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Disclaimer: THE OFFICE and it's characters don't belong to me. Because if they did I'd be rich. And writing episodes, not fanfics. So... no infringement intended.


Tears stream, down your face

When you lose something you cannot replace

When you love someone, but it goes to waste

Coldplay, Fix You



She couldn't breathe.


She thought she might not ever breathe again.


It was becoming physically painful to feign indifference.


To pretend not to care.


To watch him with her.


To offer friendly (when they're SO not friends) advice.


The words, "Not until you're home." ran over and over through her brain like news stories on a CNN ticker, and she blinked hard to make them true.


Unfortunately, home was a bench outside the warehouse and the arm around her belonged to the least comforting person she knew...


God, Jim would have laughed so hard at the PMS comment. A small, "wow," escaping his lips...


So somehow, Dwight being there only made her cry harder.


And when she finally made it home, she hated herself a little for the cliché she created, climbing into the steamy shower and letting the sound of the water drown out her sobs.


There was no one to hear them anyway.


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