It was a slow Friday. Everyone was looking like trying to get past the day quickly, to just jumpstart on the weekend. It was supposed to be pleasant and many of them had plans for a summer outing.
“Bob Vance and I are going to lake Scranton for some skinny dipping. It is most fun when it’s bright and warm”. Pam overheard Phyllis telling Meredith about her Saturday afternoon plans.
She thought back on her own, she is going to her parent’s place to get the dress fitted, where Penny is also coming over for the weekend. While Pam always stayed close to her parents, stuck around in Scranton, her sister was more of a rebel, moving to Philadelphia shortly after high school. She worked there before taking admission in Penn State University.
It was quite a risk to just up and leave for a new city without any connection but Penny would always say ‘Well you can’t know how hard it is until you try”. It’s pretty much like what Jim told her 'You gotta take a chance on something’, Well she isn’t like either of them. She doesn’t like games of chance. She likes to keep it planned ahead and no risks.
Jim did the same with his Stamford move, he just went for it. No planning, perhaps that’s why he never told her about it. He just got up and went after what he wanted. Apparently a promotion this time.
She was again staring at Jim’s desk when Toby broke her line of concentration. He asked her if she was doing okay. He added how he has noticed that she has been looking little, “despaired” he said delicately.
When Pam waved him off saying that it’s nothing, Kevin came to her desk complaining that she has not filled the jellybeans case in 3 days and that’s very unusual of her. Creed also joined the group “Since we are on the subject of the receptionist failing her work responsibilities, she hasn’t smiled at me in 4 days now. And it is not just me, but I don’t care about others”.
Kevin agreed “Yes Pam, you have started to look like Angela, and I do know you are no Angela because Angela doesn’t have Big..” when Pam quickly cut him off “Okay okay, Here you all Go'' flashing her typical fake smile.
“Now if you all could excuse me, I have a lot of real work to do.”
“Well Actually Pam, I want you to fax these documents over to Stamford.Jim sent me these to be signed off by HR and Michael, as part of joining formalities. I am trying to get to Michael since Monday but he wouldn’t listen.Jim needs them today and well I can’t risk it.Do you mind taking them to him”
Hearing Stamford and Jim wiped off the fake smile off her face. Her heart lurched again, and she could only nod dumbly and took the folder from Toby. She looked at the clear folder and wondered what it said. Michael was talking to Dwight in his office and Pam decided that it must be urgent what they are talking about so this file could wait.
She reasoned with herself that Jim has waited all week and he can wait a few more hours. It’s not like he is waiting outside the office building to take them with himself. He has already moved there...right ? Could it be possible he hasn’t moved yet and is still in Scranton ?
A surge of hope ran through Pam, in that moment. Maybe she could see her best friend one more time and talk about ...well something, anything. This is the longest they haven’t spoken since they’ve met. But he never said anything to her, if he was still around. Maybe he didn’t want to see her after all. Pam was feeling dizzy with her thoughts going back and forth.
One way to find out, she decided. She flipped open the folder and read through the text. Her eyes swept through words like employee requested interview, Joining date was rescheduled - as per employee request for asap and at the bottom was Jim’s signature with date. It was the Saturday after Casino Night.
Jim applied for the job in Stamford. She didn’t send him away, he chose to leave her here, for the promotion. And just before moving, he threw this...Bomb on her, bringing this storm to her otherwise peaceful life. He dropped by on Saturday to the office to leave these documents but didn’t bother to send a goodbye text to her. Who was she kidding when she thought he left because of her and what she said? Because he couldn’t bear to be here while all this time he was planning just that. There was no impulse, this is what he was working towards. And he just never said anything to her. Not a word. Some friend huh..
Pam blinked away the tears pooling in her eyes and resolved to not think of Jim or anything about him anymore. He clearly didn't want to be his friend and she is fine with his choices. She dropped the folder unceremoniously on the big pile of paperwork Michael is yet to sign and decided against pushing him for it. He will find time for it when he does and Jim can suck it. She doesn’t need him, she has other friends at the office. Repeating that in her head, she bee-lined to break room to sit with her colleagues, nope her real friends, who are still there and haven’t left her..she means here.
