Penname: firthgal Real name:
Member Since: August 05, 2007


I'm a Kandy shipper all the way, was pointed here by a fellow Kandy fan when the Kandy Edition of the 55 word challenge was posted.  All of those fics are amazing, by the way, and I hope that all of those brilliant authors will consider writing more Kandy.  And if anyone is looking to read more Kandy fic, here's a list of the ones that can be found on LiveJournal: Kandy Master List.  And here is where all of the Kandy shippers have been united: omgkandy  I also love reading pretty much any fic about Andy because he's such a fun character to play with.

I'm madly in love with Ed Helms, which is probably why I'm such an avid Kandy shipper, Andy needs some love!  And of course I'm madly in love with Steve Carell, too.  They are by far the sexiest men on Earth!

Check out my new LJ community, The Andy Bernard Chronicles!  It even includes a master list of all the greatest Andy quotes and all the Andy fanfic that I could find.

EDIT Sept 2009: Holy wow, it's been a long time since I've read this bio.  Dang, I was enthusiastic, wasn't I?  By the way, my heart now belongs to Andy/Oscar, but I'm pretty good with Andy/Anybody, if I'm honest.

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