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Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: nothing is mine here. Just thoughts.

It's 3am.

Jan is sound asleep and peaceful. The phone rings. No one in their right mind would call me now she thinks as she answers the phone, groggy.


"Jan, can I ask you a question?"

"Michael? What are you doing? It's 3am, I, what is it?" if he isn't dieing on the side of the road he should not be calling her at this hour.

"When will you be back in Scranton?"

"This is why you called me? I can't, I dont know when I'll be back, Friday maybe? I really need to get to sleep, I have to be up in less than 2 hours and I didn't get to bed until midnight, Goodnight Michael." she is just about to hang up the phone before being interrupted.

"Uh Jan?"

"What is it, Michael?" she is exasperated with him.

"I love you"

She sighs, she loves how sweet he is, just not this early in the morning. "I love you too." But she really does love him. Crazy.

Jan looks up at the ceilling and smiles a bit before falling back asleep.

JamGirl is the author of 5 other stories.
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