Reviews For Hello Daddy
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Reviewer: WithaY Signed [Report This]
Date: June 18, 2022 06:44 pm Title: The Brief

Loved this as always! Even though it’s a cliffhanger, I love that they have confessed their love, especially using the great canon lines. I’m still intrigued about Pam’s cluster of “symptoms”… but I feel better about it knowing they both are seriously committed to this relationship and each other.

Jim’s work travel came out of left field, but these two can handle anything! The fall outfits were super cozy too, setting the scene!

Packer was so cringeworthy— can’t wait to see where the rest of the characters fit in! And the story of Penny was so sweet— love JAM connecting and sharing their past.

As always, fantastic work! I anxiously await the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Glad this chapter didn’t disappoint!!

Apologies for the cliffhanger! I promise I’ll update as soon as I can but it will be a little while!

And yes! Definitely wanted them committed to each other even though it’s not been that long that they’ve been together, which is kinda why these chapters have just been going on a bit more than I expected them to!

Glad you liked all the fall stuff, was a lot of fun to research all of it. Boy do I wish I could spend some time in Pound Ridge!

Lots more of your favourites coming soon, won’t be too long until we meet them!

Thanks so much for the review!! 

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 18, 2022 05:45 pm Title: The First Month Part Seven

Roy's bad enough but it was Dr. Packer who they went to? Eesh. I mean seriously, I get why Pam doesn't really like talking about Roy all that much. If that's what the relationship was like, looking back on it, yeah very not great.

Loved all the canon adapted lines. They fit well in everything here. That Jim is the first to confess his real feelings was great and that Pam told him she feels the same way. It's a lot of fun that they can just enjoy being in love without all the extra heartache and angst.

Lots of fun hanging out with Iz too. "Oh yeah we live in a rom com now." I mean she's not wrong. Looks like there's some pretty big things coming on the horizon. Should be really interesting to see how it all pans out.

Author's Response:

Yeah Pam’s previous relationships have just been awful, so it’s easy to see why she can’t believe Jim is a regular person and not some fairytale prince!

I don’t do angst very well, so I’m afraid it was always going to be pretty fluffy here!

Lots of big things coming (Twss) this story is far from finished….! 

Reviewer: InRomanovWeTrust Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 18, 2022 10:37 am Title: The Brief

I can’t believe you’d leave me on a cliffhanger like that. How could you do this to me???? I loved it as always, though.

Author's Response:

Hehehe 🤭 

Thanks so much! So happy you’re liking it!! 

Reviewer: Yellowberry22 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 18, 2022 12:56 am Title: The First Month Part Seven

Lovely outfits. Very extraordinary. Interesting Transport!

Author's Response: d84;a039;

Reviewer: InRomanovWeTrust Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 08:27 pm Title: The First Month Part Six

Such a cute chapter! Also Cathy and Karen need to stay away from Jim. Ugh. I want to beat them with a tree branch.

Author's Response:

Hahaha!! That's EXACTLY how I feel too!!

Thanks for the review! 

Reviewer: InRomanovWeTrust Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 07:05 pm Title: The First Month Part Four

Oooooh that was a super risky move on Pam’s part. I loved it though. 7278/10. Would recommend.

Author's Response:

It was!!

Thank you SO much!! Glad you're enjoying it :) 

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:31 pm Title: The First Month Part Six

Oh Cathy Cathy Cathy... what a homewrecker xD

I really enjoyed this chapter! I absolutely LOVED the pool smut (and thank you for the shout-out too ;) )

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it! Sorry Pam cut it short!!

Thanks so much for the review and for your help! 

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:29 pm Title: The First Month Part Five

Wow.... Karen is... kind of a bitch

Author's Response: She really is!

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:28 pm Title: The First Month Part Four

I mean, birthday sex IS a great present... that applies to Jam too ;)

Author's Response: Haha!

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:27 pm Title: The First Month Part Three

Okay, I'm weirdly fascinated by the fact that Cathy stole the lingerie Jim bought for Pam. Like... what did she plan to do with it? Take photos of herself in it to "woo" Jim? Huh...

Author's Response: I don't think Cathy thinks through anything of what she does, in any universe 

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:25 pm Title: The First Month Part Two

He ripped her bra?! HE RIPPED HER BRA?!?!

Author's Response: He really did!

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:24 pm Title: The First Month Part One

Lol, the way their coworkers snicker over knowing they just spend the night together is hilarious!
On top of Jam having another day the next day? I'm sold

Author's Response: Glad you liked that bit! I enjoyed writing them all A LOT!

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:22 pm Title: The Date...Continued

d....did Jam just fuck on their first date?!

