Reviews For Hello Daddy
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Reviewer: grc73 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 17, 2022 03:48 pm Title: The Second First Month Part Two

I think you’ve just scarred me for life with the orgasmic birth thing. Very Robert California though. Otherwise another very good, very entertaining chapter!

Author's Response: So very sorry!! Glad you liked the rest though!!

Reviewer: grc73 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 17, 2022 03:48 pm Title: The Second First Month Part Two

I think you’ve just scarred me for life with the orgasmic birth thing. Very Robert California though. Otherwise another very good, very entertaining chapter!

Author's Response:

I'm so very sorry!!

Thanks so much for the kind words :) glad you enjoyed it!! 

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: July 14, 2022 07:34 pm Title: The Second First Month Part One

Lol the end line of this made me crack UP!

"If you think I'm going to wait nine months for an orgasm, you are crazy." I AM DECEASED 😂😂

I'm happy for them, THEY'RE HAVING A BABY!

Author's Response:

Hehehe yeah I thought that was pretty funny too :)

Glad you liked this! Thanks for the review! 

Reviewer: New Hogfan Signed [Report This]
Date: July 14, 2022 07:42 am Title: The Second First Month Part One

These last two chapters were really great, and funny.
It’s nice to see Jim so excited about being a dad so early into their relationship. Most men would be
freaking out like Ryan is. Then again unlike Kelly,
Pam didn’t get pregnant to trap Jim.
However, it would not surprise if some people
accuse Pam of doing that very thing, like Jim’s dad.
I like how Jim and Pam tried to work things out about Jim being gone for those months.
Kelly is driving me crazy. I don’t know how Pam puts up with her. Just getting a break from Kelly would be enough for me to what to leave with Jim for months, if I were Pam. Pam teasing Jim about being called daddy reminds me of Ross and Phoebe on Friends.
I admit that I am curious about what’s coming up with Cathy and Karen because they’ve been pretty quiet lately.

Author's Response:

Ah thank you so much!

Yes Jim is definitely looking forward to this baby! I think it helps that he's so besotted with Pam, whereas Ryan, not so much with Kelly. We'll see what Jim's dad has to say soon about this, don't you worry! 

Lots more to come about their impending move as well! And more with Cathy and Karen as well!

Thanks for the review! 

Reviewer: grc73 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 08, 2022 11:05 pm Title: The Second First Month Part One

Ah, now the title makes sense! Great chapter 👍🏼

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Glad you're enjoying it!

Reviewer: Robert Dunder Signed [Report This]
Date: July 08, 2022 06:06 pm Title: The Second First Month Part One

I like how Pam’s freaking out that it might not happen given her past experience with pregnancy. And then her not wanting Jim to propose to her because of Roy. That was a bummer, although I’m betting Jim does it anyway because, you know… love.

And then the confirmation that she’s actually pregnant. I love that even Jim is crying. He wants this badly with Pam. Suck it, Karen.

Nice Alfredo’s reference there. Kelly is so annoyingly amazing, I love it.

“He took a breath and slowly, shakily exhaled, the enormity of the situation hitting him. He was going to be a father.“ — someone’s definitely cutting onions here.

"I was just thinking. I'm going to be a daddy," he smiled. — You walked right into that one, Jim.

Okay, the last part I find somewhat accurate and funny. Pretty sure most guys don’t know how pregnancy works so… I find Jim’s cautiousness kinda normal here.

I don’t know how you get to update so fast but I’m not complaining. Great job!

Author's Response:

Ah thank you so much for the review! I'm so happy you're enjoying it so much!

Glad you liked the Alfredo reference, that one made me chuckle.

Yeah Pam not wanting Jim to propose definitely would have stung Jim a little. Who knows what's up his sleeve though?? Oh right, I do haha!

Hope to get the next update for you up asap as possible! 

Reviewer: WithaY Signed [Report This]
Date: July 08, 2022 02:55 pm Title: The Brief

Oh this is always such a lovely surprise! And I loved this! How sweet to see Jim and Pam in their red shirts celebrating again! Oh Pam… She really reveals it all to Kelly all the time!

I absolutely adored Jim and his pros and cons list. I adore that scene with him and Michael in the conference room season 6 when Jim tries to make a list and it was great placement for it in this chapter!

