Reviews For Hello Daddy
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Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 19, 2022 05:56 pm Title: The Second Month Part Five

You gave Jim a Rolex Daytona? Nice! Those things are pretty classic, not to mention very pricey. More and more I'm getting the sense Jim has a box of different watches along with a watch winder or two to keep them all wound up.

Oh Michael. There you go grilling your foot again and still using it to get as much attention as you can. Still the moment Jim and Pam see the little one for the first time was great. That's a special moment for sure and it was lovely to envision.

Cathy and Ryan are horrible as always. I feel like one of these days Jim and/or Pam are going to snap and just lay into them. It probably won't change anything, but there you go.

Cat's out of the bag with Pam and the companies. I'm sure that'll prove very interesting. RIP Sprinkles. Hopefully you didn't die freezing to death clawing at frozen potatoes this time.

Author's Response:

Oh phew! I'm glad the watch went down well!! Yeah, I kind of think he has a nice little selection in his enourmous closet!!

Yeah Cathy and Ryan, something's gotta happen soon right? Right??


Reviewer: GodSaveAutocracy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 09, 2022 11:15 am Title: The Second Month Part Four

This has been such a wonderful story to finally get caught up on.

The only issue is that now that I’ve given you all the jelly candies that I can, I can give you no more. :(

I’ll offer my friendship instead! I hope that will suffice! 😊

Author's Response:

Oh thank you so much! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!

And thank you for the jellybeans and friendship. Come chat more on Discord! 

Reviewer: Robert Dunder Signed [Report This]
Date: October 29, 2022 02:30 am Title: The Second Month Part Four

We all know my reviews are actually the important part of this story. I wonder if I can do it in haikus? You know what, let’s try it.

Mince pie for dinner
I agree with Jim Halpert
They are kind of gross

Cathy freaking Simms
Looking for her own daddy
She smells like trouble

Jim and his mother
Daddy issues still alive
Hope he gets that hug

Shop for a necklace
Thirty two thousand dollars
He’s getting some head

Pam’s a New York Six?
This guy is a massive dick
Jim should have punched him

Jennifer Hudson
Kelly can’t name her baby
It’s all Ryan’s fault

No jellybeans here
Have a pink cupcake instead
Kelly will probs kill you

Author's Response: You are too talented for your own good. Have the Jim saying thank you gif and the JK clapping gif. You deserve them both.

Reviewer: WithaY Signed [Report This]
Date: October 28, 2022 04:43 pm Title: The Second Month Part Four

Okay, first of all, after you finish your 300 chapters of HD, we’re getting an epilogue of Christmas in London, right?!?! You’re setting it up so we’ll now, girl, you can’t disappoint us! You made me do a little deep dive on jellied eels… are they still common in the East End? Also, Pam is doing an incredible job decorating Jim apartment… what ever will these two do with two sets of Christmas decorations? When are they going to condense to one living location?!?!?! I did think Pam did a great job of “festive yet masculine, babe” and loved the cranberry blankets!

So excited for another OT/Athleap gathering!!! I cannot wait to see where that is going!!! I love that Kelly is immediately in from the whole glam perspective and Angela is in because of the practical reason that they’ll save money. Either way, it will be great fun… although now we’ll have some Cathy drama as opposed to the most recent Karen drama…

Ooh… Erin.. is she going to join the preggers team??? What is in the water at these two places?? And I can’t tell you how much I’m waiting for the official announcement to the companies that Pam and Jim are expecting! Maybe at the party? I’m just waiting for Jim to slip like in canon….

I loved Betsy coming to the city. I know it’s super important for her to smooth things over with Gerald and Jim, but I’m sure it would mean much more for Gerald to reach out on his own. However, you can’t blame her for wanting to try and make some peace at the holidays, especially if they’re going to be sharing a house for a few days! I cannot wait to see the house and the Christmas pajamas! And what Jim is getting for his mom, lol! I love how in your AU Jim decides to purchase big ticket jewelry items for Pam without even knowing the price— and how he just calmly hands over his card! Yes, Betsy, I agree that Prince Family Jewelers cannot WAIT to see Jim back again! I loved what Jim picked out… it was different and beautiful and classic and unique… and I loved the double strand chain. I think Pam will love it, and I love the thought process behind Jim’s decision to do a necklace, because I have noticed Pam fiddling with her neck line in times of stress. She will love it!

