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Story Notes:
Disclaimer: I don't own the Office or anything like that.
Author's Chapter Notes:
Written for the nothing_hip community on LJ - the challenge prompt was Matchbox20's '3 am'.  Written for miss_bennie because she requested it :)
"I don't want to watch this anymore."

"Yeah, this is totally gross.  And lame.  And how the hell is he still alive??"

"You two can just quit your whining right there.  We already did the time for this.  You girls owe us."

"I don't know, Jim... I'm starting to wonder if a romantic comedy movie marathon equals us having to sit through... wait.  How many of these are there?"



"Wait, I thought there were eight?"

"Nah, we're skipping the third one because it has like... absolutely nothing to do with anything."

"Jim.  Seven??"

"Yeah, what the fuck??  I am not watching fourteen hours of some pasty little punk in a white mask murdering people," Kelly whines.  "I mean we're only on number two and we've seen like EIGHTY pairs of boobs?"

"Oh come on... please?" Jim sticks his bottom lip out as Pam chucks a piece of popcorn at his forehead.  She feigns fighting him off as he pinches at her sides, saying please over and over until she finally lets up.

"Whatever, Halpert.  You better believe that your big fat lip isn't going to work on me," Kelly rolls her eyes.  Someone on-screen gets their throat slit and she practically leaps closer to Andy on the couch.

"Fuck, that was a gusher," Jim's laughing and swigging from his beer, his arm now firmly in place around Pam.

"I didn't realize that Kelly Kapoor was so squeamish," Andy raises his eyebrows at her like it's a challenge.

"Oh give me a break, Bernard," she rolls her eyes.  "All I'm saying is if I have to sit through hours and hours of boobs and gore I better get to see at least one penis."

"Need a volunteer?" Jim raises his hand, laughing as Pam pummels his chest with her fists. 

"Just try it," she laughs as he holds her arms in place against her sides.  "And see how much longer you have one."

"Yeah, besides I was talking about, you know, male organs, Jim?  I'm not even sure you have one."

"Ohh, rim-shot!" Andy exclaims, throwing his arms up.  Sometimes Andy acts like she's the funniest person in the world.  It's kind of a nice change.

"Is that your ringtone?" Jim laughs, singing along to 'Damn it feels good to be a gangsta' as her cellphone vibrates across the table.

"Yeah, I let Ryan pick his own ringtone, like that wasn't a colossal mistake," she rolls her eyes and grabs for it.  "Hey baby!"

"Kelly, could you just take it somewhere -" Jim trails off as she settles herself back into the couch.

"You're still at work?  It's like eleven o'clock on a Friday - that sucks.  Oh we're watching scary movies.  Something with that guy from Austin Powers -"

"That's Mike Myers..." Jim interjects. 

"Halloween, right!  I know, right?  Me watching scary movies?  I'm totally keeping it together though.  Yeah.  Pam and Jim and Andy."  She holds a hand over the receiver.  "Ryan says hi."

Jim finally gives up and pauses the movie with a totally overly exaggerated sigh.

"Yeah I'll tell him.  Okay baby, I'll talk to you tomorrow.  Okay.  Okay.  I miss you!"

"Are we done?" Jim asks as she clicks the phone closed.

"Oh, don't get your panties twisted," she waves him off.  "Oh and Andy, you're supposed to protect me tonight.  Ryan's orders."

"Well, I guess if that's what the boss wants..." Andy jokes, but his voice gets all scratchy and he ends up just trailing off.

Jim starts to laugh, but it turns into a cough when Pam jabs him in the ribcage.

"So are we watching the stupid movie or what?" she asks loudly and Jim presses play. 


When she wakes up her contacts are dry and she has to blink a few times before she can see much of anything.  It's still dark out so she's not really sure what time it is, but the white-faced dude is still stalking after horny, half-naked teenagers on the television.  Jim seems to be the only one semi-awake enough to be watching and Pam's practically curled into a ball in his lap.

