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Reviewer: MissCorporate Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: October 03, 2024 11:54 am Title: Chapter 1

Wonderful characterisation of Angela! A unique take on The Dundies episode, which is what I like to see!

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: September 26, 2024 09:46 am Title: Chapter 1

We really get the sense of how Pam's feelings are just bouncing around right now. I do think it's telling that her main feelings are one's of what it means for her and Jim. She isn't focusing on the fight she had with Roy. She's focused on how she's feeling in regards to Jim. Kind of an "in vino veritas," moment.

I do also like the back and forth with Angela she has here. Considering they work just over the divider from each other, it makes sense they would get feelings about the other one. How the other person's life is going. Yes a tad judgy from Angela, but that's her style. Under the hard exterior, especially early seasons Angela, there is a woman who does care about others. You brought those sides of Angela off really well. Same with all the various emotional rollercoastering Pam was going through at the time.

Nice work.

Reviewer: maryc Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: September 26, 2024 09:36 am Title: Chapter 1

Like MrsKHalpert I also was excited to see you had a new fic and had to read it right away. Enjoyed it very much and you definitely nailed the characters perfectly. Thanks for the new fic, I just love your writing style!!!

Reviewer: MrsKHalpert Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: September 25, 2024 01:36 pm Title: Chapter 1

Ok excuse me. A surprise new fic. I gasped and immediately had to read it.
Nothing exciting my ass. This was great! You totally nailed Angela (Twss) and the whole interaction was just perfect.
That last line though. Excuse me while I scrape myself off the floor.
Excellent work all round
I’ll just await the surprise grey sweatpants fic now. Any day now right?

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