Date: November 19, 2022 01:42 pm Title: Marley's Chains
Proud, but grumpy.
Author's Response: I'm sorry x
Date: November 08, 2022 01:28 pm Title: Marley's Chains
I can’t help but be curious about how Jim
found out about Pam’s death, and his actual reaction/breakdown.
Also seeing the situation from Karen’s POV
could be interesting because even though I’m
not a fan of her, I think that seeing your boyfriend
going into the psych ward because of another woman would be heartbreaking.It’s one thing for Jim to say he has feelings for Pam, but it’s another for Jim to lose himself over her.
Also Jim’s breakdown would throw a serious wrench into her plans of moving to New York for the corporate job.
So could you think about writing another fic to go along with this one? Thanks
BTW do you might know when we might get another update for Hello Daddy? I’m really missing it.
Author's Response: Ah thank you so much for the review. But oof! I think several people would murder me if I added another chapter! I think this is firmly done and I’m back to the land of fluff. If you ever want to know more about a fic, just come say hi on Discord!

Date: November 07, 2022 07:09 am Title: Marley's Chains
Um. Ow.
Well, this was a brutal reading experience. I thought you did a good job placing us in poor Jim's addled state of mind and giving us enough clues to figure out the ending in the text itself - the somewhat dreamy and inconsistent state of time, moving back and forth between places and realities without warning. And ugh, what an especially terrible moment for Jim to lose her, just when he has hope.
Ouch. Just ouch.
Author's Response: I know, I know, I'm sorry. There was other Halloween fluff, so hopefully that can cheer you up. So very sorry but thank you for the review!!

Date: October 31, 2022 02:15 pm Title: Marley's Chains
This was a very interesting premise.
I can see Jim losing it if Pam did die,
especially when he finally realized he
had a real chance with her, but shot her down anyway.
Jim can now see how he truly took took Pam for granted, much like how Roy always did.
I can also sort of see how Jim having a break down over Pam could be the last straw for his relationship with Karen, because it’s very unlikely that
Jim would have the same reaction if she had died.
Author's Response:
Yeah it's quite a unique one! This is one of my favourite songs and I really wanted to write a fic for it, but it's about someone who's friend dies in a car crash, so it was never going to be a cheery one.
Yeah Jim absolutely wouldn't feel like this if Karen died - as he shouldn't!!
Thanks for the review

Date: October 31, 2022 01:11 pm Title: Marley's Chains
Oh my god. You made me stop reading the fluffy goodness for this. Why do you want to make us cry?
Brilliantly written and beautiful corrections of the moments they missed but oh my god.
Please promise never to do this to us ever again if I give you all my jellies.
Author's Response:
Well that's why the fluffy one was there, so that you could recover! But yeah, there were a lot of missed opportunities for them.
SO SORRY and now back to the fluff

Date: October 31, 2022 09:11 am Title: Marley's Chains
but I love you and it was written really well but my feelings are hurt.
You can have all the jellies anyway because I love you.
Author's Response: I'm SO SORRY!!!! Thank you for the review, I promise not to write anything but fluff for a very long time

Date: October 31, 2022 07:51 am Title: Marley's Chains
Oof yeah that one hits hard. Not just the way that they could have really been honest with each other but the effects on Jim's mind. While hard to read it's also well done. Wish I could say more, but that's really all I've got.
Author's Response: Yeah, sorry about that. I promise I'm back to all things fluff now! Thank you for the review!

Date: October 31, 2022 05:33 am Title: Marley's Chains
Oh my God. *shudders*
You know what, it may not be everyone's cup of tea (because you know... spoiler) but I loved reading it. I'm not saying I'm sadistic. I just like reading these types of things.
You can see all the roads not taken and all the things that could have been. This is a great interpretation of how things between Jim and Pam could end in disaster. Let's all thank our lucky stars you weren't the showrunner. Kidding.
Have all my jellybeans.
Author's Response:
You're not sadistic? Are you sure??
Hate to break it to you, but I'm back to all things fluff now