I LOVE Pam and Jim’s coordinating outfits for the gender reveal, despite how awkward a Kelly Ryan gender reveal must be… You write Ryan so loathsome and I love it. How dare he tell Jim that the love of his life is a small town 7 and a New York 6??? I love that Jim takes the higher road. Kelly as usual is hilarious, cringy, and funny— what is going to happen now that she has two boys?!?! Can’t wait to hear Angela’s thoughts on the situation now! I too hope that Jim and Pam keep the baby’s gender a surprise… I agree with Jim; there’s so few surprises in life and this is one worth waiting for.

Per usual, everything you write is fantastic, and I cannot wait to read your next install of this epic universe… I cannot wait to see what unfolds next… and how Christmas turns out—and what outfits Pam has planned for all of the parties and gatherings! You’re amazing and I just love this story!!

Author's Response:

Woahhh you're reviews just keep getting better and better! So first off thank you!

Oh god, I hope it's not 300 chapters, but at the moment it realllllly feels like it!! London is gonna be more than an epilogue :) but I'm not sure we'll be there for a year or two!! Glad you liked the Xmas decorations, had a lot of fun, as always shopping for them!

The joint Xmas party will hopefully be some fun, but yeah, Cathy will be there too... And yeah, wonder if Erin will be drinking at that party!

I adore Betsy, so I will have her in as many fics, and as much as possible always! I think there's gonna be a long way to go before Jim and Gerald make up.

So glad you noticed Pam fiddling with her necklace! I'm been planting that for over 20 chapters, so glad I was finally able to get to the small reveal for that!! 

I'm happy Ryan came across ok, I'm never sure how to write him. Kelly on the other hand I love writing for!!

Thank you so much for the epic review!!!!! Hope the next chapter doesn't disappoint! 

Reviewer: krasinkidinks Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: October 26, 2022 08:45 pm Title: The Second Month Part Four

Love this chapter. Cathy and Ryan can both go to hell.

Author's Response: Oh thank you so much! And yes, yes they can

Reviewer: GodSaveAutocracy Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: October 22, 2022 02:20 pm Title: The Second Month Part One

I am almost all the way caught back up with this. Each chapter seems to just become better and better.


Author's Response: Oh thank you!!

Reviewer: GodSaveAutocracy Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: October 22, 2022 07:34 am Title: The Brief

I must say that I do love this one quite a lot! Not all the way through and finish catching up, though I will say I enjoy what I have read this far.

You are fabulous!

Author's Response: Oh thank you so much!!! That's so lovely to hear!! Glad you're enjoying it :)

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: October 21, 2022 04:47 pm Title: The Second Month Part Four

Cathy, don't do whatever you're thinking about doing.

Hmmmm. Looks like there might be another baby on the way from the Athleap team...

I'm glad to see Betsy recognizing the problem here, although I'm with Jim. This is really on her husband to solve, rather than her son.

"Maybe a necklace could replace that, he thought. And then when she's nervous, she can play with that and think of me and know I'll be there to help her through whatever is troubling her." Very sweet... and I like the additional thought going into the gift.

The vastly overdone gender reveal was fun, but I've got to be honest: I don't see a bright future for Kelly and Ryan.

Author's Response:

Cathy realllllllly needs to go away. But also, we need to have a little fun first ;)

Crazy there's so many babies. What is in the water in NYC huh?? 

The necklace has been a long time coming, like 20+ chapters, so I'm glad I could finally write it! Hope it came through ok!

Yeah Kelly and Ryan, who knows where that train wreck is headed....

Thanks for the review! 

Reviewer: bij Signed [Report This]
Date: October 20, 2022 01:52 am Title: The Second Month Part Four

Great as always!!
I love to see the relation between Jim and his mom, it is a beautiful one.
And yes, I’m so ready for Christmas Jam!!
Love this fic so much!

Author's Response: Oh thank you so much!! Your support and kind words are so appreciated!

Reviewer: Graceface Signed [Report This]
Date: October 19, 2022 01:16 pm Title: The Second Month Part Four

Betsy is such a sweet mum and I get that she wants her family to get along, but Gerald can do one. I hope they get it resolved but also get why Jim is being stubborn #daddyissues. Gerald needs to step up and be the supportive dad Jim has always needed.

