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It all started on a Saturday morning.

She was tidying up the house while he did the lawn work.

She found the videos in the darkest corner of their attic.

Now what?

Her first thought was to doubt her skills in bed. That insecure nature of her shielded all the other sensible options.

Her second thought was to think he was a man, actually. That all guys did this. Jim was never the one to match the stereotype but he was still a guy nevertheless. He talked about basketball with his friends and he walked into their kitchen with mud filled boots and he burped when drinking beer.

She decided to let it go and finished cleaning. She went outside to see whether he had finished his task or not.

She found him in the middle of the garden, with a grass stained shirt soaked with sweat between his hands. His bare chest glowing in the sun. His tight jeans pressing his legs.

Pam obviously lost her train of thought.

Her next reaction was to go to him and smile. He put his strong arms around him, the hairs on his chest tickling against her cheek.

She took his hand and lead him back into the house. She had an idea.

Where did she leave the video camera again?

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