52 [Reviews - 64] Printer ePub eBook

Two months after her husband dies, Pam receives a gift from him that helps her in more ways than she could ever imagine. Now it’s four years later and she’s finally ready to start dating again, but just like everything else in her life, it gets a little messy.


AU based off of The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks. If you’ve read the book, this plotline will be pretty similar while still incorporating characters/references/small plotlines of The Office as well as possibly my own little twists.

Rated: T
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe Characters: Danny Cordray, Dwight/Angela, Jim/Pam, Karen, Kelly, Mark, Pam/Roy
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Suspense
Warnings: Major Character Death, Possible Triggers, Violence/Injury
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No
Word count: 59450 Read: 10760 ePub Downloads: 4
Published: August 30, 2020 Updated: May 10, 2023
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1. Prologue by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 7] 9 (2112 words)

I’m so excited to finally be writing this! I’ve had the idea for this AU in my head for a couple of months now but never started it until now. Hopefully it comes out well as I think it will, but I guess we will see. Also, I hope the warnings don't scare off too many people. They won't be an issue until much later in the story. This chapter is just a prologue to give some of the background info and to set us up for the actual story, but I hope you all enjoy it!


Disclaimer: I do not own anything. I don't own The Office, The Guardian, any of their characters, plotlines, etc. This is just me colliding two of my favorite things together while adding a couple of my own little twists. No copyright infringement intended.  

2. Chapter 1 by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 7] 6 (4902 words)
Well, this ended up much longer than I had intended. We'll see if chapters stay this long or not. I hope you enjoy!

3. Chapter 2 by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 6] 6 (3335 words)
So, this took wayyyyy longer to write than intended, but I finally got it done and hopefully the next one won't take nearly as long to write! 

4. Chapter 3 by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 3] 3 (5723 words)

5. Chapter 4 by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 6] 4 (6274 words)

I'm back from the dead, and with a new username! I had to figure out a couple of details before I could continue this, but I think I finally have it all settled, so updates will hopefully come faster. 


Also, in the last chapter, Roy talks about his ex wife, Laura. I had to change the name to Penny for certain reasons, but wanted to address that so it wasn't confusing later on. I hope you enjoy! 

6. Chapter 5 by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 8] 7 (9474 words)
So, this chapter got away from me. It originally started off too short, but when I tried to find the next best place to cut it off, it ended up being super long. So, sorry about that. But hopefully it's worth it! 

7. Chapter 6 by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 8] 7 (8019 words)

8. Chapter 7 by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 8] 6 (9789 words)

9. Chapter 8 by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 7] 2 (4931 words)
Remember this old thing? Singer is back, babyyyy. 

10. Chapter 9 by nicemorningtoo [Reviews - 4] 2 (4891 words)

“Hopefully the next chapter won’t be over a year from now” 


anyway here it is!