Off-Site Recs
Favorite Series
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Alternate Universe
Characters: Ensemble, Jim/Pam, Other, Pam, Pam/Roy
Genres: Angst, Childhood, Drunk Pam/Jim, Holiday, Humor, Inner Monologue, Romance, Steamy, Wet Pam/Jim
Warnings: Adult language, Explicit sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 29666 Read Count: 75522 ePub Downloads: 13
Date: September 14, 2021 Title: Chapter 9: Pretty Pink Things
I know this story is 13 years old now but pleaseeeee finish it!!!! It’s so great!!
How Jim and Pam might have grown up together if they'd met in Kindergarten.The Memoirs of Pamela Beesly.
(Hi, this is deludez3 on AO3. w4A21qMoPh0Ezyj)
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Alternate Universe
Characters: Andy, Angela, Dwight, Ensemble, Jim, Katy, Kelly, Michael, Pam, Phyllis, Roy, Ryan
Genres: Childhood
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 20747 Read Count: 21141 ePub Downloads: 1
Date: October 16, 2022 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 16
Wow! I was so surprised to see a fic updated 14 years later, and I am LOVING IT!!!
This was the cutest little story! I didn’t know I could care so much about kindergarteners or that there would be so much angst. So cute how you reworked everything
So glad you updated and I got to read this wonderful little piece!!!
Author's Response:
I'm surprised I could even log back into my account after 14 years!
Thank you <3
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Claustrophobic Spaces, Romance, Travel
Warnings: Adult language, Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 16120 Read Count: 31761 ePub Downloads: 13
Date: March 18, 2024 Title: Chapter 11: Quantum Mechanics
Wow am I glad you updated this. So so good. Please don't leave it another 13 years
Pam finds herself solo on Valentine's Day and attends a "Singles Only" party with Jim. Set pre-cameras.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Pam, Roy
Genres: Drunk Pam/Jim, Holiday, Romance, Weekend
Warnings: Mild sexual content, Other Adult Theme
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 7547 Read Count: 8147 ePub Downloads: 2
Date: September 13, 2021 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4
Love this! Please please finish it!!
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Jamie and Morgan
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6753 Read Count: 3306 ePub Downloads: 8
Date: February 09, 2022 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Very sweet first date fic. I love that it started back at the office. Their reasons for each wanting to reset and restart were well thought out, and I’m really happy to see Pam’s honesty carrying though hete. Really nice job!
Author's Response: Thank you. This was my first piece of Office fanfiction I wrote. Probably pretty cliche, but I liked the way it turned out. While I was writing it, I got the ideas that later turned into the bigger Jamie-Morgan series that developed. I'm really glad you liked the fact they've learned from the mistakes and lessons of the past year and are going forward better. Thanks for the review.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content, Violence/Injury
Series: Jamie and Morgan
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 145406 Read Count: 24718 ePub Downloads: 23
Date: February 07, 2022 Title: Chapter 1: First Meeting
I couldn’t help myself, I just had to start it. Already off to a super cute start. Jamie and Morgan both seem adorable. Just wish the hockey date wasn’t happening!
Author's Response: Welcome to this one too. This one is canon compliant so expect some angst here and there. But it's also a lot of fun. Looking forward to your thoughts here too.
Date: February 09, 2022 Title: Chapter 25: Epilogue
This was such a great way to finish off the story. It’s been such a fantastic read. I’m looking forward to reading the next in the series. Congrats on such a great piece of writing!
Author's Response: Thanks for all the great reviews.
Date: February 09, 2022 Title: Chapter 24: The Hunt
Ughhhh I loved this SO SO much!!! What a chapter!
Everything was just perfect, the scavenger hunt was wonderful! Jim not being able to figure it out, bless him, but I’m so happy Pam got to see his reaction.
I loved the ‘I love you Jamie/Morgan’ like. Just so great.
Thank goodness for the epilogue as I’m not ready for this story to be over yet!
Author's Response: I had a lot of fun coming up with everything for this chapter. Glad you liked it so much.
Date: February 09, 2022 Title: Chapter 23: Memorial Day and Beyond
Omgggg Pam knows!!! I’ve read this chapter twice and it is so good!
So clever how you set up the whiskey tasting to kick start the smell memory.
Can’t wait to see how Pam tells Jim!
Author's Response: Thanks. As much as I would have liked them to find out earlier, I wanted them to be together before they found out. Which mean all the heartache with the close calls and whatnot. Waiting till they're truly together makes it sweeter in my opinion. Glad you liked the whiskey tasting set-up. Jim's reveal will be a lot of fun I promise you that.
Date: February 09, 2022 Title: Chapter 22: Clearing the Air
Another great chapter here.
I think it’s very realistic that Karen wouldn’t have initially believed they’ve broken up. I’m glad Jim let her have it for all the things she’d done.
Jim, how could you not remember the rain check???
Author's Response: Very cathartic for me to have Jim tell Karen off like that. Glad you liked it. To be fair to Jim high school was a long time ago and to his knowledge he threw out his box of Morgan stuff about a year ago.
Date: February 09, 2022 Title: Chapter 21: Refining Fire
Wow a lot of great advice here again, and really glad we got to see Ethan again!
It’s amazing that you have so much first hand knowledge of these kind of things, with clearly one memory being hard to go back to, so thank you for sharing.
Another great chapter
Author's Response: Thank you. Yeah there are some not so nice parts of my job. Thus me building a big support system. Glad you liked this one.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 20: Visitors
Oh poor Jim, but amazing family there to support him. And Jonathan! I like that he’s the weird Florida cousin hehe
Can’t believe he shredded the letter, I was like nooooo what are you doing!! I had visions of him at the land fill looking for strips of paper, a la Michael and Dwight.
