Date: November 30, 2020 04:34 pm Title: Chapter 1
GIRL. This. Fluff. Has. Me. Dead. Dead, I say. I died of a fluff overload. Every line of this was precious and adorable and so, so sweet. I want to just copy and paste the entire story into this review, but I'll just say how much I loved the very beginning where you explain how Pam's life was "falling apart at the seams anytime she looked at him and had to remember that he wasn’t with her" and then when they're finally together, "the pieces quickly fell together." Like, knock me over with a feather, why don't you? Brilliant job. "You're doing amazing, sweetie." ;)
Date: April 04, 2020 04:18 pm Title: Chapter 1
There’s never too much fluff in the world! This was a delight!
Date: April 03, 2020 08:54 am Title: Chapter 1
So sweet and fluffy! I loved it. And great song choice, very Jim and Pam. More like this, please!
Date: March 31, 2020 06:03 pm Title: Chapter 1
Lovely throughout. I liked the mentions of canon events, but the majority being extra-canon. It was a lot of fun to see their thoughts and feelings as their relationship progressed. Great job.
Date: March 31, 2020 12:50 pm Title: Chapter 1
This is one of those stories that makes you feel happy inside and have a smile on your face from beginning to end. I listened to the song before I read this and it really added to the "awww" factor!
The beginning of the story reminded me of those calm summer Saturday nights when the heat isn't unbearable and life just feels perfect.
The wedding and post-wedding pieces were such a sweet and loving look into their off camera lives and showed how much they cared about each other.
Wonderful story!:)
Date: March 31, 2020 09:51 am Title: Chapter 1
The story seems to repeat, you may want to fix that!
Otherwise it was good, I liked it. On a more mechanical note, I'd suggest using the line break built in to your word processor instead of making your own. As a mobile user id appreciate it, as an unbroken line of text does not wrap on mobile.
If you can't find the line break in your word processor,it's also available in the tinyMCE editior.
Author's Response:
Fixed the repeating issue, thanks for letting me know about that! I don't know how that happened lol. I'll try the line break tool, I've never used it but I'm sure I can figure it out.
Thanks for the review, I appreciate it!! (: