Date: January 04, 2024 07:13 pm Title: Epilogue
That last chapter was brutal with that abrupt ending, but this fixed it. 🩷🩷🩷🩷

Date: June 17, 2023 01:36 am Title: Epilogue
Thank you so much for adding that epilogue because chapter 4 just KILLEDDDD me, so heartbreaking!! I was mentally screaming throughout this, so much they needed to say but in true Jam fashion, they once again skirted around their feelings. UGH! The ending completely made up for it, so sweet and relatable for every couple. I'm happy they had the comfort with each other in the end to run through their past and air it out. Great story, thank you!

Date: May 13, 2023 06:25 pm Title: Epilogue
Thank you for the super cute tag to this story. Nice to see that they're going back over things and healing old wounds. And that they can do so in a loving way as well.
Nice job getting into their heads throughout all of this. That can be a challenge. Looking forward to what you come up with next.
Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat
Date: May 13, 2023 06:20 pm Title: Online & Okay
Oh all the confusing feelings and circling thoughts in the lead up to Casino Night. They're so close here. They just don't have the courage to take that crucial step. And when Jim finally does it's more out of desperation than bravery. Still it gives an accurate reflection of where they are at the time. Also gives a really good insight as to why they could go from kinda mad at each other after Jim admitted he complained about Pam to back the the prank-y flirty selves they are on Casino Night.
Onto the epilogue.

Date: May 13, 2023 12:30 pm Title: Epilogue
Ok this was super cute and the tumble dryer made me snort-laugh. This was great, the whole thing. The baby carrots were my personal highlight and is completely canon now.
Big old clap for you

Date: May 13, 2023 12:26 pm Title: Online & Okay
Ugh this was the absolute worst, how could you do this to us?? I was literally shouting at my phone. Having said that, you wrote this brilliantly and even though it hurt my heart and all the signs to make it a fix it fic were literally shouting there, I still loved it. All I have to say is the ending better make up for this.

Date: April 08, 2023 05:22 am Title: Carrots
I really like your story and I must say, this might be one of the best portraits of Angela I'e ever read around here. You managed to make her human while still being her. Great chapter!

Date: April 06, 2023 08:58 pm Title: Grilled Cheese
Well I do admire Pam for being the one to make the first move in terms of communication. Likewise they had an adult and mature conversation. Though there are still a few things bouncing around that a lot of fear is still holding back. Her doubts about Roy, her fear of starting starting something with Jim. Makes me wonder if this story is going to stay canon correct or if it's going to go AU. Time will tell, but for now this was some good dialogue between them.

Date: April 04, 2023 02:17 pm Title: Grilled Cheese
Gosh & golly! What a bloody brilliant chapter old chap!
Date: March 27, 2023 04:51 pm Title: Carrots
Nice Angela voice here. Yes she can care in her own way and for her own reasons. She doesn't like public disruption so having all this swirling over the partition is probably making her go batty. She's also good for the direct approach. Part of me wonders how Jim's going to react to this news. Will things transpire as they did in canon or will a new bit of knowledge make things happen otherwise. It's a very interesting kind of thing and you wrote it well. Nice work.
Date: March 24, 2023 08:32 am Title: Coffee and Conflict
Ugh…. That stunk… I mean, we know what happened… but ugh 🥲

Date: March 23, 2023 12:44 am Title: Carrots
Well boy am I glad you found this. I LOVED this little interaction between the two of them. You really nailed the dialogue.
‘Fair enough, she’d have prayed for her to fail miserably at being able to sexually satisfy the beet farmer in question, and lose all her teeth. Dwight liked a good set of teeth.’ - this had me in absolute hysterics.
I’m adding this to my own personal head canon of why Jim always eats baby carrots. It’s all down to Angela.
Awesome job. Can’t wait for more!
Date: March 13, 2023 12:09 pm Title: Coffee and Conflict
Ohh, interesting! Love a good fill-in-the-blanks story!!

Date: March 07, 2023 10:54 am Title: Coffee and Conflict
Ooh I loved the admission of jealousy on both their parts here! But Jim! Please don’t apply!!!

Date: March 06, 2023 08:12 pm Title: Coffee and Conflict
Kinda figured there would have been some additional off camera angst going on there. You brought that conflict in nicely. Not that I ever really like seeing Jim and Pam fight, but you really gave a good feeling there as to where they were at the time. Feelings getting stretched thin until it all blows up on Casino Night. Nice job.
Date: March 06, 2023 05:58 pm Title: Coffee and Conflict
Ooo! Intriguing!!! Can’t wait!
Date: March 06, 2023 05:30 pm Title: Coffee and Conflict
No Jimmmmm don’t do it!! I love the insight into this, it was hard how they just left out the aftermath of that situation.