36 [Reviews - 128] Printer ePub eBook

The real meaning of Pam finding her voice with help from someone special.

Covers selective mutism and anxiety.

Was originally posted as A Picture Is Worth More Than A Thousand Words then I deleted it by accident!

Rated: K
Categories: Jim and Pam Characters: Helene Beesly, Jim/Pam
Genres: Childhood
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Series: None
Chapters: 34 Completed: Yes
Word count: 29994 Read: 10583 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: February 22, 2023 Updated: June 11, 2023
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Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

1. Chapter 1 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 3] 5 (529 words)
Second time the charm? If you have read some of this, by all means skip to where you were. I only made slight changes since I saved as I went along, but the base is the same. Thanks for sticking around, y’all! 
Selective mutism- a severe anxiety disorder that inhibits a person’s ability to talk in certain social settings.

2. Chapter 2 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 2] 2 (1474 words)
Second chapter… for the second time!

3. Chapter 3 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 3] 3 (1069 words)
Aaaand chapter three a second time!

4. Chapter 4 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 2] 2 (1013 words)
Guess what…. Chapter 4 a second time?

5. Chapter 5 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 3] 3 (949 words)
Chapter 5. This one is actually word for word from the original! 

6. Chapter 6 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 3] 1 (1352 words)
Chapter 6. For the first time. Finally.

7. Chapter 7 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] 3 (893 words)
The chapter we have all been waiting for! 

8. Chapter 8 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 5] 1 (1307 words)
Chapter 8! I had so much fun writing this one, Jim is certainly a character.

9. Chapter 9 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] 2 (1193 words)
When a picture is worth a thousand words..?

10. Chapter 10 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] (950 words)
This has to be one of my favorite chapters! 

11. Chapter 11 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] 1 (820 words)
Loved writing this one! Thought we were in need of a Helene update.

12. Chapter 12 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] (577 words)

13. Chapter 13 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 5] 1 (881 words)
This one was a fun chapter to write!

14. Chapter 14 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 3] (692 words)
Don’t worry, first grade Jim wouldn’t stray for too long!

15. Chapter 15 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 5] 2 (658 words)
Pam makes (some) progress! :)

16. Chapter 16 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 5] (1006 words)
Second grade?!

17. Chapter 17 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] (669 words)
Don’t be too mad at me…

18. Chapter 18 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] 1 (516 words)
Y’all are going to love this one!

19. Chapter 19 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] (932 words)
FINALLY A CHAPTER!! Sorry, having some technical issues!!

20. Chapter 20 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] (801 words)

21. Chapter 21 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] 1 (1228 words)
Ok y’all… listen I know I’m a little harsh with Karen. Sorry!!! Don’t be mad! There’s no going back now….

22. Chapter 22 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 2] (874 words)

Don’t get bored yet! I hope y’all enjoy this one! I’m sorry if I ever explain her anxiety inaccurately. I am basing it off of mine and am aware that everyone has different anxieties. So her situation is just based on mine… I’m not a professional.

23. Chapter 23 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 3] (886 words)
Sorry for the delay!! Life has been very busy!

24. Chapter 24 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] 1 (739 words)
Christmas time! This chapter really gives a look into their friendship. Planning to give this story a few more chapters… don’t get bored! There is a lot coming up!

25. Chapter 25 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] (1144 words)

26. Chapter 26 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] 1 (791 words)
Woah, a new chapter! I apologize all the mess ups in my story, I’m the only one proofreading so please don’t get fed up from it!

27. Chapter 27 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 3] (794 words)
CHAPTER 27!! We are getting so far, y’all! I honestly can’t believe how much I’ve put into this story! So glad y’all are enjoying it… a lot is planned!

28. Chapter 28 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] (458 words)
Sorry this chapter is so short and took so long! Life has been a lot lately!

29. Chapter 29 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 4] 1 (473 words)
Chapter 29!

30. Chapter 30 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 5] 1 (1064 words)
sorry not sorry… 

31. Chapter 31 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 5] 1 (915 words)
Sorry it took so long!

32. Chapter 32 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 2] (601 words)
Omg! A miracle! I posted! Two chapters… in one day?!

33. Chapter 33 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 3] (400 words)
The moment we have all been waiting for!

34. Chapter 34 by raspberry jam [Reviews - 6] 3 (1346 words)
Well… this is it, y’all! I’m sorry it took so long, I was having some anxiety on making it perfect. Special shout to AmeliaHalpert for all the help and encouragement, as well as helping me realize it shouldn’t be perfect- that’s not what the show is about! 
Hope y’all enjoy! Thank y’all!