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A depressed Dwight was very fun to watch, Jim decided. As the party in the one of the halls on the first floor of the hotel had raged on for the last two hours, sitting at one end of the table, watching Dwight sulk and moan and complain about everything while all the while continually gazing off into the distance or staring bitter sweetly at Michael, Jim couldn’t help but bite back a laugh as he approached Dwight, dropping into the seat next to him.

Jim propped elbow on the tabletop, his head falling into his hand, "Something wrong there, buddy?"

Dwight only sighed, never looking over at Jim, "Fact. There will never be a boss quite like Michael Scott."

Considering his words, Jim bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing or smiling, instead he nodded "You know what, Dwight? That might be the first time you and I will ever agree on something."

Dwight turned to face Jim, "You’re gonna miss him, too?"

Jim shook his head, the smile breaking, "That is not what I said."

Dwight scoffed, his glasses slipping further down his nose, "You’re just mad that Michael, the more qualified candidate, got the Corporate job and you didn’t."

"I didn’t interview for it, Dwight. Remember?"

Dwight slowly sat back in his chair, "Fine. You’re mad that your girlfriend didn’t get it then?"

Jim had no time to respond as Karen, clad in a off white strapless dress that she’d slipped into in their hotel room after they’d checked in a few hours ago, suddenly showed up at his side, tripping over her own high heels, cradling a martini glass in her hand. She bumped into Jim’s chair, before collapsing into his lap, "What’s going on?"

Jim shook his head, wrapping his free hand around Karen’s waist, "Absolutely nothing." He looked at her, her face flushed from alcohol, "Are you drunk?"

Karen nodded, "Yes, I would."


Karen looked at him suspiciously, slamming her empty glass against the table top, "Didn’t you ask if I wanted another drink?"

Jim smiled, leading them both to stand, "Yes, Fillipelli, that is exactly what I said." Keeping his hand steady at her waist, he moved them past the dance floor, over to the bar, "Now, let’s go get you that drink." And he had every intention of making that a non-alcoholic drink.




Kelly, in a bright pink sundress, was dancing to the loud music playing, in her off-beat fashion, still talking as loudly as she can over the music. She grabbed Pam’s hand and forced her on the dance floor, reminding her that Fergilicious was like her favorite song ever. Pam, who wore a simple, straight, deep red dress that fell a little above her knee, two-stepped to the music at first, but soon got more into it, not caring what other people around her thought about her dorky dance moves. No, she was a new woman. She didn’t care about what other people thought about her.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as Kelly started rambling on and on and on, "I can’t believe Michael’s leaving. It’s like so sad. I mean, he was really annoying, and mean, and a bigot, and I even slapped him that time. Remember? But still, Michael was like the best and I don’t know if we’ll ever get a boss like him."

Pam tried to reassure her, "I’m sure it will be fine, Kelly."

Kelly gasped, a new idea forming in her mind, "Let’s have another drink. And we can do a toast. We should so do a toast. I have so much to say. It will be so great and...."

Jim quickly interrupted as the music was suddenly lowered, the office members forming a circle, much like they had on beach day. He knew nobody would want Kelly to talk for the next three hours so, Jim thought up a different plan, "Umm....Dwight. Why don’t you toast?"

Hesitantly, Dwight stood to his feet, slowly moving to the center of the circle with his head hung low and sad. He looked over at Michael with a quivering lip, raising his empty champagne class, "To Michael. The best boss I’ve ever had."

Michael shook his head at him, "I’m still not giving you my job, Dwight."

Dwight slammed down the glass on the floor, the shards of it spreading out across it, "Come on!"

Michael only pressed further on, "That decision has already been made, Dwight. We have an outsider coming in on Monday and I’m sure he’ll be a wonderful asset to the crew."

Angela scoffed, looking up at Dwight with a scowl, "An outsider will never be welcome at Dunder Mifflin Scranton."

Michael didn’t take her words to heart, "What? Look how well you welcomed the Stamford crew."

But Angela was not to be quieted. She stood tall next to Dwight, staring over at Michael. "The Stamford crew consists of Andy who is borderline crazy and Karen....and nobody even likes her."

Karen wobbled on her feet, "Hey! That was rude!" She knocked into Jim’s side, eliciting a giggle from Pam.

Kevin chimed in, "Yeah, and Andy is only partially crazy."