Can totally imagine Kelly and Ryan throwing an eccentric gender reveal party and think you're spot on with how it would play out (and Kelly's outfit choice!! You are so good at this, have i told you that? Only a million times? Get used to it)

Jim's Christmas vibes are my kinda vibes! Oh my. Beautiful!!

Author's Response: Oh I adore Betsy. Or my version of Betsy haha! Yeah Gerald can totally do one. But. He does have his reasons. 

The shopping for all the characters is half the reason I keep writing this!!
I would LOVE to be at Jim’s for Xmas! 

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 19, 2022 09:45 am Title: The Second Month Part Four

I love that Pam is turning Jim's apartment into a Christmas wonderland. Feels like she hasn't really had the opportunity to do so as part of a couple before and so she's jumping into the deep end with it all. Jim's being a really good sport about it too.

I kinda figured Betsy would have some ulterior motives for dropping in like that. She wants to make peace. I get what Jim's saying though. The kind of "love" Gerald is giving him doesn't feel very loving. It's hard to feel like one is being supported when all one gets is side eyed condescension and constantly being made to feel like he's not good enough. However I'm also not letting Jim off the hook. He's saying that Gerald needs to be the one to change, yet he won't accept a phone call or any communication from his father. Maybe Gerald had or did have a change of mind, but with Jim unwilling to even let his father talk, it would reinforce some of the thoughts Gerald already has had. But enough about all that. The necklace is lovely as is Betsy's reaction when she found out that Jim has ring already.

Wow Ryan really is a piece of work. Assuming Jim is only there because Pam is pregnant. I get that's the only reason HE is in his "relationship" with Kelly, but still. I feel bad and I don't feel bad for Kelly. I feel bad for her that she's with Ryan. I also don't feel bad for her for clinging to Ryan when he's actively flirting with other girls at the gender reveal part for his own kids. Big red flag there that Kelly is ignoring. So we'll see how that all goes down.

More evidence to kicky Cathy to the curb too. She's not doing her job unless Jim is mentioned.

Besides all that I still adore the relationship Jim and Pam continue to build. Even though it's less than a year old, they already seem so committed to each other. Getting back to Betsy, yes Jim, pop the question! I'm sure regardless of what you do, it'll be the right moment as far as Pam is concerned.

Author's Response:

Gotta jump on board with ‘Pam loves Xmas’ so she definitely has to decorate, millionaire style!

There’s lots more to come with Jim and Gerald, but I will say they are both very stubborn when it comes to their relationship!!

Ryan and Cathy? Hate them both hahah. They are definitely the absolute villians of this fic!

Less than a year old?! We’re only just over 2 months!! Jim’s got the proposal all sorted, don’t you worry about that :) 

Reviewer: Yellowberry22 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 19, 2022 08:11 am Title: The Second Month Part Four

Good, exciting narrative. Decorating early… right?

Author's Response: Yes cowboy

Reviewer: New Hogfan Signed [Report This]
Date: October 19, 2022 07:07 am Title: The Second Month Part Four

It looks like Erin is going to be a mom as well.
Ryan’s an ass as always. He’s the male version of Cathy, who needs to be fired!
Kelly really is going to be a single mother because Ryan is the type of guy that will disappear the moment he gets a chance.
The part with Jim and his mom was both sweet
and funny. Please update soon!

Author's Response:

Very eagle eyed of you there with Erin!

Ryan is a complete ass. I hate him as much as Cathy haha

I’ll get the next chapter out as soon as possible! 

Reviewer: WithaY Signed [Report This]
Date: October 11, 2022 03:19 pm Title: The Second Month Part Three

Oh where to begin?!? I love this story so very, very much! It’s the perfect combination of everything… The Office… a rom com… an epic movie… so amazing! You do such a great job, and I hope you know how much I and others appreciate it! It makes my day to see a new update!

I love that you’re writing Karen as annoying and concerning but not catastrophic to Jam. I think as long as they’re openly communicating about her, they can handle this. It seems like Karen was a little more inundated with Jam public displays of affection so it will be different to see how she interacts with them going forward, as she hasn’t had complete confirmation or visual evidence of their relationship like she does now. I did love that she repped Here’s Chips though!

