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Author's Chapter Notes:
I decided to continue this.  Here's Angela!

“Well, it’s not as if I’m upset with them, or not happy for them.  I’m glad that they’re finally admitting what was going on all those years.  It’s just a shame that they had to hurt a good man like Roy in order to keep their cover.


“Of course they would say that.  They want to look like the good ones in this situation.


“No, it’s not the same as my former relationship with Dwight at all.  We weren’t hurting anyone else in the process. 


“No!  When Roy and I began dating, Dwight and I had been over for quite a while.


“That was one kiss.  And I slapped him afterwards.


“It’s not the same.  I don’t have to listen to this.

(Is informed that yes, her contract does obligate her to at least listen to the questions.) 

“Fine.  What is your next question?


“No, I still disapprove of pranks in the office.  Or ‘chat breaks’, or ‘jellybean breaks’, or anything besides work in the office.


“Firstly, Dwight and I never let our relationship interfere with our workload.  Secondly, Roy and I do not work in the same office, just for the same company.  We’re not there to distract each other during the day.  It’s much better that way.


“Yes, but Roy is now attending church with me, and he is trying to change his ways.  He hardly ever goes out drinking anymore, and when he does, I’m with him to make sure that he doesn’t get carried away.


“Darryl and he are no longer as close as they once were.


“People grow apart.  Or one of them grows up and the other stays the same.




“No.  I don’t want to go, anyway.  I couldn’t exactly bring Roy as my date, could I?



(Stalks out the door.)

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