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Author's Chapter Notes:
The zen art of a waiting Pam.  this one shifts to first person near the end.

"Tell me I wasn’t worth stickin’ it out for. I was there and I know I was worth it."- Chantal Kreviazuk


It had been four weeks and counting since Pam had made the first step. Four weeks of Pam picking up the phone, dialing his number and hanging up when he would answer. Four weeks of him never calling back. She feels him in this place. Everywhere she goes she sees him. She had said she would wait. It was harder than she thought.

Today was the day. The day the sadness of realization changed into simmering rage. After no attempt from him for so long she realized that he didn’t want her anymore. Today she knew for sure because today he had forgotten her birthday. In fact everyone had. They did most years but Jim always remembered. It seems like such a juvenile reaction but it was really an instinctual one. Every year I would get one phone call from my mom and a card from Jim. He would always attach it to a cupcake or a bag of french onion. It was always food probably so I wouldn’t have to explain it away later. But it was always him and it was proof every year that two people still loved me. This year my mother hadn’t called and neither had he.

I had wanted a phone call. Even if it was just to say goodbye. I knew despite everything we could be good together. I felt it that night when he kissed me. Before I had to lie. Before I started missing him. I had been waiting for so long. The day was almost over. Minutes sliding by like hours.

At four I went into the break room to make my tea. What I saw was Dwight’s back and the shattered mint green tea pot at his feet. He stared at me wide eyed as I swept it into a paper towel. I ignored the lecture about proper disposal of dangerous materials. I left without putting the phones to voice mail. Some things just don’t seem so important.

I looked at my most prized possession in pieces against my kitchen table. The only thing he had given me. To remember him by. I lost it then. Collapsing to the floor. Making a spectacle of myself. Weeping for everything that was broken. I resolved to fix it somehow. To glue it all back together. To make it right.

Maybe this time I’d get it right. Maybe this time I would fix this.



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