Penname: mess of jess Real name:
Member Since: February 03, 2007

**So, I removed "Twenty-Six." I hadn't updated it in months--seriously, long long months. I feel very guilty about it, but at the same time, I really need to focus on creating a collection of short stories for my thesis. I'm sorry. I appreciate all the reviews and encouraging words and helpful critiques. I had a lot of fun with the characters and that story. Hopefully, I'll be able to write some one-shots every once in a while.
For "Twenty-Six," there will be no more updates or reposting, but here's what happened: Pam cheated on Roy with Jim, got pregnant, broke up with Roy, and had a baby with Jim. Like there was any ever doubt ;)
Again, thank you all for all the kind words. I had a blast :) **

I'm still writing, though, and the fun writing resides mostly on my blog. No JAM stuff. Just musings on being a grad student, some literary review things, music crap... you know. :)
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