30 [Reviews - 18] Printer ePub eBook

Jim’s not much of a costume guy, but he has on occasion made exceptions…

A Halloween Fic set in Season 5, after the "Employee Transfer" cold opener, with high school flashbacks (because who doesn't love that?!)

Note: not eligible for prizes in our Halloween contest, just writing for fun!

Rated: T
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Episode Related Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Larissa Halpert, Mark, Pam
Genres: Holiday, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Other Adult Theme
Challenges: Prior Meeting, Halloween Writing Contest 2018
Series: Halloween Writing Contest 2018
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes
Word count: 5365 Read: 5089 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: October 20, 2018 Updated: November 21, 2020
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Story Notes:

Writing this just for fun for the Halloween Writing Contest with 3 chapters planned.

Disclaimer: Neither Jimothy or Pamela belong to me

1. All Righty Then by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 8] 14 (1780 words)
In which Jim puts on a costume

2. Paper Faces on Parade by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 5] 10 (2249 words)
In which Jim meets a girl

3. As You Wanted by NobleLandMermaid [Reviews - 5] 6 (1336 words)
In which Jim puts on another costume and surprises a girl.