Penname: Aivilo Real name:
Member Since: September 02, 2008


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Reviews by Aivilo
Baby Talk by LoveFool Rated: K [Reviews - 438] 122

More Jim and Pam and their adventures in raising baby Jill!

Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Humor, Married, Romance
Warnings: Adult language
Series: Baby Talk
Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 96586 Read Count: 211554 ePub Downloads: 13
[Report This] Published: November 19, 2006 Updated: March 03, 2010
Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: April 26, 2009 Title: Chapter 22: The Girl Who Made You Her Own

That was very well done. I love how Jim was doing his best, trying to take care of both of his girls while dealing with his own feelings. The end was the best, not only did Jilly have a hard time falling asleep without seeing her mommy, mommy needed her baby to fall asleep as well. Really well done.

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: October 30, 2008 Title: Chapter 20: Chasing Butterflies

Welcome back Baby Jill! We've {me} missed you! Thanks for updating, this chapter is awesome, as the rest.

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: March 03, 2010 Title: Chapter 31: Jim, Pam, Jill, and...A

Standing Ovation to you.

Very well done.... sad it is over, but the family you've created is beyond lovely.

To Thursday, and to you...

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: May 10, 2009 Title: Chapter 23: Surprise Flowers

Jill... Pam's own mini-me.

You have to know how much I love this little family.

You do great work LoveFool!

Summary: Jim must deal with a family crisis.  Pam helps him to get through it.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Episode Related, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 41 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 79354 Read Count: 185768 ePub Downloads: 48
[Report This] Published: January 21, 2008 Updated: February 05, 2011
Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: August 12, 2010 Title: Chapter 38: Famous Pam, Infamous Pam.

What a very happy, happy way to head into the weekend!

I enjoyed the quiet time spent inside Larissa's thoughts. What good mother wouldn't resent the girl who was holding your son's heart hostage, causing him to make really poor decisions and blow up at his parents??

I was so so so nervous when Pam called Jim's phone and the mom answered!! But I was super-proud of our girl Pam, taking it like a pro, and managing the job at hand, making sure that the Halpert parents are taken care of and as comfortable as possible. She really is doing a fantastic job with that, as Jim's mom was able to see, thankfully.

While, yes, I cannot wait for Jim and Pam to finally have interaction {maybe Pam can go to Ted's room on an information mission for his wife}, I really have enjoyed these past two parent-centered chapters.

Looking forward to more! {of course}

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for leaving this nice detailed review!  I live for reviews.

I'm having a hellacious day at work and just came to check for reviews, so this nice long one made my evening.  Thanks!

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: January 25, 2011 Title: Chapter 38: Famous Pam, Infamous Pam.

So, I was just wondering how Ted and Larissa Halpert were feeling? Wondering if Jim's mom has let on to Pam that she has realized that Pam loves Jim? Do either parent know that Pam is there as Jim's 'wife'? And I am pretty sure that Jim and Pam haven't had a chance to talk since Jim has become a free man and Karen cut him loose....

I miss your story telling...

Author's Response: Thanks a lot for leaving this little nudge the other day! Looks like the chapters that were in the works at the time answered some of your questions. ;-)

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: January 30, 2011 Title: Chapter 39: Being With Someone

Oh my! I am indescribably excited that you've come back with, not one, but two chapters! And it isn't even my birthday!

Can I please tell you, I love Jim's mom. Really wonderful work writing her chapter with Pam. It makes so much sense for her to have that bitterness torward this woman who seems to be causing her son this pain. And, please VB, you did amazing with Pam's explanation of her side. I loved all of it!

And if Larissa hasn't yet decided if she liked Pam by the time this chapter was completed, I feel like she will, really soon. Pam, taping a happy anniversary message so Jim's parents can at least see each other on thier special day was so sweet! I feel like soon, the dad will be in love with Pam as well.

And I think Larissa may have been trying to give Pam a little hope when she reminded her of the difference between happy vs. happy WITH.

Author's Response: Thank you, Aivilo! I like the way Jim's mom came out in this final version. (She went through some pretty shrewish iterations before I settled on this one.) And you're exactly right about that last comment.

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: April 16, 2010 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

Yay! Looking forward to your one-shot, I am sure it'll be just what the doctor {ha!} ordered.

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: April 15, 2010 Title: Chapter 36: Love Is an Action

VB, I miss your story so much. Please say that you will be updating soon, because that would be exciting.

Author's Response: Thanks for the note! I'm pretty stymied with CC right now. I'm trying to get the creative juices flowing again by writing a one-shot. We'll see if it works! I just hope I can get the one-shot done.