Michael waved his hands in the air, speaking out loudly than he needed to, "Hey. Hey. This is my day, people. My goodbye party. Is it at all possible that we could be a normal office for the rest of the night?"

And again Pam giggled. But this giggle was loud enough for the entire office to hear and to turn and look at her.

She pursed her lips together, "Sorry."

The circle soon cleared out, Michael running off in a huff, complaining that even his last day was a disaster, with Dwight not far behind.




The music quickly swelled again, Pam still standing there giggling like a school girl.

Jim appeared at her side, smiling down at her, "You don’t think that was a little loud, Beesley?"

Pam couldn’t help herself, "Oh, that’s what she said." Jim only rolled his eyes in sarcasm and she continued to laugh, "Oh, c’mon. You know you’re gonna miss Michael’s infamous, cheesy lines. Admit it."

Jim looked at her, pondering, then slowly nodded his head, "Okay. Maybe. But I’d never admit it."

Pam batted her lashes, "I think you just did." Jim was about to say something when the sound of a large crash behind them filled the air. Jim spun around on his heel, watching as Karen nearly turned a table over as she slammed her hip into it, allowing every glass on it to fall and shatter.

Pam gestured towards Karen, her eyes downward, "I...I think Karen’s drunk."

Jim sighed, taking a step back, "Yeah, I should..."

Pam only nodded, half smiling, as Jim slowly backed away, turning then fully, and rushing over to Karen. Pam tore her eyes away, unable to look at him run from her to his girlfriend, taking care of her.

But Kelly’s voice once again filled the air, offering a distraction to say the least. She moved directly in front of Pam, "Oh my God. You two are like so cute together. And I thought...like after that speech you gave on beach day...I really thought you two would like be a couple or whatever, but you guys are like so cute and such great friends."

Pam forced a smile, "Yes, Kelly. Jim and I are friends or at least we’re trying to be friends again."

Kelly turned to look, as Jim scooped up Karen in his arms, holding her close to him, "Oh. But he’s still with Karen. God, that must be so hard. I mean, she’s so pretty and thin and tan and you’re you. And she’s right here, always, and you gotta deal with her and them. And God, Pam, I feel so bad for you. If it was Ryan and some other chick, God, I would totally freak out."

And right before Pam could freak out, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned suddenly, meeting Michael’s eyes.

"Pam? Can I...."

Pam nodded, moving with Michael, away from Kelly, toward his table, "Yes, Michael?"

Michael only shook his head, his hand still on Pam’s shoulder, "You looked like you needed saving."

A genuine smile graced Pam’s face, "Umm....thanks."

Michael’s smile matched hers, "Anything for my favorite receptionist."

Pam giggled, feeling slightly uncomfortable. She backed out of Michael’s grasp, crossing her arms over her chest, "So, you all set for Corporate?"

Michael nodded, "Yup. But now that Jan’s taken David’s old position, I’m gonna have to deal with her a lot more and..."

Pam interrupted him, "You’ll be fine, Michael. If you two are meant to be, then it will work out. But if she doesn’t make you happy, if you don’t love her, then you let her go and you move on."

A light suddenly went off in Michael’s head.

"I do have one last assignment for you, Pam."

All of his niceness started to make complete sense. That feeling of dread filled her stomach, crawling up into her throat. But she still couldn’t deny Michael his last request. In fact, he was still her boss. She sighed, "Does it involve note taking?"


"Answering phones?"


"Anything actually work related?"

"Kinda sorta."

Pam squinted her eyes at him, "I’m gonna have to video record something, aren’t I?"

Michael’s face beamed with pride, "You’ve come to know me well, curly haired one. I have a final speech to make and it’s going to need to be recorded...for the world to see." Pam had no time to object as Michael handed her his video camera and once again screamed out to the crowd, "Everyone gather round. Please. I would like to make my last Scranton Dunder Mifflin Speech." The music shut off, people quickly stood before Michael in a crowd, as Pam set up the camera right in front of him. Michael smiled at her, "You ready, Pam?"

Pam smiled back, pressing play, "All set, Michael."

And then, Michael Scott gave his final speech.

"Scranton. Scranton, you have been my home of homes, my solace, my ground. And these people, you...have become my family." He turned to Dwight first, "Dwight, you’re....an interesting individual with incredible work ethic and I have grown to rely on you heavily for unnecessary and pointless assignments."And then, to every other, "Stanley, your devotion to Dunder Mifflin is....good, very good." He raised his fist, "Black Power!" Then, his eyes shifted to the other side of the room, "Andy....what happened to you on Beach Day?"

