28 [Reviews - 14] Printer ePub eBook

A peak inside the date Jim and Pam had after the end of season 3 (We were robbed!!) 

cross posted on ao3 

Rated: K
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes
Word count: 3802 Read: 3590 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: July 08, 2022 Updated: February 29, 2024
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Story Notes:

Hi everyone! I know The Office's fandom is not in its best moment (it's been more than 10 years, i get it), but I recently discovered this site and the urge to post something is bigger tan myself.

I started this story as a whole-lenght work, but due to my inspiration (or lack of), i ended up changing some things for this to be a fluffly and full-of-sugar two-shots story. 

Also, as you can probably notice, English is NOT my first language, but i will try my best to don't freak you all with my mistakes :)


1. 1/2. A yogourt lid by bleasteria [Reviews - 10] 19 (956 words)

I started this as a whole story, but i got out of inspiration

I changed some parts for this to be a fluffy two-shots about what we didn't see AFTER Jim asked Pam on a date (s3 finale). 

Love u all

pd: English is not my first language!!! sorry if there are moments where im kicking the english grammar dictionary. 

2. 2/2. Someone rather special by bleasteria [Reviews - 4] 8 (2822 words)

Here I am again :)
Just a quick reminder that English is not my first language so PLEASE if you see something that needs to be corrected, inform me. I'm always trying to improve <3

This is supposed to be the last part, but who knows (spoiler: i don't know myself cause i'm a mess when writting hahahah)

3. note by bleasteria [Reviews - 0] 1 (24 words)