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: October 26, 2009 Title: Chapter 35: You're a Piece of Work, Halpert

So... you really love reviews, eh? Well, I really love this story, so I guess we are even.

Really good job writing Karen. I love Jim completely, but he totally deserved this conversation, or worse, even, because he really has not been good to Karen at all.

I wonder what he and his dad will discuss when his dad wakes up? Wonder what, if anything, he tells Pam (please come clean, dude)? And how his mom is coming along? And (nope, didn't forget) WHAT DOES THE RING SAY?!?! Sorry, not yelling, just got a little excited....

Okay, looking forward to the next update!

Author's Response: Thanks a lot!  Of all your questions, the only one I've got a firm answer for already is what the ring says.  I have a lot of thinking to do!

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: October 22, 2009 Title: Chapter 34: He Wouldn’t Touch Her

First... Congrats on your new job, hope you love it and find yourself settling in nicely.

Second... Can I please tell you how much I love this story? It honestly gets better and better. I have no idea how you do this, but am always SO excited to see a new chapter, because I know that it'll move along so well.

I love the way they've been waking up at the POB these past AM's. They HAVE to be close, and it is so so sweet.

Karen! Yikes! She must've been like WTF? at Pam's rambling on the phone with her because we know she knows nothing of the situation with Jim's parents because, though he has told Pam differently, he has not called her! I cannot wait to hear how this works out.

Poor Pam, though. Jim has FINALLY had his lightbulb moment, now knowing that Pam loves him, but our poor Pam is still in the dark, no idea about how Jim is feeling. I hope these two chat soon...

Okay, enough of my rambling. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the update. Always looking forward to more!

Author's Response: Oh, no!  Ramble away!  It makes my day!  I'm really glad you enjoyed the chapter so much.  Yeah, poor Karen is not a happy camper right about now. And it's about to get worse...

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: September 01, 2009 Title: Chapter 32: She Loves You

Awww... I am in love with the roll you are on. These two chapters were fantastic. I adore the song Jim has set as Pam's ringtone... I wonder if Pam will ever hear it???

I felt so sad for Jim when he returned to his mother seeing her so unlike the woman he knows, saying unthinkable things. I hope she is back to herself soon.

I really enjoyed he Jim/Pam moment we got as well. Pam trying so hard to take care of Jim, you did a delightful job of writing them in the chapel. I felt it all... her feelings when remembering time spent there with her dad, the childhood slumber party and other moments she needed her father, and of course, the beautiful moment when she felt her dad through Jim's words years ago. And can I please, please, please tell you that my heart broke with those two when Jim was telling Pam of his mother's words earlier that day. Wow... I hope that Jim really found some comfort in Pam's reassurance.

That said... will the next chapter be soon? I cannot wait to see if it'll be more with Jim/Larissa, quiet time with Pam in the hotel, or will we get more {my favorite!} Jim/Pam time in thier hotel? I am on the edge of my seat!!

You do amazing work VB!!

Author's Response:

Aivilo, I can't thank you enough for leaving such a detailed and lovely review.  My day has totally sucked.  I was supposed to get out of work HOURS ago and I'm still here, have to go home and clean and pack  ... blah, blah, blah.  Reading your words was absolutely the nicest part of my day!

I'll be working on the plane tomorrow.  I'll try to get something to the betas while I'm in Hawaii.

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: May 05, 2009 Title: Chapter 29: Rings

Yeah... so I am Super Excited about the new chapter!

Pam is the sweetest thing... the way she enthusiastically read to her pretend FIL, and the way she was so happy when she noted the change in Mr.Halpert's temperature. She is undoubtedly awesome, Jim's parents aren't gonna like her, they will LOVE her!

Jim... SIGH.. always HOT, gotta love the way he leans in a doorframe, all tall and elegant. I love the way he invited Pam to lunch, calling her his wife. You know, that after witnessing Pam take such good care of his father, he was proud to be able to refer to her as that, even if it all a sham.

This day, for them, is going really well. Wrapped together as they slept, a flirty morning at the hotel, Jim's mom doing well enough to move to a different floor and waking up, his dad warming up and possibly losing some tubes and drains, not to mention MORE FLIRTING for our fave pretend newlyweds.

But I gotta know what Jim's ring says... It is K I L L I N G me!!

Thanks for updating, it really made me excited, and that clearly means when I review, I'll go on and on, with run on sentences and lots of inappropriate punctuation.

Another chapter soon would be exciting too...