Andy's sweater is a little rough against her face, but she doesn't sit up.

"No, not LL Cool J," Jim is saying half-heartedly at the screen.  Pam mumbles something in her sleep.

"Hey, wasn't that chick in Dawson's Creek?" she manages to ask.  She can feel Andy shifting next to her.

"Yeah, she was the slutty one, from New York, right?" Jim answers.

"Jen," Andy adds with a yawn.

"Right.  With the grandmother that talked in that weird non-accent."  She can already feel herself drifting back into sleep as she says it.

The last thing she can remember thinking is that she wonders how many boys have actually held her hand while she was sleeping before.  Andy is a good friend.

And is that Josh Hartnett? 


"Customer service, this is Kelly."

"You should really jazz that up a bit."

"Oh, excuse me, Andy?  How do you answer your phone then?"

He clears his throat once before the inevitable singing. "Hello?? Is it me you're looking for??"

"What the hell is that?"

Andy laughs on the other end before realizing that she isn't joking. "It-it's Lionel Ritchie."

"Ohh, of course!  Nicole's dad, right?"

"That is correct-o-mundo."

"Is that seriously how you answer your phone?  Has Jim shot you in the face yet?"

"Not today."

"Yeah, let me know if you make it to five o'clock.  Oh lame, another call.  Let me know how it goes."

"Will do."

"Customer service, this is Kelly."

"Hey Kelly, it's Pam."

"Will no one just get off there lazy butts and come back here when they want to talk to me?"

"Well, I'm supposed to be working, remember?"

"Oh right, totally.  What's up?"

"I wanted to make the dinner reservations for tonight.  What time will Ryan be down?"

"Oh yeah... that.  I don't think he'll be making it."

"Oh... really?"

"Yeah, he's got a lot of work this weekend.  Why?"

"Are you okay?"

"Duh, Pam.  Yes, I'm okay.  Why?"

"Well, it's just... I thought Ryan was coming so I-"

"Shit.  Another call.  I'll talk to you later, just make the reservation for whenever.  As early as you want, since I know Jim's like a total grandpa and wants to go for the early bird special."


"Customer service, this is Kelly. Yes, I am so sorry about that, we had a shipping delay last week, but that cardstock should totally be in first thing Monday."

She turns around in her chair when she hears Andy’s knuckles wrapping on the side of her cubicle wall. 

“Luunchtime?” he motions towards the break room, rubbing his stomach in that exaggerated way that makes him look like the host of some low-budget kid’s show.

Kelly shushes him with her finger because what she should be doing is listening to this very important call from this very important customer.  She tries to wave him off towards the break room, but instead he settles into the chair (Ryan’s chair, even though it really isn’t his anymore) behind her, swiveling around and pretending like he’s getting impatient.


“Yes.  Yes, I will make sure that our packaging department gets that message,” she’s saying and trying hard not to laugh as Andy kicks at the base of her chair.  She gives him the finger and he clutches at his chest like he’s just been shot.

“There - done,” she rolls her eyes, clicking the phone down.  “Happy?”

“Thank you muchly,” he jumps to his feet, following her towards the break room.

“So... I booked us a gig,” Andy raises his eyebrows at her as she sips on a SlimFast shake.

“Ohmygod, really?? Like, at the Montague Mountain??”

“Well, sort of…”

“What does sort of mean?”


“It means… the Steamtown Mall?”


“Well, now you have to let me do a Tiffany song.  That is like, the anthem of malls.”


“Maybe malls from 1984,” Jim laughs, pulling up a chair.


“Hey I liked Tiffany,” Pam nudges him.  “I thought she was the coolest dresser.”


“I just had the most brilliant idea of all time,” Kelly grabs onto Andy’s arm.  “We could do a whole, like, eighties mall theme!  With costumes and everything!”


“As long as I don’t have to wear my pants backwards,” Andy grins. 


