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Oscar Martinez is gay.

I knew it, his mother knew it, and even his regular cashier at the grocery store knew it. But it took Oscar some time to figure it out himself.

He always knew there was an attraction to other boys when he was younger but always played it off as something else. Envy, friendship, really anything to keep his denial burning. I tried everything in my power to make him understand himself, but that was something Oscar had to do on his own terms, and nobody could do it for him. Not even the God of Love himself.

I steer him toward Eddie, he asks Evelyn to prom. Nudge him toward Daniel, he goes for Danielle. For a man who loves facts so much, it really took him a while to embrace the fact that he was attracted to men.

Until I had my breakthrough. But really, it was Oscar's breakthrough. His freshman year of college, he took a pottery class. Yes, I have seen the movie Ghost. No, it was not like that. Oscar was seated next to a young man by the name of Eric. They became quick friends, which turned into hanging out after class, which turned into long phone conversations, which turned into a late night movie where I basically screamed in Oscar's ear to just "HOLD HIS HAND ALREADY", which turned into Oscar finally understanding what he really wants and probably had always wanted.

He and Eric spent nearly every day together after that, mostly keeping their relationship hidden. Oscar wasn't sure he was ready to tell the world he was gay and Eric respected that. Eventually, the semester ended and the two grew apart over the summer. Oscar decided to tell his family and close friends he was gay which was luckily received well, (Oscar's brother responded with one word: "Duh.").

Oscar is a know-it-all, but he generally responded well to my whisperings. Most notable was Gil. Really, a wonderful match if I say so myself. They dated for roughly three years before tragically, Oscar's stubbornness and ego got the best of him and he broke up with Gil one dark night in June. (I'm still a little bitter about it, but this story is not about me.)

There were a few other potentials after Gil. Matt from the warehouse, but he's an idiot. Jordan, from Oscar's spin class, but that also fizzled when Oscar found out who he voted for in the last election.

And then there was a certain state senator.

There was...a little bit of confusion when I sent a sparrow about the senator.

Two people may have received it due to their workplace proximity.

But I'll get to that later.

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