Author's Response: I'm really excited that you were so excited!  Thanks for the review.   You gave me a BIG smile!

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: April 23, 2009 Title: Chapter 28: It'll Take Away the Pain

I just re-read this story and I still love it! I am SOOO looking forward to an update.... there are so many things I cannot wait to find out.

Like... what exactly did Pam have inscribed inside of Jim's band, and when will he see it? Is Pam doing okay, alone with her CCU memories back in Mr. Halpert's room? What will happen when Mr & Mrs. Halpert meet the 'daughter-in-law'? When will Jon call, and when he arrives will Pam really leave, or will Jim ask her to stay?

And, really, I'll be happy for whatever comes next in this story.

I am on the edge of my seat!

Author's Response:

Wow! Thank you  so much for all your kind words. 

I feel like the boy who cried wolf but I really have been working on CC off and on.  Right now, I'm outlining the missing chapters.  (I've written some but I've been writing "what comes to me" rather than "what's next.")

Thanks.  I hope that, when I do finally post again, it won't disappoint.

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: February 23, 2009 Title: Chapter 28: It'll Take Away the Pain

I think your story is fantastic! Just read it from top to current and I am completely hooked. Cannot wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for letting me know that you're enjoying the story.  I really do appreciate it.  More soon.

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: February 16, 2011 Title: Chapter 41: You Love Me

Oh mom, Halpert! Amazing timing you have, I, also have a mom and firmly believe that there is a parent chip that means that if it is an awful time to call, they will!

Pam's confession! That chapter was great. Jim is sooo the bestest, love that he knew that he should just be quiet and let Pam get her confession out. Pam's thoughts about how much she enjoyed pretending she belonged to Jim, and her plea to him to just love her again, heartbreaking!

But, oh happy day! There is no longer any need to pretend, Karen cut him free and Jim loves her back! That last chapter was definitely getting warmer!

So now, I really want to know, WHAT DID PAM HAVE WRITTEN ON JIM'S RING!?!? (you don't think I've forgotten, do you?)

And your three quick chapters deserve a triple cheer! Thanks for keeping this one going.

Author's Response: Oh, Aivilo, I promise I haven't forgotten the ring!  I maybe should've saved the last chapter for a little while b/c I don't have the next one done yet and have a bunch of RL stuff that must take precedence right now ...  like working on my resume, b/c my team lead has found a new job and he's kind of my sanity in this nutty place where I work.  He's going to spend an evening here at work with me this week and help me beef it up a bit, so I need to get on that.  Wish me luck!

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: July 11, 2011 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

I miss your story. I hope you are going to let us know how Jim's parents are doing. Will he ever get hold of his brother? And, of course, now that he and Pam are {finally!!!} on the same page, how will this relationship progress?

Your story has been consistently amazing, I look forward to seeing what you have planned next!

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: August 06, 2010 Title: Chapter 37: Breathe

Oh Happy Day!

I wish I could put into words how happy and excited I am for the new chapter! Thank you for not giving up on us.

Okay, can I please tell you how absolutely heartbroken I was with Jim as he struggled with trying to figure out the best way to support his dad. My face got hot {you know, like before there are actual tears, your face warms all up}, when Jim is silently begging Ted to want him to sit with him, and yes, VB, TEARS, when Jim was recalling visiting his grandfather in the home, and I felt the panic with him as he worried the possibility of his parents' recovery taking them to a recovery facility.... Heartbreaking stuff, amazingly written.

Jim needs some time with his 'wife.' How awesome that while he was wondering how best to support Ted he was all in 'WWPD' mode.

Again, standing ovation, thank you, thank you, thank you for giving us more Cardiac Care! I cannot wait for more!!!

Author's Response: Wow! Thanks so much for this great review. I keep checking back in and the read count's going up at a pretty good clip but the reviews ... not so much. I'm always worried that the chapter didn't work as well as I thought when I posted it. I appreciate so much your telling me which parts of the chapter really "spoke to you."

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: August 07, 2010 Title: Chapter 37: Breathe

Ummm, I realize that I have already reviewed this chapter, but I just wanted to let you know not to worry too much about the fact that the read count on your story is moving up quicker than the review count seems to. I feel like I need to confess that it just may be me, coming back for seconds, thirds, fifths, fifteens.... {you get the picture, I am sure} Just because I like this so much.

Author's Response: Fifteens! You made me chuckle with this. Thanks!

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: July 20, 2009 Title: Chapter 30: Madness

An update is SO EXCITING to see!

