Date: December 07, 2024 12:23 am Title: Chapter 1
OMG OMG MY HEART this is already so cute
Date: August 26, 2024 01:28 pm Title: Chapter 7
Ok there’s so much good stuff in here I don’t know where to start. Ok yes I do. NOT THAT KIND OF RIDE. Literally made me snort laugh. And absolutely it should be that kind of ride.
The break up was so great, you nailed everyone. Loved Darryl even the tiny bit he was there.
Pam needs to listen to Marina and do Jim.
Pam got a basketball to the chest? Um I think that was me. Jeez a dare and kissing in the gym?! What on earth are you doing to me??
Please rectify this asap as possible. Oh and update Situationship too. Please and thank you
Fantastic work as always old chap
Date: August 26, 2024 11:18 am Title: Chapter 7
Really glad that Pam finally broke it off with Roy. She's right, he wasn't valuing her at all. He values his buddies and his Xbox more than her. The idea that she can take a backseat because they've been together so long just shows he's a child. Really glad Darryl was there to pull Roy back since his temper seemed to be getting the better of him.
Oof, Pam hearing about Jim going on a date then seeing him kissing like that. Lots of twists and turns there.
Thanks for the update.

Date: May 20, 2024 07:41 pm Title: Chapter 6
Love this!! I’m sooo worried that Jim and Pam are not going to have the same timing!! As much as I’m glad she’d breaking up with Roy, I’m worried that he’s going to try and convince her not to— and that Jim is going to start dating someone else—- I don’t do Jam angst well!
I love the sweet details you put into every chapter. From Pam packing up to go meet Jim and Pam knowing where Angela was simply because her slid sandals were missing from her very Angela like shoe lineup, the details are what make the story for me.
I also love your sweet canon callbacks— Pam pong, the eight dollar lamp, and how Angela sleeps at night— were perfectly worked in! And I agree with Jim— if Pam has cute hair, she sure as hell should capture it in some selfies! Thanks for posting so soon back to back— what a treat! We’ll take whatever you want to post next— as long as it’s soon!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Author's Response: Thank you! I do like a bit of angst so it won’t be without its blips but I’m all for the Jam! I so love to sprinkle in cannon moments to add to the vibe.
Date: May 18, 2024 11:20 pm Title: Chapter 6
Another excellent chapter, obviously.
Am I upset Pam didn’t break up with Roy already? A little. But did a date being with Jim make up for it? The idea of being pressed up against the bus and Jim sure helped. All is forgiven.
Excellent choice of movie for them to watch, loved that
And cloud sliders are GREAT. Thank you for influencing me to buy them. I’ll send you the affiliate fee as thanks.
Great chapter. Now please give me more immediately. I’m out of jelly beans, so have some nachos instead
Author's Response: Cheers for the nachos, they always help. And cloud sliders rule for sure. They’ll break up soon don’t you worry!
Date: May 18, 2024 05:32 pm Title: Chapter 6
Well good for Pam on deciding to break things off with Roy. Hopefully the feeling keeps up till when she sees him next. Though I was kind of hoping she'd break up with him via text. He'd deserve it. Feels like Pam's been mentally broken up with Roy for a while now. She just needs to actually go through with it.
Tons of fun hanging out with Jim. Loved that the $8 quirky lamp from Fun Run made it in. That's a great little detail.
Can't wait to read more.
Author's Response: For sure, she’s at that moment where she’s mentally checking out of that relationship already. I do love that lamp. Thanks!

Date: January 07, 2024 07:04 am Title: Chapter 4
Pam should probably wrap her bed in plastic. Who knows what sort of things happen when she's not there and Angela is.
Roy is the king of bad timing. If he just waited two more days to go to the grocery, maybe Pam would have actually considered breaking up with him. But maybe he'll change in this next day. Right?
Here's a jellybean.
I don't know how haikus work
Wait, did I make one?
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review,
I guess we're haikuists now.
Yay for jelly beans!

Date: January 06, 2024 10:57 pm Title: Chapter 3
Pam Beesly, Post Malone fan? We all stan.
Creed being a ‘mature’ student? Love it.
Roy though. We don’t stan that kind that of behavior. Although, it’ll be funny if Pam gets stood up again.
Have a jellybean coated in Jello.
Author's Response: We love a bit of Postie! Creed is absolutely more of a mature student than he says he is... age wise of course.