“We should work on that after dinner tonight!”  Kelly claps her hands together.


“Sounds legendary,” Andy bumps his fist with hers because he knows how lame she thinks that is. 


“Don’t forget about your date,” Jim laughs, picking part of the crust from his sandwich.  “Ow!  What?”


Pam’s saying something to him with her eyes, but he doesn’t really seem to be getting it. 


“Who’s date?”


“Andy’s date.  What?”


“Andy has a date?”


“I told you guys, you really didn’t have to set me up…”


“She’s hot.”




“What?  She is.  You’ll like her, man.”




“Oh, so now I’m the only one without a date?”


“Ryan’s not coming?”


“He has to… work,” she says, even though it’s only partially true.  “He said he might be able to get off though.  I should… I’ll go call him.”


“Ryan Howard’s office.”


“Hey Hunter, is he around?”


“Hey Kelly - I'll put you right through." 

The stupid on-hold music that she hates comes on and she starts wondering when the last time she got a manicure was.  Maybe she can convince Pam to go with, because Lord knows, Pam could use it more than anyone.


“Hey Kel, what’s up?”


“Um, do you think you could still make it down tonight?”


“I thought you said…”


“Forget what I said.  I’d really like it if you could come.”


There’s a pause on his end and she can hear him flipping through pages of something.


“No, it’s not our anniversary, moron,” she rolls her eyes.  “I just want to see my boyfriend, okay?  Aren't I allowed to see my stupid workaholic boyfriend? Or do I need to get a new boyfriend??”

"Jesus, Kel, calm down," he sighs, sounding tired.  "Okay, I'll... I'll head down after I'm done here.  I'm not going to have any of my shit though, I'll have to borrow your toothbrush."

"That's fine, whatever," she says, even though she gets kind of grossed out by anyone else using her toothbrush.

When she walks back into the break room she holds her chin up like she's just come back from a triumphant battle (well, she sort of has).

"Pam, better make our table for six."


Ryan's late and he hasn't even called yet.  And Andy's date is kind of hot... if you like blond girls with big racks or whatever.  And she really wants a roll right now, but she's not about to eat carbs in front of this fucking stick of a person that's sitting across from her. 

"So, how do you know Pam?" she asks the bobble-head.  How does she even hold her head up with that skinny little neck of hers anyway?

"We're taking a few of the same painting classes," she says. 

"Her watercolors are awesome, man," Jim says with a mouthful of bread.  "You should come to their art show next weekend with me."

"That's great, I love... art," Andy nods enthusiastic as always.  Except that she's used to him being enthusiastic in her direction. 

"You know, Pam and I were babysitting Sasha the other weekend," Jim laughs.  "I think I've found my hidden talent to be finger-paint portraits."

"Oh, you mean the green blob with the little red blob on top that was supposed to be me?" Pam scoffs at him.

"What?  It's called abstract, Pam.  Look it up in one of your art books, because my name will be in there someday.  Jim Halpert: legendary fingerpainting abstract... tionist."

"Oh, so we're making up words now too?" Pam grins. 

"I like art," she says all of the sudden.  "Maybe I'll go."

"Oh, you do?" Jim smirks at her. 

"Yeah, totally," she nods.  "Art is... the best.  Thomas Kinkade is like, so great."

Jim bites his bottom lip like he's holding back and the girl with the huge head just stares at her plate.

But Andy's beaming at her. "I love that guy!  He paints like it's a photograph, but, you know... better.  I've got one of those posters in my bathroom."

"Sorry I'm late," Ryan breezes over to the table, collapsing into the chair beside her.  "Getting out of the city was a bitch."

"Hey Ryan," Pam smiles.

"Hi Ryan," Jim says in that overly nice way, glancing over to Kelly with an almost smile.

"Oh, you live in New York?  That's so... I've always wanted to live there," the new girl says.

"Yeah, it's okay I guess."

"It must be fun for you two though, right?  Weekends in the big city?  Talk about romantic."