Poor Jim. Concerned that his mom has an untreated head injury because the pain medicine has made her see and say things on the other side of crazy. Then when he went to confer with his trusted Hospital Guide, she couldn't be found. I was sad for him.

But... I did enjoy the flashback that you provided. And the information on ring tones too. How sweet is Pam's ring tone for Jim? And now we know how Jim's ipod playlist for Pam-Songs came to exist.

But again, there are so so so many questions still unanswered. Some brand new.

What is Pam's ringtone on Jim's phone?

Where had Pam disappeared to when Jim went to find her? {I hope he isn't irritated and cranky with her when they do connect again}

When will Jim find out the real cause of his mother's crazy talk?

AND, the one that haunts me... WHAT DOES JIM'S RING SAY?

Okay, please, please, please do not abandon this. While I make no claims to the possession of patience, any update, whenever you can provide it, is greatly appreciated. KEEP GOING!!

Author's Response: Thanks so much!  I hope to answer ALL your questions soon!

Summary: AU...Pam is new to Scranton, but she connects with an old friend.

I'm not a writer at all, but I am loving fan fic, and totally obsessed with JAM. I have read so many stories from this site, and the ideas have just been flowing.
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: None
Genres: Childhood, Drunk Pam/Jim, Fluff
Warnings: Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 75066 Read Count: 33829 ePub Downloads: 11
[Report This] Published: April 08, 2008 Updated: April 10, 2019
Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: December 15, 2008 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17

These two are long overdue a chat! Hopefully soon they can talk it out and understand what they need and want... I feel sad for them both right now. But happy for us cuz we got a new chapter!

Author's Response: I\'m happy I was able to finish the chapter. They definitely need to talk. Thanks for your review!

Reviewer: Aivilo Signed
Date: September 02, 2008 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

I love this story! Recently found it and now I'm all caught up and eagerly awaiting an update. I cannot wait to see how Jim deals with what happened, and how the two of them work out with this parentally imposed 'break' in their hot and heavy relationship.

Summary: The sequel to Dunder Hall, This is Pam. Picks up several years after where we last left off.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Inner Monologue, Romance
Warnings: Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 19453 Read Count: 13489 ePub Downloads: 2
[Report This] Published: April 16, 2008 Updated: August 18, 2008
Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: September 11, 2008 Title: Chapter 7: I've got moves you've never seen

I LOVE My Best Friend's Wedding! Okay, First I read Learning to Live... loved it, then I involved myself in Dunder Hall... obviously a fan, SO when I saw that there was a sequel... I'm all over it! I really like what is happening with 'grownup' Jim and Pam. I look forward to more updates!

Philly Jim by wendolf Rated: M [Reviews - 380] 118
Summary: Past Featured StoryIs there life and love after Jam?
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Future, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim, Jim/Other, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult language, Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 64237 Read Count: 84461 ePub Downloads: 15
[Report This] Published: July 28, 2008 Updated: September 05, 2008
Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: September 06, 2008 Title: Chapter 33: Epilogue - part 3

Okay, so after reading your end notes I feel kinda bad. I've been seeing your story on the 'most recent' page for a while and I snuck a peek at the first chapter. I got kinda nervous at the thought of a Jim/Pam story minus the Pam and decided that when the story was marked complete, THEN I'd read it in full. Sometimes waiting for updates on stories I am invested in makes me feel a touch crazy. BUT today I read the entire thing and I really really enjoyed it. I loved Emily, and how she was a person with a personality completely different from what we've seen Jim with in the past. I loved how she dealt realistically with the 'Celebrity' situation. I really loved her sister also, and the 'pencil shapening' term also. My sister and I have always used the terms, 'pencil' and 'pencil case' so I laughed aloud at that one. But, so you know, I am really looking forward to reading Pam's POV. Sometimes reading this {Jim's} story made me feel bad about them and I need to know her story too. Very good AU, but when the Office returns in a couple weeks, I need happy JAM!! Looking forward to more from you! AVO

Summary: Jim wants to stop Pam's engagement to Roy, but is forced to watch it all play out because of an obligation to Roy. How far will he let it go though?
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult language, Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 39464 Read Count: 40336 ePub Downloads: 25
[Report This] Published: August 04, 2008 Updated: February 24, 2011
Reviewer: Aivilo Signed 10
Date: May 17, 2010 Title: Chapter 3: I can't marry you

Welcome back! It is good too see an update. I am hoping that there is more where that came from...

Author's Response: Thanks! I was so nervous that it had been so long that people wouldn't take to my crazy AUs again. Definitely more where that came from. I'll post another after work tonight.