Date: January 05, 2024 08:38 am Title: Chapter 2
Oh God. You brought the chef into this world. I guess this fic is the most appropriate place to put him in. Maybe he should make a cameo appearance.
Jim Halpert (he/him) must have loved that book so much that he didn’t notice someone was drawing her.
Angela is that friend who’ll give you right advice at the wrong time. That “dog-loving hussy” bit made me laugh. I’d call her that too for trying to make Cat-urday a thing.
Have a jellybean. And a McFlurry. It’s probably the wrong flavor.
Author's Response: Too bad the McFlurry's the wrong flavor. Of course I brought the chef into this world, as if I could resist! Angela is the best and worst roommate to have.

Date: January 05, 2024 08:13 am Title: Chapter 1
Ooh, I love this Pam being a secret famous Instagram artist. Very her to not want the spotlight to be directly on her. Let’s hope she turns her iPad fast enough to not forget his name. Jeremy was it?
Have a jellybean!
Author's Response: She's hiding out of the limelight for sure! Jeremy Hillbert?

Date: January 05, 2024 01:30 am Title: Chapter 5
Jim gets a taste hehehe that already got me laughing
Love Mark and Marina already hitting it off. I'm expecting a double date by the end of this fic please
I love love love all the art description here, and this line 'He looked entirely enthralled and for a moment Pam's world consisted of only her, Jim, and the way his amazement at her art made her feel' my god it got me
And Jim in a grey sweatshirt, more of that please
And absolutely am expecting a kiss in the dark room now, don't you dare disappointment me
Loved it all
Author's Response: Many thanks! Glad the importance of her art is coming through. Grey sweatshirt, what next I wonder? Maybe there'll be a dark room kiss, maybe there won't, we'll see what these two get up to.
Date: January 04, 2024 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 5
Love it! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Keep them coming, bbygirl.
Author's Response: Thanks homegirl!
Date: January 04, 2024 07:30 pm Title: Chapter 5
I love that Jim and Pam are still hitting it off so well. And that their friends are encouraging things along. Listen to your friends! They know what's good for you! Jim wanting to explore Pam's art and her world of art is amazing. We can tell just how much it means to her to have someone show such genuine interest. I have this mental picture of her just glowing while showing Jim all these parts of her. And not just because of all the blushing. Here's a guy who's found her golden nugget and sees her for it. Not just something in passing to deal with, but a wonderful and unique thing about her that is a large part of what makes her, her. Really looking to see how those feelings develop.
The first hints from Pam's thoughts that she's outlived her relationship with Roy. Yes she's known him, but more and more it's becoming clear that their paths are diverging. Nice to see that she's starting to see that. Still some fear of the unknown of course, but she also is realizing she's not alone which could offset a lot of those fears. Love it. Can't wait for more.
Author's Response: Yes, it's definitely handy that they have friends encouraging them along here! I am glad that came across, how important it was for Pam to have someone who appreciated her art so much - not because they have to because they're family/a friend.

Date: January 04, 2024 12:07 pm Title: Chapter 3
“When the sounds of Post Malone filled her ears, she gave an approving nod and started to make her way back.”
Anyway, super cute chapter! But I wish Pam would cut her loses already and dump Roy. He ain’t worth it boo.
Author's Response: Hahaha it had to be Post Malone! He really ain't, but no worries she'll get there at some point...

Date: January 04, 2024 11:56 am Title: Chapter 1
Ooooh… who DOESNT love having a secret account that no one knows about? I had a tumblr dedicated to an entire ship from a show that I didn’t want my mutuals or irl ppl to know about 🤐 ANYWAY! I love this story super cute and original!
Author's Response: Why does this not surprise me?! Many thanks!

Date: October 30, 2023 09:56 am Title: Chapter 4
Damn you know how to write a haiku. The butterfly one? A-mazing
You totally nailed Angela (twss) and I loved the use of the 'Jim's my friend, apparently' just works so perfectly
Ugh Roy is SUCH a tool here. I can't wait til Pam kicks him to the curb
Please update immediately. Thanking you graciously old chap
Author's Response: Why thank you kind sir. I watched that episode while writing this chapter and I was like oh my God, perfect. Roy is being an absolute spanner but we shall see where things go soon-ish!
Date: October 26, 2023 04:59 pm Title: Chapter 4
I hate how Roy's stringing Pam along like this. Like she's just something for him to use when it's convenient for him. He gets to put in almost zero effort and still gets all the rewards. That really irks me. Is it wrong for me to hope that this lunch date goes bad in someway shape or form for Pam to finally see what a tool Roy is?
Interesting that Pam thinks how nice it is to feel wanted. She gets the same kind of attention from a much nicer source and it even gives her better feelings. Seriously one of her friends needs to just tell it to her straight. Roy is a loser and she's got the potential for something so much more. That she's lying about the intent of her pupil poem and justifying her private one speaks to how her mind is going for sure. Really hoping she sees all this sometime soon.
Author's Response: Definitely a thumbs down for Roy's behaviour here! They are both just taking the easy route with the relationship right now, but no fear, things will soon be addressed between these two. Pam sure has the potential for more, her different art forms are a little source of processing all these ideas and feelings in her young age. Thanks for the review!
Date: October 15, 2023 01:48 pm Title: Chapter 3
Very funny ending. Roy's reaction to missing a date was great as well. I was also reminded of Pam's giddy reaction to jim playing basketball in Season 1. Interested to see where this will go next.
Author's Response: Thank you! Glad it reminded you of that, I try to link in bits from the show in little ways to have that connection to the original material.