"Yeah, except when your big city boyfriend doesn't live in Manhattan, which is like the epicenter of everything that is cool, but lives in Brooklyn-"

"Do we have to go over that again?  Number one: it's cheaper.  Number two: Brooklyn is actually really -"

"Yeah, blah blah, Brooklyn is full of hipsters and cool kids and PBR specials, and whatever.  It's still not as cool as Manhattan, especially when it takes like forever to get there on the crummy subway."

"You're just mad that I didn't want to spend two hours walking around Sephora," he rolls his eyes.  "Can I get a beer?"

They are nearing the end of the meal when Andy stretches his arm across the back of the girl's chair. 

"Do you want to go?" she turns to Ryan suddenly. 

"Yeah, actually," he nods.  "I'm pretty wiped."

"Hope you saved at least some energy," she smirks in her best sexy way.  Andy coughs into his water.  Ryan asks for the check.


The five are them are at dinner three Saturdays later when she makes the stupidest decision ever.  And we're talking big time stupid, not we'll laugh this off over a beer later stupid. 

She's sitting there, all by herself because Ryan couldn't come for real this time, witnessing Andy and whatsherface's fourth date, and she starts thinking about how on the fourth date even nice girls give it up.  And that's when she starts feeling kind of... irrational? 

"So we go into this guy's office, and it's like the Twilight Zone, right?  Deer heads, fox heads, rabbit heads, you name it, this guy's shot it, and then he asks us-"

"I think Ryan's cheating on me," she blurts out in the midst of one of Jim's stories.  But she's doesn't think that, like not even a little.

"Seriously?" Pam looks really concerned.  She should probably feel bad about making Pam's face look that way (the more you crease your forehead the more wrinkles you'll get there), but right now she doesn't. 

"That would be the shocker of the year," Jim jokes.  Pam isn't amused.

"Ohmygod, that's awful, I once had a boyfriend who -" the candy-apple starts to say before she's unceremoniously cut off mid-sentence by Andy.

"We should go up there."

"Go up... where."

"New York!  The big fruit!  The... the scene of the crime," Andy's gesturing kind of wildly now and his date looks less-than-impressed.

"That's insane," Jim sighs.

"What? We can't just let him get away with this," Andy puts his fist down hard on the table. 

"Well I mean, I don't know that he is, I just have this... feeling," Kelly takes a large sip of her water.  Lying isn't good for her complexion.

"We could drive up.  Catch him red-handed.  Then you'll know."

"You know... maybe Andy's right."

"Pam." Now Jim's the one who doesn't look happy.

This is a bad idea.  No, a bad idea is dying your hair red, or painting your nails the color of barf because the manicure lady thinks it compliments your skin tone.  This is a terrible idea of epic proportions.  And yet, somehow they end up all piled into Jim's car and dropping off sticks&stuff at her house because she doesn't want to drive to New York at nine o'clock at night.  Kelly thinks that maybe she should just speak up and cancel this whole stupid thing, but then Andy just says goodnight to the girl without walking her to her door and she decides that she had better just ride this thing out to the bitter end. 

Jim's obviously pretty pissed about the whole thing because he won't let anyone put in any CDs other than his whiny emo crap and it makes the atmosphere of the car that much more tense and depressing. 

"Hey," Andy reaches his hand to squeeze hers.  "It's going to be okay, okay?

She nods, even though it's probably not. 

About an hour into the trip Andy manages to lighten the mood by starting a round of the Alphabet Game (where you have to find all the letter of the alphabet using road signs and stuff).

"Can we seriously not use license plates?" Jim's craning his neck around.  "How the fuck are we supposed to find a 'Q'?"

"Can you seriously watch the road so we don't die?" Pam laughs. 

"There it is!  Quality Produce!" Andy raises his arms triumphantly, smacking them into the roof in the process.  "Ow."

"Nice one, monkey arms," she giggles. 