Andy opened his mouth, unable to form words, "I was in the sumo..."

Michael waved his hand, "Never mind. Oscar, thank you for trusting this office enough to announce your homosexual tendencies and that kiss....well, let’s just say I haven’t forgotten it. Kevin, you are like a care bear. Soft, round, and monotone. Creed, you’re so weird. In a good way, of course. Ryan, you’re more than just a temp. You’re a really good temp." He turned to Toby, pausing, considering all he had to say, "Toby, hi." He stuck his jaw out, faking a Brando accent, "Jim, you could been great, you coulda been a contender. But once a slacker..."

Jim called out, "Hey!"

Then, Michael turned to the women of his office, "Angela, you’re just what this office needs. Something cold, hard, and judgmental. Good for you. Meredith, umm..." He looked at her for a long hard time, "...could you put your shirt back on? Please?" Meredith shrugged her shoulder and slid to the back of the group as Michael continued, "Phyllis, speaking of which, I’m sorry about the flasher. That wasn’t funny at all. Even though, it kinda was. Um, Kelly?"

A bright smile slid over Kelly’s lips, "Yes, Michael?"

Michael swallowed hard, "I have a confession. That slap....completely turned me on. And Karen, exotic..." He looked at her, unable to stand up on her own without Jim’s help, "...and drunk? Still hot though."

Pam had seen that they had gone quite off topic, "Michael."

Michael then turned to face Pam, and the camera head on. "And to Pam-a-lam-a-ding-dong. Last but certainly not least." He paused, a sincerity filling his eyes.

"Follow your heart."

Pam’s eye moved from the camera’s gaze, over to Michael, stunned beyond words, "What?"

Michael continued on, his voice low and real, "Your heart, Pam. It will...never lead you wrong. And that....is Michael Scott’s final word." He waved his hand over his face dramatically, "End scene."




After the speech was over and everyone was buzzing around again, Jim found his way back over to Pam, looking at her curiously, "Well, that was certainly Kodak moment, Beesley."

Before Pam could come up with a smart ass response, Dwight was suddenly in her face, looking down at her closely, "Question: Have you been having sexual intercourse with Michael?"

Pam’s jaw dropped completely open, "Excuse me?"

Dwight’s hands landed firmly on his hips, "Fact: Michael was kind to you. Fact: Michael is only kind to women who have showed them their breasts."

Pam shook her head, in absolute awe. "Dwight, you’re absolutely ridiculous."

Jim chimed in as well, "And completely jealous! Michael obviously cares more for Pam than he does for you. That sucks, Dwight."

"Shut up, Jim!" Was all Dwight could manage to say as he rushed off in a huff. Jim and Pam stood there giggling, not sure what to make of Michael’s speech, nor of Dwight’s accusation. But suddenly, Karen was upon them, bumping into Jim.

"Lookie at the two of you. Such good friends. God, Pam. How do you do it? Get all these office guys to fawn over you like that?"

Pam was slightly stunned at Karen’s words, but Jim quickly pulled Karen slightly away, "Hey. I didn’t know you were a lightweight, Fillipelli."

Karen snuggled into Jim’s side, "I’m not a lightweight. I just can’t drink so much."

Jim forced a laugh, "Well, that is the definition of a lightweight."

She moved quickly, nearly toppling over as she moved to stand in front of him, wrapping her arms around his waist, looking up at him under hooded eyelids, "Well, then, maybe you should take me upstairs, Halpert."

Pam looked away, as Jim glanced over at her, holding Karen up in his arms, "Yeah, let’s get you to sleep."

Michael watched the tense scene before him, "So, you’re leaving, huh? Yeah, she is pretty damn trashed. Don’t forget, Jim, breakfast. 9:00a.m. sharp."

With Karen slung over at his side, Jim nodded, "We’ll be there. And uh.....great party, Michael."

Michael slyly wrapped his arm around Pam’s shoulder, "Hey. Party’s not over. It’s just starting." He led them away from Jim and Karen, calling out for another round of shots, leaving Jim standing there with his drunken girlfriend, confused, and inexplicably disturbed for a moment before he led them away.

Once Michael had led Pam a safe distance away, he whispered to her, "You’ll thank me later for this."

And Pam had no idea what the rest of the night had in store for her.


Chapter End Notes:
Thank you so much for the reviews. I love JAM!

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