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Reviewer: FireGuy Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: April 21, 2022 09:16 am Title: Photocopies and Jellybeans

I can’t wait to see what happens!!! On the edge of my seat to have Pam win over the manwhore and make him domesticated. Maybe? 😊

Reviewer: FireGuy Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: April 20, 2022 12:30 pm Title: Photocopies and Jellybeans

I can’t wait to see what happens!!! On the edge of my seat to have Pam win over the manwhore and make him domesticated. Maybe? 😊

Reviewer: FireGuy Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: April 20, 2022 07:20 am Title: Photocopies and Jellybeans

I can’t wait to see what happens!!! On the edge of my seat to have Pam win over the manwhore and make him domesticated. Maybe? 😊

Author's Response: Thank you so much!! Hmm, will she really end up with him? I’m kind of rooting for Ryan to end up with her (???) We’ll see.

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: April 19, 2022 11:08 am Title: Inside the Mind of a Manwhore

Please don't apologize, we all know there's a real life outside of MTT, and having one is something to be proud of. Especially if you're going to come back with an update like this.?

Kelly sniffing Jim is hilarious and very Kelly, in all timelines, as is her completely ignoring the end of Romeo and Juliet because Leo and Claire Danes looked good in?it. I love her little look down in shame - she knows she's done wrong, she just can't help herself.

"I think you're a kind, generous, thoughtful, and loving person who's had some bad luck in the love department. You're a real gentleman and any girl would be lucky to have you."
"Aww, thanks Kel."
"And you're really hot. Like really, really hot." THIS IS SO KELLY.

"And if it were like any other day, Michael would kick her out in one minute and say?"12:15 gonna have me some sardine"?even though he never brought sardines for lunch." Yep, that's our Michael.

Jim's POV on his potential future with Pam is adorable. Oooof, though - him watching someone else fulfill his canon role as "turner of all bad things into good" hurts to think about.

Also, congrats on your Dundies nominations!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I’m so shocked by the Dundies nomination but really thankful for all the support and reviews! 

Kelly was so much fun to write, she may actually be my favorite to write because I can go as absurd as I want to with her. She’s probably like my female version of Michael.

 It’s been fun writing Jim in this light. I really hope I can bring this story to justice.


Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 17, 2022 03:57 pm Title: Inside the Mind of a Manwhore

An interesting look into Jim's mind for sure. At least we clearly know who he really is pining after. Though considering his history in this story and also with Danny being so clearly in the picture, it feels like there's going to be a few more ups and downs before everything is settled. Nice to get an update for this one for sure though.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for the review, as always!

 It’s definitely going to be long journey for Jim in this fic. I hope it’ll be a happy ending for him. 

Reviewer: FireGuy Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: February 19, 2022 05:51 pm Title: A Horror Film and A Rom-Com

On the edge of my seat for an update. I love this story!

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 21, 2022 07:17 am Title: A Horror Film and A Rom-Com

Interesting to see Danny and Pam hitting it off so well. However I think it's really setting up a pretty big point of conflict. Especially since Pam can't seem to really be 100% truthful with Danny. Seems like that won't bode well. Same with her hesitation to say Danny's her boyfriend. On paper, Danny is pretty much the ideal guy and clearly she enjoys being with him on certain levels. However, Jim is always there in her mind. Regardless of how nice it is with Danny, it still seems like Jim is the one she wants to be with and the one she can let down her guard with.

I'm also fully on board with Pam in one aspect. Jim needs to clearly and firmly end everything with Cathy in no uncertain terms. For all of this Jim's posturing, he still has some of the scared wishy-washy tendencies from canon. At least that's how I read it.

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: January 20, 2022 12:04 pm Title: A Horror Film and A Rom-Com

YAY! Very happy to see this one return! Even if it is with Pam/Danny fluff. She deserves to be pretty right by someone, even if it's not Jim... and especially someone who finds her fundamental awkwardness and goofball energy as charming as it is.

