping Pam alive so far.

What I love most about this chapter though is the relationship still between Dwight and Angela. I like how well they still work together. I like that Angela is pretty much ignoring Andy. I like that they know each other well enough to keep things going without getting anyone killed.

And I love that Meredith now has a knife.

Reviewer: Coley Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: October 04, 2018 05:19 pm Title: Chapter 6

Yep. A is for sure pissing me off. You know who's not though? Larisa. She's a badass and I love it. And then Angela and the yogurt lid medal? Ugh, loved that too.

It's so weird that Dwight operating on Pam in the middle of the office makes as much sense as it does, but it does - it makes perfect sense. Even with a Friday cliffhanger ending...

Reviewer: Duchess Cupcake Signed [Report This]
Date: September 23, 2018 08:02 pm Title: Chapter 8

Hey, thanks I wanted to just DIE today because not only did you update TWO stories but you updated THIS story. And please don't make me Sophie's Choice this situation but this story has me all kinds of gripped. (In case the stalker-ish reviews haven't been enough of an indicator there...)
I have been trying to figure out a not-too-passive-aggressive way to beg for an update because I'm just dying like a woman held together by duct tape and vodka. (!!!)
Okay, so I love how you have Dwight not able to help himself and kick (appropriately) into resolution mode, even if just a bit. And Oscar to be there is great; he and Dwight are a great pairing with Pam in that moment.
I love love love the end where she makes a few jokes and then affirms them. *Sigh* I love that girl.
And then at the end about Jim! Gah! I am ONLY hanging onto that one time, on that one chat, where you said you like angst with an eventual happy ending. I am only able to get by with that little shred of hope. Man, I love this story.

Author's Response:

Ahh, I've been so bad about reviewing this one! And, considering it's based off of something else so closely, this should really be my easiest write. Thank you for loving this just as much as I do! I promise to be better about updating :)

I'll stand by my "always having an eventual happy ending" because there's no way I could ever do anything that terrible to our loves. But hey, can you spell "Jim and Pam" without a little drama? :)

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