Author's Response: Uh, yeah they did!

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:22 pm Title: The Date...Continued

d....did Jam just fuck on their first date?!

Author's Response: Uh, yeah they did!

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 11, 2022 08:37 pm Title: The First Month Part Six

More and more evidence that Pam is pregnant. Morning sickness, increased tiredness, increased sensitivity. Kinda feels like it'll take something drastic for her to wake up about it all though.

Other than that, lots of fun this time around. Loved the re-use of the Booze Cruise items. Jim using them as an opportunity to make room for Pam in his life. Very sweet. Likewise their poolside tryst, prior to Pam falling asleep that is.

I think you've got Ryan and Kelly down really well. Kelly being the over excited about everything person she is. I do wonder how the rest of her pregnancy will turn out though. Ryan being the kind of jerk about it all. He was only thinking about himself and now has to face the consequences. The fact he's basically pouting like a child reads true for me.

Cathy trying to flirt with Jim there too. Sorry Cathy, you're barking up the wrong tree. Try as you might, Jim's heart (and other body parts) is already spoken for.

I also really liked the call back to canon Halloween costumes, but elevated a bit. Great way to put a new spin on things. As always can't wait for more.

Author's Response:

Glad you liked the Booze Cruise list, it was a little tricky getting it to actually work!

Yeah Cathy isn't going to get anywhere quickly acting like she is, just making Jim more uncomfortable than anything! Unfortunately we've not seen the last of her!

Phew! Kelly and Ryan were fighting me in this one, so happy they came across well in the end!

Thanks so much for the review! Hope you like what's to come!! 

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: June 11, 2022 12:52 am Title: The First Month Part Six

Hmmm. Nauseous, with heightened emotions and sensitivity. Curious. Very curious.

Ahhhh, these kids are so cute together. And props on figuring out a way to work all of the Booze Cruise props in and make it make sense. AND the hot dog note.

Poor... I don't know who I feel worse for, Ryan or Kelly. Nope, definitely Kelly.

Please tell me Jim is going to be working with Dwight...

Author's Response:

Ah thank you! Took a little while to figure it out, the rubber soled shoes threw me a bit! But glad it worked out!

You'll just have to wait and find out what happens with Dwim!

Thanks for the review!! 

Reviewer: Robert Dunder Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 10, 2022 05:57 am Title: The First Month Part Six

I've been waiting for an update to this story and I'm not disappointed!

Nice callback to Booze Cruise. I doubt Pam will be able to get those ski lessons now since... her breasts are becoming more sensitive.

Lol, Crazy Cathy. I take it back. I hope Pam doesn't fire her because it's just funny to see her try (and fail) to make a move on Jim.

I don't think Angela's crazy on Jim, which let's face it I don't think she ever liked him in canon. Ryan and Kelly with absolutely no filter in public = AMAZING

Aww, these two totally love each other (although I'm glad neither of them are blurting out the L word, I mean it's literally been less than a month), even if Jim doesn't really like any of the shows she's watching. I found that detail to be really cute.

Can't wait for more!!

Author's Response:

Oh I’m so glad you liked it! I’m trying to get the chapters up as quick as possible, I think I need to start making them shorter 🤣

Yeah as I wrote the ski lessons, I was kinda sad that they might not happened. I’m sure Jim will have something else planned instead for Pam, don’t worry!!

Oh glad you liked the Netflix bit! I spent a good time trawling through old release dates and almost got distracted rewatching those shoes 🤣

Thanks so much for the review and jelly! 

Reviewer: WithaY Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 10, 2022 05:26 am Title: The Brief

You can make this story go on as looooong as you like… I love living vicariously through this gorgeous, sexy, expensively high end JAM AU! I LOVED Jim’s birthday gift from Pam— so sweet and thoughtful— and loved that he hung it straight away!

And I loved that Pam actually cooked for Jim—totally counts, she doesn’t even need to hide the jar of pasta sauce! I’m not sure what I’m excited for next— the I love yous or their realization of their impending “creation”— but no, it’s definitely not too early to say it, JAM! Clearly they are smitten with each other— even when one or the other is asleep on the couch.

I’d love a triple date with JAM, Dwangela, and KRyan. Speaking of, twins?!?! Oh what an adventure!

Can’t wait for more… aside from their romance, they would make a lovely creative team professionally! Fantastic work as always!

Author's Response:

Haha I hope you still feel that way in like 25 chapter’s time 🤣🤣 but I love that you love it and I love living their life so much, my search history is hilarious trawling through all the elements that make up their life!

Glad you liked the cooking there! I got the idea from your last comment, so thank you! I’ve already got some more Pam not cooking cooking planned for in the future! Any other ideas, please do send them on over!!