"Monkey arms?"  And then he's tickling her until she says uncle.  "I should've held out for monkey's uncle, but I guess that was acceptable."

By the time they reach the city she's almost forgotten why they're going. 

"You know, maybe this isn't such a good idea..." Not such a good idea because her pants are going to set on fire like any second now.

"Oh, here we go," Jim groans.  "I didn't drive hours for us to not go through with this.  If you aren't going to confront the guy, I will."

"Okay, okay."  Kelly crosses her arms in the backseat. 

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Andy says all of the sudden as though it wasn't his idea in the first place.  "No one is going to make you."

"No..." she finds herself saying.  "I'll be fine.  I can do it."

As she steps out of the car Pam says good luck and Andy holds up his fist and says be strong.  Totally the worst idea ever.

The elevator is creepy and the office is even creepier because it's almost completely dark.  But even in the dark the place looks pretty posh.  She used to dream about something like this.  About her and Ryan moving to the big city and settling down in some cute brownstone like Carrie Bradshaw.  Kelly would wear impossibly cute outfits at the forefront of Manhattan fashion and Ryan would marvel at his luck, finding a girlfriend (a fiance? a wife?) as wonderful as this. 

But she doesn't have the cute brownstone in the city, or the new outfit for every day of the week.  Instead she has Brooklyn and the subway and hours of driving just to see someone who has placed himself at such an emotional distance he may as well be living on the moon sometimes.  Sometimes it isn't fair that she loves him. 

The light from his office spills out a little into the hallway and she can see him sitting there alone.  Not cheating, not drinking, not anything.  He looks tired and older than he should, and his head is propped up on one of his hands.  His hair is in serious need of a comb.  When she sees him, she realizes what she's actually there to do.  Maybe she should've prepared something to say.  People usually do that, right?

She steps into the light, waiting in the doorway and it's a full minute before he notices that she's there. 

"Hey."  He lifts his head up a little, and when a sort of tired smile sets across his face she thinks she might cry, or kiss him, or worse, because he's actually smiling today.  It's not fair that he gets to make this more difficult than it already is.

"Working late?"

"Yeah... I guess I'm pretty swamped," he sighs, his eyes drifting back towards the pages in front of him.  "Is everything... are you okay?"

"I think we should talk," she takes a few steps forward, and she won't cry if she can help it.

"Yeah," he nods slowly like he already knows what she's here to say.  Probably because he remembers all the times he said it to her before.

She sits in the chair in front of his desk and he leans back, cracking his knuckles against his chest the way he always does when he's feeling uncomfortable.

"It's like we're in a business meeting," she laughs kind of unconvincingly.  He just tightens his jaw a little and nods. 

"Yeah, guess Hunter forgot to pencil-in breakup negotiations in my schedule."

"Ryan, don't be like that..." she sighs.  He's not so comfortable when he isn't the one making decisions, and he obviously isn't about to make this any easier.

When Kelly was ten she got her first cavity.  She cried for three hours before raiding the kitchen and throwing away every possible sweet in the house.  She thought her sisters might strangle her, but it didn't matter at the time because she was determined to never be in that kind of pain again.  But only four days later, her mother had found a stash of candy in her backpack.

Kelly never had been any good at giving up the things she knew weren't good for her. 

"You have to actually say it, you know," Ryan says all the sudden.  His arms are crossed against his chest and the way the light is hitting his face makes his eyes look like shadows. 

"I want to break up, Ryan," she says finally.   He doesn't move. 

"You sure about that?"  She nods. 

"Fine," he says like he's desperate to stay aloof.  "Just don't call me crying next week then, okay Kel? "

She stands up from her chair and wishes him all of the luck she knows he'll have.  As she walks off down the hallway she can see him lean forward with his elbows propped on the desk, his chin resting on his fists. 

She stands in the elevator for what feels like a long time, holding the door open, deciding between going back to that office and moving forward.  Maybe now he'd understand.  Maybe now he'd love her the right way.  It isn't like there's some magic switch that she can just turn off now.

