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But not our last days of silence, screaming, blur


Jim tried to look at her and not see the woman he loved so dearly. But he couldn’t. So, instead, he forced himself to not look at all. He was thankful that his new desk placed his back to her, forcing his eyes forward and not back. He did not want to go back anymore than he already had.

But old habits die hard. When Karen was mad that he didn’t want her to move a few houses down, he found himself confiding in Pam, as a friend, as a partner, as a woman he trusted. Not surprisingly, she gave the advice soundly, logically, indifferently. And he realized, more than ever before, that Pam did not care that he was with Karen, Pam did not care that he had moved on, Pam didn’t care if he married Karen, Pam wasn’t and would never be in love with him.

And then, to keep his mind from going over the edge and his soul from shattering even more, he shut her out of his life and hoped that soon enough she’d be out of his heart as well.

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