Oooof. He's setting himself up for some trouble unintentionally though. Poor Danny. He keeps comparing himself to Jim and falling just... a little... short. And it's such an interesting contrast to canon, where Jim is "competing" for Pam's affections with someone who's so blatantly WRONG for her on paper. Seeing him up against someone who checks so many of Pam's boxes is a fun twist.

Oh, this conversation in the apartment stings. Poor Jim. He's trying so hard.

Also, Michael trying to use the eggplant emoji in an entirely appropriate way was a fun detail.

Will be holding you to your solemn and unbreakable pledge of weekly updates...

Reviewer: Christabro Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: October 03, 2021 06:32 am Title: A New Year's Resolution and A Couple of Tickets

Can’t wait for this story to be updated! It’s so good!

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: October 01, 2021 10:19 am Title: A New Year's Resolution and A Couple of Tickets

Personally, I love the flashback, especially the way you put the button on it to bring it back to the Danny date.

I know it's not the heart of the bad date, but Pam being so surprised by how nicely Roy is treating her at the beginning and suspecting he's screwed up is just ooooof. Like... come on, Pam. It's time. This is not "trying."

(Love Kelly's New Year's resolution. SO Kelly, always down to be a rom com heroine. And her self-identification with Cher is perfect.)

You also put Roy's weird, very high school combination of jealousy and envy and loathing of Jim to good use here... Roy so badly wants to impress Jim that he ends up being wildly insensitive to Pam. He's got a lot of growing up to do. What a tool. (And speaking of tools, I appreciate you including both Jim going to support Kevin's band *and* Jim completely forgetting where Nelly works, or at least how to pronounce it, in the same exchange. He has potential, that dirtbag Jim, and not just if he thinks you're cute.)

Oh my gosh. This is SO MUCH WORSE THAN THE HOCKEY GAME. Like, there at least Kenny was there in the first place. And he came back for her in canon. Dear lorde. What a baboon. AND HE FORGOT HER NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION SO COMPLETELY HE THOUGHT HE CAME UP WITH IT HIMSELF. Dead man walking.

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 01, 2021 10:08 am Title: A New Year's Resolution and A Couple of Tickets

So Roy is an ass. Really makes me wonder why she stayed with him as long as she did. Clearly at that point in their relationship she was having doubts about the guy. But to just abandon her at a restruant like that? Dick move Roy. I don't care if he was waiting for her, it's clear he didn't really value her. Same with all the sniping at Jim. Pam's right, they're not in high school anymore, Roy needs to grow up. No wonder she says it was her worst date ever.

I liked the way Jim was acting. I get the fact from Pam's perspective he was kind of being his arrogant Mr. Cool Jim self, but there's hints of something else. Saying anyone should be glad to spend their life with Pam. Giving her a ride home. A shoulder to lean on and so on.

So Pam and Danny are at the drive in? Interesting choice to be sure. We'll see how that goes.

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 30, 2021 11:40 pm Title: A Horrible Date and Some Magic

Ohh Jim, what you said to Kelly is almost certain to come back and bite you in the ass. We'll be sure to buckle up for that one. The banter he and Pam share though was great fun to read. Lots of emotional undertones even without that kiss. Feels like things are about to get a lot more complicated that's for sure.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

I'm honestly looking forward to see Cathy and Jim interacting after she inevitably finds out about the lie.

One of my challenges right now is how to keep this Jim and Pam banter afloat since they're not really in a relationship so I can't add too much love stuff. So I'm really glad that you're still enjoying them.

Let's see where the ride takes us. 

Reviewer: Basscop69 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 27, 2021 02:32 pm Title: A Horrible Date and Some Magic

Yay, I’m always so excited to see an update for this fic! Jim’s Kelly date really was…everything you could ever hope for from a Jim and Kelly date. I love her trying to complement every inch of his pink outfit. And Jim loading up on whisky to try to cope with her non-stop talk, LOL. Also this line: "Really?" he gulped, "How chatty exactly?” So good.

I really enjoyed the insight into Jim’s perspective and his outlook on not being a complainer - also him being confronted with some of the less likeable aspects of his personality after Ryan’s earlier nastiness, and it being Dwight of all people to give him a more accurate perspective. Dwight gathering information on everyone is also just very Dwight.

