Penname: wendolf Real name: Wendy
Member Since: February 18, 2008

Writing fanfic lit a fire and me and since penning these stories, I've had my first novel traditionally published! Thanks to everyone here for your unending support!

So, if you like my writing, check out my YA novels: ZENN DIAGRAM (available on Amazon, B&N, or bookstores near you!), and THE SWAILING on Wattpad!
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Favorite Authors
1. Annabel Winslow
2. bashert
3. bigtunette
4. callisto
5. Colette
Great steam! Excellent writing. So jealous.
6. girl7
Good Jim and Pam.
7. LoveFool
8. shan21
Captures Jim and Pam (and Dwight) perfectly!!!
9. Stablergirl
Great Jim/Pam banter. Excellent wordsmith!
10. Talkative