Pam’s Pjs are super cute… a little worried about what the doc will say given her history, but I trust in you and your AU! I love protective Jim… but Pam cracked me up when she took off! And Pam… don’t ruin daddy for Jim!

As usual, great work! Always anxiously await your next installment! Loved the Alfredo call back too— can’t wait to see the next batch of characters show up… and Angela’s shaming of the result of this relationship based on fornication! 50 million jelly beans for you!

Author's Response:

Glad you picked up on the red shirts :) different company event, but same outcome!

Yes! I love that scene with Jim's lists too. Felt like it would be a good place to have it here too. I think you can expect a lit more of this to come too!

Yeah poor Jim and 'daddy' hopefully it's not all ruined for him just yet!

Glad you liked the Alfredo's reference, I really liked that one heh!

Thank you for all the jellybeans!! I'll get the next update done as quickly as I can for you!! 

Reviewer: HazyGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: July 08, 2022 02:17 pm Title: The Brief

Thanks for the update! I am really enjoying the story.

Author's Response: Thank you so much!! Glad you're enjoying it so much :)

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 08, 2022 12:48 pm Title: The Second First Month Part One

Final definitive confirmation at long last. I mean we all knew it was coming (twss) but nice to have 100% from a doctor. You could feel the tension between them while they were waiting for the blood work to come back. Then when they got the news it was all very sweet. Some normal thoughts going through their heads now of course. Where to live, how is it all going to work, all that sort of thing.

Oh boy, Kelly knows. Everyone's going to know. I can see the glares from Angela now. Hopefully the new and improved CEO Pam can put her in her place about appropriate workplace comments. Especially to her boss. Should I be as looking forward to seeing Cathy's reaction as I am? The fact that Jim and Pam are now so linked? But then again in canon Jim and Pam had two kids by the time Cathy tried to put the moves on Jim so that point may be moot.

Oh Jim. You're being such a guy there at the end. You're not going to break her. The heck with looking up hospitals right now me bucko. There are other more pressing things for you to research.

Well done as always.

Author's Response:

Ah thank you so much!

Yeah, I've really dragged this one out haven't I? I think we've all known for at least six or seven chapters what's been going on with Pam, but at least they both finally know too now!

Yes, I think you can expect some fireworks when the others start finding out. We'll see!

Total guy moment for Jim, I think it's already going to be evident that he's cautious and worried about Pam. I wonder what hi-jinx might ensure because of it??

Thanks as ever for the review! 

Reviewer: Yellowberry22 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 08, 2022 10:22 am Title: The Second First Month Part One

Certainly entertaining. Remembering vividly impregnation x

Author's Response: Just don't penetrate it

Reviewer: WithaY Signed [Report This]
Date: July 03, 2022 09:20 am Title: The Brief

Yay, you’re back! Loved this! I love that the angst in this story seems to be more about Jim and Pam’s internal dialogues and less about outside sources.

I would have loved to see Holly’s “discreet conversation” with Jim about his office conduct, lol.

Jim has been the perfect gentleman, not to mention calm in the midst of Pam’s medical crisis? Hope she come to soon because her LOC scares me! And Jim’s realization was everything! “We really should use something else.” Too late, Pam. Too late.

Love the links as always… so sweet and such a vibrant depiction of their life! Can’t wait for more soon! And isn’t Ed Sheeran amazing in person? I was just blown away. Great job!

Author's Response:

Sorry it took so long! I’ll be faster next time I hope! Twss 

Yes I really can’t do angst, so it’s really just making sure they get themselves on the right track. 

Jim’s realisation has been such a long time coming for me, so I was so happy to finally get to write it!

Ed Sheeran is absolutely amazing!! Was so so great!!

Thanks so much for the review! So happy you enjoyed this chapter! 

Reviewer: Robert Dunder Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02, 2022 04:41 pm Title: The First Month Part Eight

Yay!! You're back! (Although this means I've procrastinated with my fic long enough for you to be finished with yours even though you took a break *suddenly has a crisis*)

Jim willing to give it all up for Pam and Pam refusing to let him is so, so them. Well, end of Season 9 them but still. It's great to see them really properly communicating and it's always nice to see Jim getting frazzled (we all know he hates that word)

"However, seeing as this is not a marriage, and is based on fornication," -- Lol. Although, to be fair to her, has a day gone by when they weren't having sex?

