61 [Reviews - 110] Printer ePub eBook
Past Featured StorySummary:

Anywhere But Here cover

Role Reversal Challenge: It's May 2006. Jim's wedding is approaching and a lovelorn Pam can't take much more. Starts during Casino Night (or an AU version of it).

Rated: T
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Angst, Humor, Romance, Travel, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language
Challenges: Role Reversal
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: No
Word count: 44755 Read: 82739 ePub Downloads: 23
Published: April 15, 2007 Updated: February 27, 2018
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Story Notes:

Disclaimer: The Office belongs to NBC-Universal, and probably a few other guys, but definitely not me. I just put some words together.

This story has been sitting on my computer for a while, then I saw there was a Role Reversal challenge and decided to post. Not sure how many chapters there will be, I'll tell you when it's getting close to the end (TWSS).

Fic and chapter titles from a song of the same name by Colorado band Newcomer's Home. Thanks for reading and reviews are always great to get :-)

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1. I've always wanted to see Canada by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 26] 12 (1228 words)
That dang Dunder-Mifflin parking lot is cursed, even in my AU.

2. Where do I go now by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 9] 3 (1165 words)

Previously: Pam has just confessed she leaving Dunder-Mifflin, Jim is comprehending what her actions mean. Jim's POV

3. Some place where my head can clear by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 8] 4 (1136 words)

Previously:Jim has just overheard Pam on the phone with her mother talking about him. Pam's POV.

I finally put the adult language warning to use in this chapter ;)

4. Bet I could really lose myself up there by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 7] 1 (1334 words)

Previously: Pam kisses Jim and regrets it immediately but looks up and see Jim leaning into her...

5. Three O'Clock and It's Been Fourteen Days by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 6] 3 (2302 words)

Previously: Pam heads to Italy for a summer art program, and Jim's still on track to get married in just a couple weeks. Edit, 6/15/15: If you ever wondered how "Booze Cruise" would have gone with the roles reversed, I added a whole new section with just that, enjoy!

6. Where I'm Not Reminded Constantly by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 8] 2 (2275 words)

Previously: Pam is in Italy for a summer art program, meanwhile Jim's fiancee Lisa got cold feet and had just walked out on Jim. (Once again, haven't been to Italy so please forgive me if I don't do it justice.)

7. Of what you used to mean to me by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 12] 3 (1996 words)

Previously: Pam gets an email from Kelly that Jim's wedding was cancelled, but is upset to find no correspondence from Jim. *Edit 6/22/15* New convo added to this chapter!

8. Now That You're Gone by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 16] 5 (1627 words)

Previously: Jim's wedding is called off and as he cancels different reservations, he thinks of Pam in Italy and flirts with the idea of flying to Florence to surprise her, but it proves too expensive. Pam returns from Italy and finds quickly she needs a job...

9. Far, far away from here by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 2] 1 (2324 words)

Surprise, dunder-mifflinites! I found an old file of Office fics and decided it's high time to finish this one up, so here we go!

Previously: Pam has returned from Italy and starts working at the corporate Dunder Mifflin offices in Manhattan. Jim decides he should reconnect with Pam and calls her, but loses his nerve when he gets her voicemail.

10. Chapter Two I'm Changing Everything by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 1] 1 (2649 words)

Previously: Pam has returned from Italy and starts working at the corporate Dunder Mifflin offices in Manhattan. Jim decides he should reconnect with Pam and calls her, but loses his nerve when he gets her voicemail. This is a long one (twss). Takes place 2 days after Chapter 9.

11. So Many Places... by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 1] (2701 words)
Previously: Jim meets up with his ex-fiancee and she tells him why she broke off their wedding. In New York, Pam is helping Jan prepare for a big meeting with Stamford and Scranton leadership, and collides with someone as she carries hot coffee...

12. ...And So Little Time by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 1] 1 (2984 words)
Previously: At the Dunder Mifflin corporate offices, there's a coffee incident and Pam and Jim find themselves at a department store for a new shirt. Pam tells Jim corporate is planning to close down either Stamford or Scranton in the next few months. Jim is hoping to have a more personal conversation with Pam but keeps getting interrupted.

13. Oh anywhere, oh anywhere by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 0] 1 (3176 words)
Previously: About to part ways again, Pam finds a doodle from Jim in her meetings notes and catches Jim before he leaves Dunder Mifflin corporate, suggesting they go get dinner together. Takes place two days later (on Friday)

14. Before You Even Ask Yourself What It Ever Was by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 0] 1 (1404 words)
Previously: While out with Karen, Pam gets a text from Jim, saying they should have a real Manhattan date next weekend.

15. Takes A Thousand Miles Puts You Right Back At The Start by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 1] 1 (2396 words)

Previously: Jim is eagerly anticipates his weekend date with Pam.

16. Wraps Itself Around Your Heart by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 0] 1 (1974 words)

Previously: Jim and Pam finally have their first date: a romantic night out in Manhattan. Pam plays tour guide for Jim at MoMA, they plot and scheme pranks on Dwight over dinner, and admire the view from the top of Rockefeller center.

17. Sweeps Around You Like the Sea by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 2] 1 (2768 words)
Previously: Jim and Pam have a great date in NYC and decide to (finally) become more than friends.

18. You dare to see the mystery by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 1] 2 (3321 words)

Previously: Jim drives to New York where he and Pam spend the weekend together in her Brooklyn apartment, and Pam learnes the Stamford branch will most likely absorb Scranton but Jim is a shoe-in for a transfer.

A/N: a long time ago idnaoj80 said she'd like to see a role-reversal S2 Christmas Party, so this is mostly based on that suggestion.

19. Just In Time To Notice Who It Is You Want To Be by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 1] 5 (3592 words)
Previously: Pam is heading to Scranton to surprised Jim and reflects on the previous Christmas when she got him for Secret Santa. She finds Jim at the mall, but then sees a woman run up and throw her arms around him...

20. You're floating on a cloud that's beautiful and then by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 8] 13 (2403 words)
Previously: After running into Jim's ex-girlfriend Katy at the mall, Jim and Pam have the "past relationship" talk. Pam reveals a college boyfriend she doesn't talk much about who made her feel bad about herself and was a reason she dropped out of college. Jim reassures her and Pam can stop herself from saying, "I love you". Though worried she said it too soon, Jim says he loves her too.