Her second cavity had been found on her eleventh birthday, because sometimes she just couldn't learn. 

She takes her finger off the button and the doors close. 

"Hold it -" Ryan's arm appears between the doors and they slide back open.  He's standing there panting and when he kisses her she's the one that has the pull away. 

"Forget what I said," he says, leaning his hand against the elevator door.  "Call me if you need anything." 

She nods, but can't really find any words she wants to use.  And he doesn't walk away until the doors are closed.

No one bothers her in the car about what happened.  She just leans against the window and cries as quietly as she can the entire ride home. 

Sure, she loves him, but she needs someone who doesn't love her only some of the time.  She needs something that's good for her.


"That's a good look for you," Andy laughs as she pulls her hair down from a side-ponytail. 

"Yeah, this is totally in, right?" she laughs.

"Hey, I thought leggings were back.  That's eighties, right?"

"God, Andy, you are like a fashion retard," she rolls her eyes at him.  "Leggings are totally different this season.  Do I have to teach you everything?"

"Probably," he grins.  "Nice pipes this evening."

"You weren't so bad either," she smiles. 

"I think Pennsyl-mania was a pretty big hit, don't you?"

"Yeah, we should probably wait by the phone for when Quincy Jones calls to offer us a record deal," she laughs.  "So... did Rachel come to the show?  I didn't see her out there."

"Oh, no... we broke up," he says, scratching at the back of his neck.  "I just didn't... we broke up."

"Oh," Kelly nods.  "That sucks."

"Yeah, it really sucks."  But he's smiling when he says it.  Smiling like, an abnormal amount.  "Hungry?"


"Food court?"

"Lead the way."  She links her arm into his when he holds it out to her.

People stare at them a little as they sit in the food court sharing a Cinnabon, probably because they both look borderline ridiculous.  Andy is wearing a neon green baseball cap backwards, not mention the socks.  Her headband is pink, but it looks totally cute.

She kisses him next to his car because he's still too much of a wuss to make a move, and she's pleasantly surprised to discover that he's like, at least a 9.8 now. 

She finds out that Andy's a  9.8 in a lot of things actually. 


"What about this lamp?  Can this go?"

"What?? I love that lamp, no way! Pack it."

"Kelly... it's a Barbie lamp.  Where did you even..."

"Home Shopping Network, duh.  They sell all kinds of crazy shit."

"And you really think you need this."

"Just pack the thing, Bernard.  And pack it well.  If it gets 'accidentally broken' you're buying me a new one."

"How about some of these shoes?  You've got like, eighty pairs of shoes here."

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't just say that."

"Is there anything in here you're willing to throw out?" he sighs.

She holds up a half-full garbage bag, waving it around for him to see.  "Look at all this!  What do you think I'm doing?  Don't even fight me on this, you know I'll win, and then you might end up in this bag too.  In the dumpster."

"Oh really?" he slides his arms around her, kissing her neck in that way that makes her drop the bag, causing her expired make up to spill out all over the floor.

"Oh, smooth move, Andy," she giggles, but he's already pulling her backwards towards her bed.

"You know, I think that someone once told me that arguments pave the way for totally hot sex," he says, grinning as he tosses her onto the mattress. 

"Oh really?  Who told you that?  Was she pretty?"

"The prettiest."

"Oh really?  Maybe you should go try and have sex with her then," she laughs, trying to squirm away.

"I'm trying to.  She's being... elusive.  And difficult.  Extremely difficult."

"Sounds like a real bitch."

"On the contrary," he grins.  "I appreciate a challenge."

And he's right, the sex is totally hot.

They've been officially boyfriend-girlfriend for four months when she deletes Ryan's number from her phone.  Because when Andy asks her to move in, she feels like it's okay to finally get rid of the things she no longer needs. 

DinkinFlicka is the author of 27 other stories.
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