Date: April 13, 2020 07:10 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was so sweet! I loved it. I loved the way and the why that Pam left, and it was so perfect that the stranger on the plane was also Pam. She said all the things that I think so many of us think when we watch CN and season 3! Great job, again. I’ve enjoyed your writing so much and am so glad you have come to join us.
Date: April 07, 2020 03:57 pm Title: Chapter 1
This is such a cute fic and a joy to read :)
Thank you for posting!
Date: April 06, 2020 10:13 am Title: Chapter 1
Great story. Loved the stranger's name was Pam also. I'm also glad that Pam and Roy ended with Pam letting Roy know she loved him but was not in love with him. Keep writing.
Date: April 06, 2020 07:36 am Title: Chapter 1
I liked it. Often times it seemed that they both needed just a kick in the pants from an outsider to get over themselves. Plane Pam did that nicely here for Jim.
I loved that Pam came to her realizations on her own like this. It was also good to get the full break up conversation. That can be a tricky thing to write and I think you did it well.
I also really liked all the thoughts and feelings going through their heads. It added a lot of depth to the story. Great job.
Author's Response: I debated on writing the break up scene, thinking I would just start off with Pam at Jim's house, because I wasn't sure how to write it lol. But I figured I might as well try and I think it's decent. Thank you so much for reading, and I really love your thorough reviews!!
Date: April 06, 2020 02:10 am Title: Chapter 1
This is a rom-com and I am 100% here for it! My trope loving heart is so, so happy.
Author's Response: You're absolutely right, this is totally a rom-com lol! I didn't mean to do that, but I'm not mad about it. I'm glad you enjoyed it!!