24 [Reviews - 41] Printer ePub eBook

How Jim and Pam might have grown up together if they'd met in Kindergarten.The Memoirs of Pamela Beesly.


(Hi, this is deludez3 on AO3. w4A21qMoPh0Ezyj) 


Rated: K
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Alternate Universe Characters: Andy, Angela, Dwight, Ensemble, Jim, Katy, Kelly, Michael, Pam, Phyllis, Roy, Ryan
Genres: Childhood
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes
Word count: 20747 Read: 19265 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: August 07, 2008 Updated: October 16, 2022
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Story Notes:

This will be so AU you won't even know what hit you. The premise of the story is Pam explaining how she met Jim and how their relationship evolved over their childhood school years. There will be everyone from The Office in some capacity or another. It's told through Pam's eyes, from her own mouth.

I had originally written this about 2 years ago, without a beta, and it was a disaster. I've since re-worked it and have it pretty much done so the updates shouldn't be too far apart.


*10/16/2022* Well here I am probably 10 years later now. I finished this story at some point in the last decade but never posted it up. So here we are. I ran through and did some tweaks of previously posted chapters and will be updating and then finally posting the final chapters. I also crossposted this on AO3. This is still my home fandom <3 

Hi, this is deludez3 on AO3. w4A21qMoPh0Ezyj 

1. Introduction by dmscranton [Reviews - 7] 8 (637 words)

2. Chapter 1 by dmscranton [Reviews - 6] 5 (736 words)

3. Chapter 2 by dmscranton [Reviews - 3] 2 (469 words)

4. Chapter 3 by dmscranton [Reviews - 2] 1 (1456 words)
Christmas time for our kindergarteners.

5. Chapter 4 by dmscranton [Reviews - 2] 1 (2125 words)

The beginning of 1st grade where we meet the ever charming Mr. Scott.


6. Chapter 5 by dmscranton [Reviews - 1] (1334 words)

Chapter info: The Dundies, AU style.


7. Chapter 6 by dmscranton [Reviews - 2] 2 (1385 words)

Valentine's Day circa 1st grade

8. Chapter 7 by dmscranton [Reviews - 3] (1726 words)

OK, so we're about to meet Andy, and I know Andy's much older than the others but just go with it. ;)

Welcome to the 2nd grade.

9. Chapter 8 by dmscranton [Reviews - 1] (1019 words)

10. Chapter 9 by dmscranton [Reviews - 2] (1649 words)

11. Chapter 10 by dmscranton [Reviews - 2] 1 (977 words)

12. Chapter 11 by dmscranton [Reviews - 2] 2 (831 words)

13. Chapter 12 by dmscranton [Reviews - 1] (1316 words)

14. Chapter 13 by dmscranton [Reviews - 1] (932 words)

15. Chapter 14 by dmscranton [Reviews - 1] (2303 words)

16. Chapter 15 by dmscranton [Reviews - 2] (1340 words)

17. Chapter 16 by dmscranton [Reviews - 3] 2 (512 words)
Last chapter <3