Pam genuinely being worried about Jim being mad and sending him 30 messages is very sweet, as is finding out what he was actually worried about…and her sending him the pictures and helping her with the dress 😍 And then the scene at the end!! And the kiss!! I loved the call-back to him giving her his jacket too. Both of their reactions after the kiss are adorable. I love the way you’re writing them slowly inching towards each other and trying to brush it off for their deal.

And oh no Jim, I feel like this Cathy lie is going to come back to haunt him, especially if Kelly’s involved…

Very much looking forward to Pam’s date with Danny!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! My favorite line from that date was also the "How chatty exactly?". I just found it amusing to write how Kelly never saw herself as talkative.

I just really wanted an excuse to include Dwight in the chapter, lol. But in all seriousness, I wanted to make sure that Jim is not this cocky person that people make him out to be. He also has feelings and he can be hurt especially by the people he cares about.

The kiss, I was really afraid of but I went with it and I'm so glad you liked it. Maybe a few chapters more and it will be a full blown making out session (kidding)

Well, Dwight did say that someone commented that Jim was kind of dumb. The Cathy lie was not his brightest moment.

Reviewer: Invisiblecynic Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: August 25, 2021 06:12 pm Title: A Horrible Date and Some Magic

Love this chapter (though I'd like to knock Jim & Pam's heads together so they wake up). There is enough of sweet caring Jim mixed in with slutty Jim to keep me from disliking him. The date with Kelly was hilarious, Jim is probably going to hate himself for the Cathy comments. Kelly WILL talk and adding Cathy back into the mix will be another layer for Pam & Jim to get through if they are ever going to be together. The banter in Pam & Jim's messages is so we'll done.

Very excited to see what happens next, especially after the kiss. I have the feeling these two are headed for some choppy waters, but I'm hopeful they figure it all out.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! 

I'm really happy that you don't dislike slutty Jim. He really has a heart of gold despite his... activities. Oh, Kelly will definitely talk. We'll just have to see how big of an impact the news will have.

With their banter, glad you liked it because admittedly, one of the hardest things I've come to realize in writing is imagining a conversation happening in my head. Especially anticipating how two people would react to each other. 

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: August 24, 2021 10:40 am Title: A Horrible Date and Some Magic

Some more intriguing hints of what led our darling Jim to this place in his life, both in terms of his history and what it meant to him, how it might have created a different Jim, and I thought it was placed well here as context for his sensitivity about Ryan's comments. (And I *love* that Dwight is the one who makes him feel better.) Really looking forward to the reveal.

"So I take it sex is off the table?" Oh, Kelly. I love you. I am a bigger Jim/Kelly shipper than the average bear (as in I've occasionally thought about why there isn't more Jim/Kelly), but your case for why they'd be just a terrible couple is well made here. I appreciate Kelly openly admitting she's just trying to make Ryan jealous and becoming a cheerleader for Jim/Cathy. She was a lot of fun here.

AND THE ACCIDENTAL KISS. This is wonderfully trope-y and awkward and very them. Squealing noises.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!!

I like adding little hints as to why there's a reverse Philly Jim happening here, and I hope I get to the meat of it soon (if I can just get myself to write faster *brings out treadmill*). I also just can't help but sprinkle Jim and Dwight if I see that it can fit in the chapter. They have officially become my favorite couple (after JAM of course)

Hmmm, I really wish I could've written more about Kelly and Jim but I had to end it (and unfortunately bring more Cathy in the fold). I had so much fun thinking about what pop culture references were there in 2015.

The kiss, I almost chickened out of it, but 17 chapters in and I was like okay, let's go for it. Make them kiss. Even if they would blatantly deny the meaning behind it. Lol. Glad you liked it!! 

