Penname: callisto Real name:
Member Since: April 25, 2008

I'm in library school, rediscovering how much I love writing.
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Favorite Authors
1. Colette
Anything by Colette is guaranteed to be a gorgeous piece of writing. My faves: Lost and Found, Map of the World.
2. girl7
Good season two angst. Must read: Climbing as we Fall.
3. Paper Jam
Must read: Feuilles, one of the best things on this site.
4. Shassafrass
Deliciously vivid characterizations and the best smut to be found! Must read: Earlier...
5. Stablergirl
Stablergirl has a lock on emotional, deep stories. Must read to anyone on this site: I just wanted to be famous. But my personal favorite: Insomnia.
6. Talkative
Such great, vivid writing. My favorite: Shotgun Wedding. I'm a sucker for first-person perspectives.
7. uncgirl
Must read: A Friend is a Gift you Give Yourself. Also awesome: Tales from the Bathroom Floor. Hilarious and so in-character.
8. wendolf
Always a worthy read when wendolf puts out something new! My favorite: Sheet Music.
9. xoxoxo
Best Jam fluff around. My favorite isn't fluffy though: Swaying isn't Dancing.