Date: August 17, 2022 10:06 am Title: Chapter 1
Thanks, now I'm curled into a ball... Still your eloquence amazes me and I hope you'll find your home at peace soon.

Date: November 12, 2021 08:38 pm Title: Chapter 1
I wish absolutely zero angst on you. Negative angst even. But you turned it into poetry here.

Date: July 22, 2020 05:53 am Title: Chapter 1
You are such a word smith! This was beautiful and agonizing. Lovely job.

Date: July 05, 2020 04:32 am Title: Chapter 1
WOW !!
That was pretty good. I loved the angst and the play of words. Inspired.

Date: July 05, 2020 04:32 am Title: Chapter 1
WOW !!
That was pretty good. I loved the angst and the play of words. Inspired.
Date: July 03, 2020 05:51 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oof, this one hurts. I mean it's phenomenal writing don't get me wrong. The fact that it's written so well is why it stings. To have that perspective from Jim about everything leading up to Casino Night is just yeah, oof. It really brings out those lines in the episode "Money" where he describes how seeing Pam with Roy was like. You really captured that well.

Date: July 03, 2020 04:07 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was admittedly a pretty tough read for me, you certainly can paint a picture. The emotion you evoke with this imagery is... not pleasant, which is probably what you were going for, so well done on all counts.

Date: July 03, 2020 03:45 pm Title: Chapter 1
Wow, Dernhelm, wow. This was truly wonderful. Achingly raw and painful, but beautiful. Poor Jim, it’s such an accurate representation of how he must have been feeling. I really adore these powerful little one shots you’ve been writing lately - I’m sorry that being in an angsty mood is what brings them on though.

Date: July 03, 2020 02:59 pm Title: Chapter 1
Wow so incredibly dark and heartbreaking. A lovely job for a story that broke me.

Date: July 03, 2020 02:57 pm Title: Chapter 1
Durnhelm... this is hauntingly beautiful and I, for one, really like it.

Date: July 03, 2020 12:51 pm Title: Chapter 1
Wow, this put a whole new meaning behind "I can't" and it broke me. Absolutely destroyed.