Kelly and Andy are great! I love how you write Kelly! Her canon lines come back so memorably and I loved the trash talk smack talk memories! I think there’s a lot of foreshadowing going on with a potential Athleap/Ordinary Things joint venture (or something; they’re definitely all getting friendly!) but Andy and Kelly might be a lot for CEO Jam to handle! Nellie is much for me like canon… confusingly strange but kind of endearing??

Thank you for my shout out and for differentiating between Karen and Karyn in this chapter. This public service announcement means so much to Karyns around the world! It’s an honor to get a sweet little mention in your epic novel!

Oh Pam… who DOES Karen always end up in the bathroom with you? If it happens a third time, I’ll know it’s not coincidental. I loved a much Pam’s calm demeanor with Karen this time… “We’ll Jim is welcome to go if he wants to drinks with you.” I think Karen is SO ready for Pam to flip out which would expose a weakness in the Jam relationship… but Pam is pretty chill and confident in her relationship and I love that.

I also love your callback from previous chapters as Pam tried to avoid Christian… I remember her talking to Jim about getting in house media and him offering the help— so I loved that! Agreed that Pam didn’t need that confrontation also!

I have to admit that I was fully expecting Jim to announce the pregnancy like in canon as it just slipped out… but I trust your vision in the bigger picture! That would have really set Karen reeling!

Perhaps your crown jewel was your flirty “smut for smut’s sake” ending. It was a delightful little hook up that read super sexy and sweet (Jim just wanting to go home, Pam encouraging him to network—until he got under her skin so to speak). You gave us such incredible visuals and so I can just imagine the two of them looking drop dead gorgeous in those clothes! I especially am a sucker for the leading lady to wear the gentleman’s jacket! I loved Pam letting Jum get away with murder in the car… it’s been too long for these two, hasn’t it?? I especially loved that Pam was now the one to pounce on Jim in the elevator— and his snappy comeback “We’re not going to have sex in the elevator, Pam.” Loved how the table turned on that! You ended it so cheekily with Jim honestly telling Pam that he told her he couldn’t wait! You did Jim… you did say that a couple times!

Can’t wait to see what amazing things come next… can’t wait for more holidays and sweet Jam baby stuff… looking forward to Pam’s bump and Jim’s interactions with her bump… and seeing how they navigate London, LA, Seattle, the Hamptons, and whatever you throw our way! Glad you are feeling better! You never disappoint; this story is such a gem and so are you! Much love and gratefulness as I’ve been out of jelly’s for you for quite a while missy!!

Author's Response: Honestly I don't even know where to begin with replying to this EPIC review. I think I can really only say THANK YOU SO MUCH for your kind words. I love how you get all of the references and how much you love this fic. You're the best <3

Reviewer: Obviously_Blonde Signed [Report This]
Date: October 10, 2022 02:09 pm Title: The Second Month Part Three

Adding smut never hurts as far as I'm concerned...

Author's Response: Hehehe duly noted!!

Reviewer: Robert Dunder Signed [Report This]
Date: October 09, 2022 06:41 am Title: The Second Month Part Three

Pseudonyms, Please: Anon anon


Subject: Awards Mayhem

I was at the Digital Marketing Awards. I was also nominated but lost to some bitch who freaked out on me when I offered to show her my magic trick. You never what weirdos you'll run into in these events.

I saw the CEO of Filippelli Communications, Carol something. Her eyes were glued to Jim Halbert the entire night... or was it Halpret? Whatever. She had her sights on some man candy. I don't think it ended well though. They were friendly at first. He even bought her a drink (he's a total player. the beard says it all), but then I saw him getting pissed. From what I know, he's dating this busty redhead and this Carol chick was being a complete bitch to her. So maybe he's not a player. That beard though...

I had a hangover the following day. But word around the street is Jim and the busty chick left the party early and without saying goodbye to anyone. Their driver also said he was very handsy on the ride home. The dude obviously gets a lot of action. I mean that's just unfair. No guy can be that perfect. Maybe he doesn't last long during sex.

No jellybeans still. Have a "Best Author" award on me. I better be included in your acceptance speech.

Author's Response: Your reviews continue to astound me. I’m not worthy. 

