23 [Reviews - 19] Printer ePub eBook

What started as a single little one-shot of what may have happened after Stress Relief.  (Jim was panicked, Pam was scared.  They needed a place to feel safe.) This has now become a little series of vignettes I can't let go of.


Rated: T
Categories: Jim and Pam Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff, Pregnancy/Babies, Romance
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No
Word count: 5266 Read: 2446 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: March 01, 2023 Updated: May 29, 2024
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Story Notes:
I own nothing expect a mind that can’t stop thinking about unseen interactions… always filling in gaps as my brain sees fit.

1. Safe and Sound by AmeliaHalpert [Reviews - 6] 7 (751 words)
Do not really anticipate this will be anything more than a one shot to clear the thought from my brain :) 

2. Shout It by AmeliaHalpert [Reviews - 5] 7 (668 words)

Company Picnic follow up d84;a039; 

3. Five to Seven Minutes by AmeliaHalpert [Reviews - 4] 5 (1742 words)
This one just wouldn’t leave me alone, so I had to get it out.  I have several others in mind along their life, so this one needed to move on out of my noggin to make room. I own nothing but a love of this fictional world and a desire to escape our own. 
Enjoy ;)

4. A Little bit of Beans by AmeliaHalpert [Reviews - 4] 4 (2105 words)

A sweet little revisit of a silly and wonderful day.

A nod to the OL podcast and my version of the events that led up to the day.

Also a nod to grc73 and the wonderful “Phillip’s Display of Anguish”.  I adored that fiction and felt it deserved confirmation.