Penname: jazzfan Real name:
Member Since: August 11, 2008

After being raised by feral dogs deep in the heart of Appalachia for my first 17 years, I rescued a group of imperiled socioanthopologists from certain doom at the hands of some moonshiners in an undisclosed mossy holler of my homeland. Silly with gratitude, they taught me to read and eventually, to make letters with a pencil. I'm continuing that learning process by writing fan fiction here.
As you can see, I'm still having trouble with run-on sentences and cliches. Yet I've come so far.

Oh, and I love music - especially jazz.
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Favorite Authors
1. LoveFool
nobody writes better jim/pam dialogue
2. nomadshan
extremely good writing
3. Sweetpea
She sees Jim exactly the way I see Jim.
4. thirtypercent
great characterization
5. unfold
apt nic because her stories unfold