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: August 06, 2021 03:15 pm Title: Three Wins and Four Men Yelling

Look, it's a guilty pleasure, but I really do enjoy the heck out of watching Ryan fall on his ass here... and his total inability to acknowledge how bad he is at this makes that much better. It's the sort of comeuppance I always wanted for him. And naturally he immediately goes in for the low blows. Very much the guy we know. The bastard. (I also love Ryan and Cathy as the Dark Jim and Pam, in the way that Ryan and Kelly were the Toxic Jim and Pam.)

Jim's air guitar solo was beautiful and I'd like to see that filmed. I also love the image of Michael having to police both the Jim-Ryan and Dwight-Danny fights while Kelly and Cathy pull Jim into their drama - feels very much like canon-style humor.

Michael's idea of a win-win-win is apparently catastrophically silly in all universes. But I love Jim and Pam's IM banter, and the growing little signs of jealousy with Pam. I continue to think it was a good choice to make Danny seem like a viable option here... adds some tension to the whole situation.

Looking forward to seeing how the various dates go!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! In canon, I've hated Ryan from the moment he gave Jim a formal warning out of pettiness so it just feels awesome to write him in the most awful way possible. Combine him with Crazy Cathy and you really got yourself a match made in hell.

Jim doing an air guitar solo kind of reminded me of Barney Stinson, I just feel like this Jim would find him to be a really cool guy. Then the ensuing fights, I almost wish I wrote I dialogue for it but I didn't want to end up with a 10k word chapter.

Pam and Danny, oh man, I almost regret making him so nice, to be honest, knowing the inevitable (??) outcome.

Reviewer: Basscop69 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 05, 2021 08:50 am Title: Three Wins and Four Men Yelling

This was another really fun chapter! I love the way you’ve mixed up the ensemble here. I enjoyed having Jim’s POV at the start (and his name for Pam on his phone, aww) - their text banter was very sweet and funny too (Pam is protesting a *little* bit too much about Jim being a close second I think 😏). Ryan is so classically Ryan here, I love him accidentally insulting the client’s daughters and then trying to pretend it was all part of his sales strategy. And then having the cheek to get annoyed with Jim. Him and Cathy actually sound like a very well-suited pair. And then Danny and Dwight! Amazing. The whole thing culminating in the four of them then having a shouting match in Michael’s office is brilliant too, although I do really feel for Jim in this :( And I enjoyed the small hint of Pam’s potential jealousy at the end - I’m greatly looking forward to Kelly and Jim’s date (which is a sentence I never thought I’d write, lol).

Author's Response: Thank you so much!!

I really love incorporating different dynamics (like a Ryan and Jim rivalry or Pam being stuck in a room with Kelly/Cathy) so if there are characters outside of Jim and Pam that I feel like I can use to drive the storyline, I just run with it. 
Whenever I write Pam here, I just have a Kat Dennings voice in my head for some reason so she ends up kind of being snarkier than the timid Pam on the show, which I kind of like because the banter/flirtation just keeps on going between her and Jim. Bumblebeesly, I don't know why I thought of a Transformers reference but it kinda works? Jim is kind of a dork in spite of all the douche that I injected in his personality.
Ugh, Ryan. I'm pretty sure we've all had that coworker or teammate who is so deluded about his own abilities and faults you if he messes up. That's my whole thing for him.
Jim and Kelly? We'll have to see what happens there. Lol. 

Reviewer: Once Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: August 04, 2021 07:15 pm Title: Three Wins and Four Men Yelling

This chapter was engrossing and fun to read. Sometimes the journey to the destination is 75% of the fun.

You really brought out the characters' personalities and interactions well.
Ryan having no idea how inept and insulting he is at sales and then landing low blow after low blow on Jim, manwhore though he may be.
Dwight being the one having a complaint filed on him instead of him doing the formal complaint on someone else was a refreshing change.
I really liked the three negotiating the detente though I wanted to bash Michael for not defending his two best salesmen, but I often feel like bashing him. When left to his own devices, Michael will choose the worst possible solution to any given situation.
Nice way to slip in Crazy!Cathy. Just a reminder of her character.