"No thank you," Angela replied curtly. "Veteran's day is for remembrance not sports games." ---- Ugh, Angela, You just denied us a Dwight appearance.

The ending is just amazing! I just hope Pam doesn't think he's proposing because he got her pregnant.

I'm out of jellybeans so have a hotdog on me. (That's what she said?)

Author's Response:

And I am back!! I wasn’t really gone too long, but please please write your next chapter!!! I wanna know what happens!!

Jim does indeed hate to be frazzled but I think he’s going to be in Future chapters 😬 But also yeah, I like to fix things as I go along with this, so I didn’t want Jim to have to give up anything and for Pam to want to join him with his work. And don’t worry, I think Jim will be returning the favour too 😬

And true, they have been going at it like rabbits, but it’s been needed! How else was Jim going to realise??

Dont you worry, Dwight is heading out way very soon!

So glad you liked the ending! That’s been a long time coming for me, so glad I finally got to write it!!

Thank you muchly for your hot dog!  

Reviewer: InRomanovWeTrust Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: July 02, 2022 03:56 pm Title: The First Month Part Eight


Really great chapter and I hope Pam is going to be okay. Head injuries can be super serious. Better not leave us hanging for long.

Author's Response: *Insert gif of Jim and Pam at Moroccan Christamas - I knew, she knew*

New chapter is already in progress!
Thanks for the review!!

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02, 2022 02:26 pm Title: The First Month Part Eight

Ok so yeah I've been looking forward to this chapter. Starting out, I really like that Pam is on board with heading off with Jim. Clearly they both realize they have something special in this relationship and want to do everything they can to keep it going. The use of the canon lines from Jim saying what's important were a great way to cement that in.

I also really love that Pam is growing more into her CEO role. Starting to delegate things, telling Angela to back off when she's getting to snippy, trying to reel in Kelly. Lots of good movement there.

As a lifelong Red Sox fan I just have to say this, the Yankees? Really? Ah well, they are in New York after all.

And there's Ethan and Steve. Hooray! Nice job with that scene. Very glad I could help out. Now of course there's probable confirmation of Pam's pregnancy. Really looking forward to seeing how that will effect they dynamics they've already built up. As always, can't wait for more.

Author's Response:

Ah thank you so much! I’m glad it didn’t disappoint!!

I’m glad you picked up on those canon lines. I wanted to make them support each in their jobs, but obviously put the relationship first. We’ve got more on this particular area to come!!

Also lots more on Pam in her CEO role to come. You’ve picked up on some key bits in this chapter!!

Sorry about the Yankees, to be fair, I’ve no idea what I was writing about here. Spent a lot of time googling baseball!

Thank you again for lending me Ethan and Steve! And thank you for your help! 

Now we’ve finally got there, the rest of the story can commence!!

Thanks so much for the review!!! 

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02, 2022 02:21 pm Title: The First Month Part Eight

This ending was everything! Poor Pam getting hit with the bat, but Jim's realization was EVERYTHING! 😱

Author's Response:

I know 😬😬😬

Thanks for the review!! 

Reviewer: Yellowberry22 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02, 2022 02:01 pm Title: The First Month Part Eight

Wowza. Ordinary-things Mommy’s? Brilliant.

Author's Response: Thanks baby

Reviewer: Robert Dunder Signed [Report This]
Date: June 18, 2022 09:34 pm Title: The First Month Part Seven

Yay! Another update!

Jim's so cute thinking Pam's gonna break up with him. I wonder how she'll feel when she doesn't get her period the next day?

Oof, that backstory behind her engagement to Roy. "Sure, if you want," *sigh*. At least she found someone who'll treat her like she's everything (nice callback to S9 btw)

"Not my brothers or my sister, he picked me." -- Ok, I've been joking about Jim having daddy issues but he does seem like he's always yearning for his father's approval. I wonder why. And I wonder how his dad will react to an unplanned *spoiler to anyone who still doesn't get what's going to happen haha*

Jim with a helicopter. What a flex. And I wonder what's he planning to ask her? To move with him to London or LA? Away from her business? *gasps*

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Hmm did she get her period though?? They seem to have been going at it like rabbits still 🤔🤭

Yeah Jim is a HELL of a lot better than Roy ever was or probably ever could be!

