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Author's Chapter Notes:

Happy Birthday to me! I almost didn't have time to post, what with all the office mayhem (lunch, cake, card, Skittles...just craziness). But I fought it out.

Besides, I wanted to say thanks. You guys make the effort totally worth it. ROCK ON!

She was bored.


Between faxes and packages and memos, there really wasn’t much to do.


So she decided to stage a jelly bean war.


She and Jim used to hold extravagant battles on slow days. They’d create tiny arenas out of post-its, and miniature banners with staples and scraps (which they stuck into “spectator beans” inside the arena).


Winner got a grape soda.


She picked up two of the colorful beans on her desk. She squeezed them both between her thumb and forefinger until the pressure caused one of them to break apart.


She figured it was kind of fitting.

Chapter End Notes:

Jelly Bean Wars are based on tales of M&M Duels.


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