Date: December 21, 2021 09:46 am Title: Chapter 1
Really getting the feeling of the Jim who still hasn't come back to Scranton here. The real Jim is still stuck in the past reeling after Casino Night. The Jim we see here is going through the motions of his life. Maybe he's even trying to evolve or change, but he can't. I say that because the real Jim can take a joke. So why would he feel off with Karen teasing him here?
However the real Jim seems to be wanting to come back. Jim is pulling his tie rather than keeping it together. Stuff like that. Yet at this point in time he's probably still upset from seeing Pam getting back together with Roy.
Really good way to get into his headspce here that's for sure. Looking forward to reading about what happens when Pam calls him. Lots of ways that could go for sure.

Date: December 21, 2021 09:03 am Title: Chapter 1
Yes! I had that feeling too when Karen was just "Joking" about being with all these men at the party. Like, ok there are "Haha" pranks and then "Um, I don't really find the humor in this prank. Tell me you aren't serious." Almost as if Karen's level of prankfulness was not the same as Jim's, yet Pam's always was. Maybe Karen honestly did try her best at it, but it was always just 'Off' if that makes sense. I can't wait to see where this story goes!

Date: December 21, 2021 08:47 am Title: Chapter 1
Some interesting notes on here to start. I thought it was a nice touch making it clear that Jim is fully capable of fitting into this corporate environment on command, he just doesn't feel much desire to, and the way he doesn't have a very good handle on what disconcerted him about Karen’s prank.
Also, this is well handled Michael dialogue.

Date: December 21, 2021 01:59 am Title: Chapter 1
“so he’d kept his mouth shut. And when he’d opened it back up on Casino Night, she didn’t laugh” ouch. This line is *chefs kiss*