Thanks so much for the review and the jelly!! 


Reviewer: ThePinkButterfly Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 09, 2022 08:15 pm Title: The First Month Part Six

This kind of content is what fanfiction was made for. I’m a little sad that the pool scene got cut short (c’mon, Pam!) but I loved it regardless. Jim takes such good care of Pam and I love every second of it.

Author's Response:

Oh thank you 🥹 that’s really made my day!

Sorry about the pool scene, but it was smut with a purpose (wow I’m not sure that happens much!!) and it was needed! 

Thanks so much for the review and jelly! 

Reviewer: New Hogfan Signed [Report This]
Date: June 09, 2022 08:08 pm Title: The First Month Part Six

Cathy is a complete psycho!
Karen(and Kelly)is just sad and desperate.
However, it does seem that Jim isn’t blind to what Cathy is trying to do. He probably has had other women throw themselves at him.
Angela is a good match for Dwight because
they are both socially awkward.
I’m getting the feeling that yes there will be another Ordinary Things baby. Please update soon!

Author's Response:

Yup Cathy is crazy and Jim can deffo see something is going on, just like in canon! Eugh that woman!

Next chapter is already in the works, don’t worry!

Thanks for the review! 

Reviewer: tinydundie Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 09, 2022 05:49 pm Title: The First Month Part Six

Okay finally catching up with this one, and lots going on! First of all, Karen is crazy. Cathy is crazy. But I guess that's to be expected.

Holly and David... are they a couple? Did I miss something? Where is Michael? THIS MAKES ME SAD

"The room expects sex..." amazing. and yes, totally from Friends, don't lie, Jim.

*Jim just stared at her. "Wow," was all he could say. I love you, was all he could think*


*"I promise you," he said between kisses, "no one is coming up here." *

EXCEPT THEM, you mean? *ba dum tss*

Pam with the kids on halloween was a cute reference to canon. They keep falling asleep on each other, don't they? XD

Excited for Jim to finally say the L word...

Author's Response:

Oh! Ok so maybe I should go back and tweak the Holly and David bit - it made sense in my head with my list of characters in front of me 🤣 but no, David is very much married to Rachel. Holly is HR at Athleap! And don’t you worry, Michael hadn’t been forgotten. Don’t be sad, it’s gonna be worth it 😬

Omg, EXCEPT THEM phahahahha that has made me laugh so much for the review and jelly!

Thanks so much  

Reviewer: Yellowberry22 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 09, 2022 03:22 pm Title: The First Month Part Six

'mazing opportunities, magnificent story!

Author's Response: Thank you mama

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: June 07, 2022 05:45 pm Title: The First Month Part Five

Uh oh. Someone's in trooooooooouble.

Don't worry, Pam. Kevin's just Like That. Or possibly he knows. He has a sense for these things.

Oh, Karen. Honey. He's just not that into you. There's a whole movie about this. You 100% had that blow coming.

As did you, Tom and Pete. Although your wives didn't.

EEEP. THANKSGIVING. YOU CRAZY KIDS ARE MOVING ALONG AT PACE. Which is maybe for the best, all things considered...

Author's Response:

Haha yes! That movie could literally be written about Karen

The wives will get over it, Jim’ll do something nice for them don’t worry

Maybe for the best indeed!!

Thanks so much for the review! 

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: June 07, 2022 04:26 pm Title: The First Month Part Four

"I haven't heard you complaining about my morning energy." JAMES.

Ah, you're really bringing the steam in this chapter. "You said I should eat." JAMES DUNCAN HALPERT. Lol. They're really stretching their boundaries here. I was on the edge of my seat to see if they were going to get caught.

VERY interested in hearing more of the Roy backstory. And YIKES. Karen, get it together lady.

Author's Response:

Heheheh well THAT would have been awkward if they were caught!

More Roy coming at you very soon! 

Reviewer: Robert Dunder Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 03, 2022 08:09 pm Title: The First Month Part Five

Woohoo! I cannot wait for a Crazy Cathy chapter. She needs the love (hate) and attention that she deserves

Pranky, drunk Jim who’s too tired to have sex is so fun to read. That Jimmy Choo joke was hilarious.

And Karen just happened to be in the same place as Jim’s birthday party? That’s pretty sketchy. Yay for Pam being a complete badass bitch to her.

Can’t wait for more!

Author's Response:

So glad you liked the Jimmy Choo joke, it was right there so I felt I had to do something with it 🤣 I’m glad you liked drunk Jim, he was fun to write  

Cathy will be returning soon, don’t you worry!

Chapter 10 is on its way, don’t worry! Thanks so much for the review!! 

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