Jim definitely wants his father’s approval and attention, total daddy issues there. I wonder what will happen indeed 🙃

Well find out very shortly when Jim is going to ask Pam!

Thanks so much for the review and so glad you’re enjoying it! 

Reviewer: WithaY Signed [Report This]
Date: June 18, 2022 06:44 pm Title: The Brief

Loved this as always! Even though it’s a cliffhanger, I love that they have confessed their love, especially using the great canon lines. I’m still intrigued about Pam’s cluster of “symptoms”… but I feel better about it knowing they both are seriously committed to this relationship and each other.

Jim’s work travel came out of left field, but these two can handle anything! The fall outfits were super cozy too, setting the scene!

Packer was so cringeworthy— can’t wait to see where the rest of the characters fit in! And the story of Penny was so sweet— love JAM connecting and sharing their past.

As always, fantastic work! I anxiously await the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Glad this chapter didn’t disappoint!!

Apologies for the cliffhanger! I promise I’ll update as soon as I can but it will be a little while!

And yes! Definitely wanted them committed to each other even though it’s not been that long that they’ve been together, which is kinda why these chapters have just been going on a bit more than I expected them to!

Glad you liked all the fall stuff, was a lot of fun to research all of it. Boy do I wish I could spend some time in Pound Ridge!

Lots more of your favourites coming soon, won’t be too long until we meet them!

Thanks so much for the review!! 

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 18, 2022 05:45 pm Title: The First Month Part Seven

Roy's bad enough but it was Dr. Packer who they went to? Eesh. I mean seriously, I get why Pam doesn't really like talking about Roy all that much. If that's what the relationship was like, looking back on it, yeah very not great.

Loved all the canon adapted lines. They fit well in everything here. That Jim is the first to confess his real feelings was great and that Pam told him she feels the same way. It's a lot of fun that they can just enjoy being in love without all the extra heartache and angst.

Lots of fun hanging out with Iz too. "Oh yeah we live in a rom com now." I mean she's not wrong. Looks like there's some pretty big things coming on the horizon. Should be really interesting to see how it all pans out.

Author's Response:

Yeah Pam’s previous relationships have just been awful, so it’s easy to see why she can’t believe Jim is a regular person and not some fairytale prince!

I don’t do angst very well, so I’m afraid it was always going to be pretty fluffy here!

Lots of big things coming (Twss) this story is far from finished….! 

Reviewer: InRomanovWeTrust Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 18, 2022 10:37 am Title: The Brief

I can’t believe you’d leave me on a cliffhanger like that. How could you do this to me???? I loved it as always, though.

Author's Response:

Hehehe 🤭 

Thanks so much! So happy you’re liking it!! 

Reviewer: Yellowberry22 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 18, 2022 12:56 am Title: The First Month Part Seven

Lovely outfits. Very extraordinary. Interesting Transport!

Author's Response: d84;a039;

Reviewer: InRomanovWeTrust Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 08:27 pm Title: The First Month Part Six

Such a cute chapter! Also Cathy and Karen need to stay away from Jim. Ugh. I want to beat them with a tree branch.

Author's Response:

Hahaha!! That's EXACTLY how I feel too!!

Thanks for the review! 

Reviewer: InRomanovWeTrust Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 07:05 pm Title: The First Month Part Four

Oooooh that was a super risky move on Pam’s part. I loved it though. 7278/10. Would recommend.

Author's Response:

It was!!

Thank you SO much!! Glad you're enjoying it :) 

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:31 pm Title: The First Month Part Six

Oh Cathy Cathy Cathy... what a homewrecker xD

I really enjoyed this chapter! I absolutely LOVED the pool smut (and thank you for the shout-out too ;) )

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it! Sorry Pam cut it short!!

Thanks so much for the review and for your help! 

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2022 06:29 pm Title: The First Month Part Five

Wow.... Karen is... kind of a bitch

Author's Response: She really is!

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