I’m sorry you lost out on your award, but come on. Did you really think you had a chance? And how do you they got handsy? Were you the driver?? 
Gossip aside, can I just review your review? I love just HOW MANY references you got in a single review. Thank you for the award. I can’t believe it, I really wasn’t expecting it. I owe it all to you RD xoxo

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: October 09, 2022 06:37 am Title: The Second Month Part Three

Oh, Karen. You're not quite on Cathy's level, but still. This is not a good look on you.

Humble request for Kandy endgame. The belligerent sexual tension is off the charts here. Also, really fun remixing of some great Kelly moments here.

Tea and Cola? That's me! We were ROBBED. (But seriously, thanks for the shoutout!)

Oh, these crazy kids. Good thing they don't have to worry about accidental pregnancy anymore...

Glad you're feeling better!

Author's Response:

Oh god, a Kandy endgame?! Could we do that to them? Could Andy handle Kelly and 2 babies?? I mean, I’m not sure Ryan can, but he’s in that pickle. Maybe they can have some fun as we go along, we’ll see :)

I’m sorry you didn’t win the award, but thank you for your continued support!! 

Author's Response:

Oh god, a Kandy endgame?! Could we do that to them? Could Andy handle Kelly and 2 babies?? I mean, I’m not sure Ryan can, but he’s in that pickle. Maybe they can have some fun as we go along, we’ll see :)

I’m sorry you didn’t win the award, but thank you for your continued support!! 

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 08, 2022 07:12 pm Title: The Second Month Part Three

Holy crap Karen! She really is a piece of work isn't she? Forcing Jim to by her a drink. Trying to get him to cheat on Pam. Finding Pam in the bathroom like that? Just wow.

Makes me so glad that everyone was putting her right in her place. Jim, Pam, and especially Kelly. Kelly's whole piece was just a stroke of genius in tearing her down. Loved it.

A great night for them with the awards and getting all hot and bothered. Loved that they still can't keep their hands off each other. To only make in in the front door and that early in the night? Feels like it's going to a very good night going forward.

Also Warrior Media got the FDNY EMS account and Tea and Cola the Gefen Foods? Thank you. Brought a big smile to my face there. Wish I still had some jellybeans to give this story.

Author's Response:

Karen is the worst and I hate her hahahhaha! She’s definitely become quite the villain in my head canon, and it’s kinda spilling out here. Glad you liked Kelly’s take down. I adore writing for her, it’s so much fun!

Glad you enjoyed the shout out! Thank you for your continued support for this fic!! 

Reviewer: Graceface Signed [Report This]
Date: October 08, 2022 02:30 am Title: The Brief

Love seeing update notifications from you!! Glad you're feeling better. As always, really well written update whether you were poorly or not!

Kelly is such a good character, always having Pams back and putting Karen in her place. Go Kelly!!

Author's Response:

Ah thank you so much :)

I do have a big soft spot for Kelly in this fic! 

Reviewer: New Hogfan Signed [Report This]
Date: October 07, 2022 07:44 pm Title: The Second Month Part Three

OMG I loved the Hogs and Fans!
It was very clever how you included our names into the chapter.
Karen is definitely living up to her name here.
I like how Pam turned the tables on her by taking Karen to see Jim at their table. For a second there I thought that they were going to tell Karen about the baby. It was good to see Jim put his foot down with Karen. However, I have a feeling that it won’t stop her
from trying again. 🤔
The smut is fun. Plus they’ve been holding out for a while now so it’s well deserved. Please update soon.

Author's Response:

Oh yay!! Just a little thank you for all the support and reviews!

I really liked putting Karen in her place here, was a lot of fun. Hopefully she's getting the hint!

New chapter will hopefully be up within a week! 

Thanks again for all your reviews! 

Reviewer: HazyGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: October 07, 2022 05:07 pm Title: The Brief

I am really enjoying this story! Feel better!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! To both of those!

Reviewer: Yellowberry22 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 07, 2022 02:24 pm Title: The Second Month Part Three

Flippin’ amazing! Raunchy Tuna…

Author's Response: Thanks. Hope it wasn't too stinky

Reviewer: Obviously_Blonde Signed [Report This]
Date: September 29, 2022 10:35 pm Title: The Second Month Part Two

Cannot wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Ah thank you! I'm working as quickly as I can but am sick at the moment, so it's slow going!