There were three other characters in this chapter -- Snap, Crackle, and Pop. This posting was full to the rim with them. I'd give you a bowl of Rice Krispies if I could. A jelly bean will have to stand in.

Good onya

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! And thank you for the Rice Krispies haha

To be honest, I was really scared adding this chapter because it wasn't in my original outline but I ended up having so much fun writing it. I was just in that mindset of making all of these people (outside of Pam and Danny... and Jim to an extent but he is inherently a douche in this story) be as ridiculously awful as possible.

Ryan was definitely the worst of the bunch. He just wanted to get Jim riled up to the point where he was genuinely hurt by his comments. He was a literal high school bully here. I mean if he can make someone like Dwight, who literally locked someone in a coffin, turn out to be a more decent human being then that's saying something.

 With Michael, although yes, it was a terrible decision from his end (I mean obviously Jim would be upset), he just wants everyone to get along which was always his downfall.

Cathy is literally just a crazy ex-girlfriend through and through. I don't think I'll be able to find a way to redeem her by the time I finish this.

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 04, 2021 06:41 pm Title: Three Wins and Four Men Yelling

You're really writing both Cathy and Ryan as love-to-hate characters. Ryan thinking he's all that but in reality he's just a cocky little scumbag that deflects everything on Jim. Cathy being the jealous clingy ex. I do really hope that one of these days Pam doesn't just take her down a peg, but pulls all the pegs off the wall with such verve that Cathy never recovers. Nice way to get Ryan into the closest too.

Will sparks fly between Jim and Kelly? I doubt it. Kelly may be excited and Jim is going to be nice for sure, but I doubt anythings going to come of it.

Same for Pam and Danny. Yeah he's a nice guy and I'm sure he'll treat her decently. But her thoughts betry her. Something tells me she'll be thinking of Jim the whole time which will have an effect on the date. Might be the same for Jim. Time will tell I'm sure.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

Ryan, I always think about him in a way that he hates Jim so much because he secretly wishes he was living his playboy and self-confident lifestyle but he's so deluded about his own abilities. But he does know how to push Jim's buttons, so maybe we'll see what happens with these two (or I can just have Ryan magically fall of a cliff)

Cathy, I was gonna have something bigger for her but I just doused the entire chapter with Ryan's awfulness that I decided to dial back. But yeah, even in small doses, she's terrible.

With the upcoming dates, we'll really see where true feelings lie. Will any truth come out of it? I'm kinda excited to be writing it now. 

Reviewer: Basscop69 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 28, 2021 04:28 am Title: A Beard and A Blonde

Hehe, your ability to write Cathy as truly awful in this is both amazing and very funny. I feel like she gets worse every chapter. The unhelpful tie fixing, and her gritted teeth when Jim tells her he hopes she’s happy with Ryan, is brilliant. And then Pam *actually* fixing his tie, and finding an excuse to touch his beard…I love it. I just love their every interaction in this, and the way you write their banter and teasing, and Pam slowly grudgingly noticing things (/falling for) him. (Also, Angela getting annoyed about the PPC for a party Jim just made up is so, so Angela). This was great!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!!

I like how Cathy feels like she's perfect for Jim but manages to screw everything up and she still thinks she's awesome.

With Jim and Pam, they have to know they're full on flirting, right? Who knows what these two are thinking?

Thank you for the Angela part! I spent so long thinking about what would get Angela pissed at both of them. I'm glad you liked it! 

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 19, 2021 09:26 pm Title: A Beard and A Blonde

Lots of Jim and Pam being all sorts of flirty with each other there. And once more Pam is thinking more about Jim than she is Danny. Feels like we're building up to something here and it'll be quite interesting to see how it all pans out.

Jim shutting down Cathy like that was just great. The more Cathy gets shut down the better.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

Yeah, with Pam, it's like why is she even trying with Danny right? We'll see how it goes. Danny seems like a really sweet guy, though.

I really love the Jim and Cathy dynamic. It's honestly my favorite so far. It's like why can't she just leave him alone? 