Date: September 27, 2023 02:54 am Title: Chapter 3
Im so glad you uodated this! Cant wait for more!
Author's Response: Thanks! Hopefully not too long for another update :)

Date: September 26, 2023 04:23 am Title: Chapter 3
I've said it before and I'll say it again, ROY SUCKS. I hope Pam gets her own back. Loved this update, thank you! More please! Xx
Author's Response: Thanks for the review - completely agree, he sucks!!

Date: September 25, 2023 01:17 pm Title: Chapter 3
Well obviously I loved this, but oh my god, Pam's pets names I FREAKING LOVE THOSE.
Biggest question of this whole chapter that I need immediately answered: did Jim view her story!?
Of course Pam was listening to Posty. What a queen. What a king.
I reallllllly wanted to shake the pair of them while they were sat on the bench, thank god for their hug.
You've said it won't be long til the next update, so I'm going to hold you to that. CAN'T WAIT!
Author's Response:
I just had to add Mitchell in once I decided on Joni! Yep, Jim saw her story. Hope that helps you sleep at night. I too wanted to shake them, but they gotta live through their college-angst-naive-stubborn-thinktheyknowbestcostheythinktheyregrownup era. Also apologies for forgetting to give you credit for the jello and getting me out of stuck mode. Absolutely inspired.
Date: September 24, 2023 05:13 pm Title: Chapter 3
Trust your friends and trust your gut Pam! Roy's not worth it. Can't remember you have a date, can't remember your favorite coffee, he's not worth it. Especially when you're hitting it off so well with Jim.
Lots of fun to see some show elements like the jello prank show up too. Clearly she's got Jim on the mind and he's got her on his mind too. Hope that keeps going once she finally realizes that Roy is a dead end.
Author's Response:
I'm yelling pretty much the same at Pam while I write her! But we all know back in college you think you're grown up and know whats best and that you don't need your friends telling you what to do, so Pam needs to get through that phase. I have to give some credit to MrsK for the jello, she got me out of a 'stuck' moment! Thanks for the review :)

Date: August 11, 2023 01:58 pm Title: Chapter 2
I love this already! The idea of a modern day teen Jam is amazing! Already need Roy out of the picture with the bits of info on him we have so far! Pam can do better! Her being flustered by Jim was all kinda of funny/adorable! You've rocked this so far, can't wait for more! Xx
Author's Response: Thank you! So much fun to write a modern teen Jam and put them through the highs and lows of college life... even though it includes Roy!
Date: August 07, 2023 04:51 pm Title: Chapter 2
So it seems like Pam and Roy are kind of a thing, but he's not around very much and is already starting to blow her off. The fact that Pam's mind is also wandering away from Roy adds to this. If she was in a really good relationship with her guy, why all the thoughts of Jim and sexy chef? Just my take on it.
Anyway, kind of fun to see into her world here. The clandestine artist. The budding friendship with Jim. How she views her friends. I also really like it that she has some close girl friends. Hopefully they'll be able to provide some perspective as everything unfolds.
Author's Response: Yes, it's been fun to paint a picture of their relationship before introducing Roy and interacting with him. We don't get to see much of Pam's friendships in the show so its a great space to explore them here, especially in college at an age where every decision feels so big. Thanks for the review!

Date: August 07, 2023 03:11 pm Title: Chapter 2
Boooo - Roy needs to go already and we’ve not even gotten to him yet! That was a fun chapter, looking forward to reading more.
Author's Response: Thank you! I feel that way about Roy too, and its fun dropping in hints of the state of the relationship before he's shown up in the fic.