Reviewer: WithaY Signed [Report This]
Date: September 28, 2022 02:45 pm Title: The Second Month Part Two

You never disappoint with each chapter of HD.. always something to surprise me, delight me, and make me laugh! I'm seriously committed to making this into an actual film. We're on this!

Jim is very sweet with his hot sauce gesture... and I do like the role Cathy seems to play in this fic--because much like canon, she seems to be insignificant and just borderline annoying. Yes, she doesn't do her job, which is a problem--but clearly, Jim and Pam are not threatened by her presence--and I love that. I hope that the second trimester is better for Jim and Jim's... member??? He's so patient... and calm. I hope he enjoys Pam's new "energy", because he deserves it! Also, I love that they are trying to cook! It would be so fun to see them at a cooking class, or recreating at home!

I love that Michael was the recreator of the flashing... still keeping it weird! He was very sweet in this scene, tearing up at the heartbeat, which was heartwarming. I loved some of his lines which I know I heard from canon, and his ventures to Abracadabra, who knows if we'll see some of his purchases??

I love where the Awards are--beautiful location for beautiful people! I think it's perfect for Athleap and Ordinary Things to sit together--yes, a motley crew, but setting the stage nicely for a Jam power company or a Jam joint venture perhaps? The outfits are on point, for everyone, including Angela. Sorry to hear that Dwight is experiencing problems with his burger machine.. has it been sold to companies yet? Perhaps still in the ironing out the kinks phase. Of course Pam has the most incredible outfit of all, and my favorite scene is when Kelly spots Jim and says, "Fuck me". We alone need the movie for this scene of beardy, sexy, dressed up Jim (amazing find, BTW) and a gorgeous, sexy, fashionista with a secret pregnancy Pam in that leather dress and spectacular shoes! I love that they are so comfortable together now, with sweet little moments of affection where he puts his arm around her, and the little kisses... I'm sure Karen missed them (and may I point out, she's a Karen with an E and not a Karyn with a Y, so not surprised she's our villan). But there's no mistaking that they're an item--and I like that. I'm a little concerned that their news will be aired tonight--Pam seems to be pretty intent on keeping it quiet and there are a few people in attendance who know, so it seems dangerous! Maybe Jim spills it as in canon?! Ooooh Karen's outfit... so different from Pam's... love that visual so much! Andy was so Andy in this, from the Cockney accent to forgetting his wallet... I'd almost like to see what he's wearing too! And poor Nellie and her magician phobia!

I loved the Neiman scene and it sets us up for all kind of great storyline... Jim buying Pam a Neiman? Jim taking Pam to Paris for Christmas? YES! Jim encouraging Pam's painting and more art-based side, including a nursery mural? Maybe! As usual, amazing. Perfect. My favorite! Would totally give more jellies if I could... hope my serious devotion to this epic story makes up for my lack of jellies currently! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Oh my goodness, your reviews are getting longer than the chapters!! I appreciate each and every one of them SO MUCH <3 And god, I would LOVE this to be a film!!

Thats exactly it, Cathy IS insignificant. She's just....there.

I'm sure Jam's love life will be back to normal when Pam's up to it, don't worry. Cooking class however? I'm not sure that's on their horizon!!

Oh Jam are a total power couple. I'm also in love with how they look and the hotel! Definitely not in love with Karen's outfit heheh

Ahh yes, the Neiman setup. Lots of that to come throughout the fic, so good spot!

Thank you SO much for the review! 


Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: September 25, 2022 08:48 pm Title: The Second Month Part Two

Ugh. Cathy. Take a hint, lady.

Well. That's going to put Jim off sex for a bit. And a very sweet gesture, especially given the traumatic memories involved. Although he maybe should've anticipated this was a passing phase.

HA. Oh, Michael. That's really not a story you should be telling people.

""Pleasure to meet you little lady."
"No." Bullet dodged, Andy. That would be fun for no one.

Ugh. Karen. Speaking of people who need to take a hint.

Author's Response:

Oh god, these women all really need to take a hint don't they. Don't they know it's all about Pam?

Jim was trying his best. What's a Jim gesture if not utterly cute?



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