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: July 18, 2021 02:33 pm Title: A Beard and A Blonde

HA! You did a really good job mixing in canon references here, especially in this opening conversation with Cathy. Who is the WORST. Ugh. Obviously she's the kind of person who doesn't know the difference between Pizza by Alfredo and Alfredo's Pizza Cafe. So in character.

Some very enjoyable Jim and Pam banter here - and Jim and Pam fast-on-their-feet teamwork. Those crazy kids do work well together, don't they...

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

I like challenging myself in making Cathy as annoying as possible.

With Jim and Pam, yeah they're so quick with their shenanigans. I wonder if they'll be as quick as realizing their feelings for each other. *shrugs* 

Reviewer: Merria Signed [Report This]
Date: July 18, 2021 01:43 pm Title: A Beard and A Blonde

I’m really glad this story is still up. I can’t wait to read who figures out first that Jim and Pam are both head over heels about each other. And I’m dying to read Jim’s date with Kelly

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I really wanted to get to Jim and Kelly's date already but ideas just keep popping in my head. We'll get there real soon!!

 With Jim and Pam, we'll really see. I wonder what'll cause it? 

Reviewer: Basscop69 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 01, 2021 02:55 pm Title: Post-Its and Soup Snakes

Hehe, I love that the Dwight 'idiot' ringtone is Jim's alarm, this was such a great (and funny) way to use it. Pam's little post-its for Jim, her making him breakfast, and his minor freak-out & second-guessing over the heart she left him was all so adorable. I think I've said this before, but I just love the way you write them in this fic so much. I also really like the brief insight into Jim's feelings for Pam here, and his denial (classic), but also that some of that is driven by how much he values their friendship, which feels very pure. His entire phone call with Michael is just brilliant. Also, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I love every single one of your chapter titles - this one might be one my favourites, especially with the reveal of where soup snakes came from.

And then Kelly and Jim!! (Cathy with Ryan is also excellent, they feel like...a well-deserved pair?) I love that Jim agrees to the date just for Pam, and that hint of her disappointment - can't wait to see how the date turns out!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

I was wondering if I was going too deep into Jim's head and if there are feelings there, but I stuck with it because it really is a Jim and Pam story after all. And yeah, they are friends (well, Pam was in denial of this here), much like in canon so I think he cares about her so much because of that. 

Thank you for acknowledging my titles hehe. I get so amused whenever I get to the part where I have to think about what to call this chapter. And with soup snakes, I knew writing this chapter that I had to include it because I just love the term so much.

Kelly and Jim was 100% a last minute addition (which is making life harder for me since I now have to include their date in the story but pains of writing I guess haha), and it really shows the lengths Jim would go to for Pam. I mean this is Kelly we're talking about. Cathy/Ryan, definitely a match made in hell. We'll see how long that lasts.

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: June 26, 2021 04:01 pm Title: Post-Its and Soup Snakes

Well, if this is how long it takes to produce this quality a chapter, this is how long it takes to produce this quality a chapter. Befuddled Jim pondering the meaning of Pam's hearts was adorable, as was Pam's teasing show of domestic bliss. And you've continued to find the voices of the other characters well here - this very much sounds like Kelly (and Ryan through Kelly), and you can a touch of Jim's softness towards Michael here. (The Dwight alarm will haunt my dreams.)

Again, I like the choice to make Danny seem like a quite viable prospect for Pam. Makes the not-quite-love-triangle feel more tense. Maybe he'll end up with Kelly? She could use a nice guy.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

With Jim, I just had that weird mindset where I was like okay, I will turn him into a middle schooler who gets so flustered with these little notes. And I've been writing about Pam being a textbook overthinker. I wanted to show that he is not as confident as he seems.

I found it so funny with Kelly because I ran into a deleted scene of Kelly showing Erin (I think) of pictures Ryan took of her after writing this. I had no idea that existed. With Dwight, I always wanted to incorporate his ringtone and I found it funny that Jim would purposely make it his alarm.

Oh, Danny and Pam. We'll really see how it goes but it's quite unfortunate that he likes Pam. Danny and Kelly? There's an idea. 

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