Pam was scooping another spoon from her yogurt cup when Meredith said “Well that’s disgusting”. “Yes it is” Pam agreed looking up. Looking up at her co-worker’s raised eyebrows, she added “The Vanilla Yogurt ! That’s what you were talking about right ?”. Meredith unabashedly replied ”I meant your face, but sure”.
“Well I can’t help it. This taste the worst”
“So you don’t have to eat it” Stanley lazily replied. Looking annoyed to have to state the obvious.
“No Roy bought this for this like enough for at least 2 weeks. I used to like them before. I can’t throw away all of what I have”
“Pam, why would you want to keep eating it for the rest of the time when you clearly don’t like it?” Oscar’s condescension chimed in.
“There are no mixed berries at the office anymore”
“They’ll come back”
“You think ?”Pam couldn’t hide the hint of hope..
“Umm...I don’t know” Oscar withdrew.
‘Well I guess and even if they don’t. Doesn't mean you have to stick to what you have just because you used to like it at some point. You don’t like it anymore and that should be reason enough to part with it, In fact give it to someone who may actually enjoy it. It is a waste of food Pam and that’s a sin” said Kevin sagely.
“Kevin, would you like to take some of them”
“Oh no Pam, I don’t like yogurt. Not Vanilla, not Mixed Berry and not greek. Yogurt Ice cream could be my thing though. Could you make your vanilla yogurt into an ice cream?”
“No Kevin, I tried making frozen yogurt, I couldn’t. And then mixed berries came along and well, I liked it a lot and I stopped trying for other flavours. I am trying to get back to my previous preference now”
“Well, once you move on from a certain food, especially after years of having it, It is really hard to go back. I found that with men in my case” said Meredith with a wink in her direction.
Pam looked back at her vanilla cup. More than half of it, still taunting back at her. She looked back at the time, realizing she has taken her entire hour of break just going back and forth on this and yet she hasn’t finished it. She was contemplating what to do with it and decided to put it back on her desk and get back to it later.
It was after 5 when she finally decided to dump the yogurt in the trash, sighing for not being able to push herself to have it. It felt strangely lighter to see it in trash before she looked up and found Roy peeking down at her from across her desk.. She instantly felt guilty for throwing the Yogurt and got ready to hear him hacked off when he said “Pammie I am going for drinks with the gang downstairs. Do you think you could catch a ride with one of your crew?”
“Roy, I thought we will be discussing party favors tonight. We have to put the order so they’ll be here next week”
“Pam, I think you could do that well. It doesn’t matter what you pick as long as it’s cheap right”
“Roy, you are not serious.You told me we are going to do that this week and we are already on the weekend. You know I am not there for next two days, I am meeting Penny and my Mom to get my dress fitted and look into bridal party arrangements”
“Cmon’ Pam don’t be like this. You know I am not good at this girl stuff but you are. I know you will figure it out. Just ask someone and get home and get down to it. I’ll see you later tonight or may be tomorrow. Planning to get sloshed” he winked.
“Roy, it’s not girl stuff, it's our wedding stuff and I am really stressed about all this. The work has been little weird and wedding preparations are just a lot. I think we should talk about it. How about we drive together before you head out. ”
“I don’t want to be late Pam, we are going on the other side of town, Where is Halpert ? You can ask him. He is your best friend right. He won't mind and you could talk to him about all these “stuff””
Hearing his name from Roy’s mouth, standing at the same spot, leaning at her desk, did the trick. She quickly picked up her stuff and told Roy she would manage and bid him goodbye. She looked around the empty office.
She felt miserable, thinking back about how much Roy trusted her and her friendship with Jim. She is a horrible person to do that to him, her boyfriend of 9 years and fiance for 3. She is going to make up to him. She could take care of party favors, she doesn’t need to bother him for that. After all, he is also busy….spending time with his friends. Friends he doesn’t kiss when he isn't drunk.