Author's Response: Nice catch with Johnathan being the cousin from Florida. I think you're the first to catch that one so well done. It hurt me to write Jim shredding that letter, but it's where he was at the time. Don't worry better times ahead soon.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 19: Choosing to Move
Such a great breakup here, you captured both Pam and Roy really well.
The letter was great too. Can’t wait to find our Jim’s thoughts on it
Author's Response: Thank you. Considering how much effort I put into writing the start of the Roy/Pam relationship I wanted to put similar effort to the end of the relationship. Also a lot of fics will skim over the breakup. I didn't want to do that. As for the'll soon find out.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 18: Aftermath
This was a great chapter. The advice from everyone was so good and you explored it all so well.
The standout for me though was this “Pour cereal into a bowl, pour in milk and eat, that’s how.” Amazing.
Author's Response: Figured it was time for Pam to get some much needed perspective on Roy. From both friends who know him and others who don't. I had a lot of fun having Helene cut down Roy like that. Guy deserves it.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 17: Bonus Gifts
Aww she’s got the teapot! I liked how you added the reminder of Jim almost dying as to why she initially gave the teapot away.
I’m desperate for the reveal though!!
Author's Response: Clearly Pam knew who gave her the teapot and how disappointed he was when she didn't get it back. I liked being able to add in some extra backstory as well. Give even more meaning to the teapot and all.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 16: The Party
Really liked this chapter, loved reading all their internal thoughts.
Pam was so close to seeing her own picture!!
And we’re done with the bonus gifts!
Author's Response: Even in the early days Jim and Pam had tons of cute moments together. It's fun to expand on some of them or look into their thoughts. Yup, another so close but so far moment for sure.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 15: Mixed Up
Love love love that Jim refers to that as ‘Butterfly Day’, nice use of the script there :)
Michael hair plugs are amazing, so great you put that little detail in there that his hair changed so much between seasons.
Keep meaning to say, Jim calling Roy What his face is just genius.
Love how the mixtape is connected to all the bonus gifts in the teapot. Very clever
Author's Response: "Butterfly Day" is a favorite of mine too. Glad you caught the lines from the scripts and all the other details. I enjoyed figuring out songs for the Bonus Gifts.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 14: Recovery
Great boggle timer backstory here! Possibly the most intense I’ve read, but it was really great.
Pam’s internal thoughts are interesting here. She knows she loves Jim and is trying to reallocate them to be brotherly feelings.
Glad she shut Roy out there. That guy is just awful.
Nice work with this one!
Author's Response: The whole "Jim in the hospital" arc was just an overly detailed backstory for the Boggle timer. Pam's thoughts are all over the place true. She'll need some more time though. Yeah, Roy's not great for sure.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 13: ROSC
A great continuation from the last chapter. Very happy Jim is out of the woods now. Hope we meet Ethan again in this fic!
Author's Response: Thank you. I was never going to kill of Jim in this story. Don't worry. Yes, we'll see Ethan again later in the fic.
Date: February 07, 2022 Title: Chapter 3: Fractured
Oh poor Pam, on all sides there. You’ve captured it so well how Roy would have just gone on and on, but the death of his father then adds the reasoning why she gave up her dreams and did what made Roy happy. Nice job
Author's Response: I wanted to really give Roy a reason why mentally he stalled after high school. So, a hard chapter for sure, for both him and Pam, but I think it fits.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 6: New Beginning
Very cute how Pam was so flustered meeting Jim. And of course she doesn’t remember meeting him she couldn’t see!
The lunch was sweet, and I loved that pick up line!
Great use of questions from Dwight there to set up that future cold open!!
Author's Response: I wanted their first day together to be angst free and also sow the seeds of the connection they share together. Called you liked the lines with Dwight too.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 5: A Lot of Reasons
Oh I loved this chapter. The whole proposal thing makes so much sense as to how it could really have e happened. Roy’s response to Pam being pregnant seemed just so Roy and his idea of marriage to then just fix it. But what with the porn and the pawn…shop ring, just get our of there Pam!
I’m so happy she was reunited with the picture of Jamie, just in time to meet Jim!
And Pastor Dan! He must be pretty old now if he’s the same one from Silver Wings! Love it!
Author's Response: Pam said on Beach Day there were a lot of reasons to call off her wedding but none mattered till she met Jim. I wanted to bring in what some of those reasons were. I was also glad she got her picture back after a couple hard chapters. And no that's not the same Pastor Dan as in Silver Wings. I just re-used the name is all.
Date: February 07, 2022 Title: Chapter 4: Looking Ahead
Ahh you can already see how Jim was so passionate about the sports marketing company in his pitch there. Great job with his speech.
Larissa is so wise!
I’m trying to figure out what MFA12 means now!!
Author's Response: Jim's had dreams too. They just got stalled for a good long while. MAF12 = Morgan ArtFan12. Until now the only names he knew Pam(Morgan) by.
Date: February 08, 2022 Title: Chapter 11: Shot to the Heart
Woahhh didn’t see that coming!! Jim hope you’re ok.
Loved the advice from Larissa there. The sisters in this fic are very wise.
Hilarious callback to Jim not being allowed in his parents room. Great work
Author's Response: Like I said earlier, it's fun to fill in the blanks from pre-camera stuff. Sorry about the shock (pun intended) there at the end.
Date: February 07, 2022 Title: Chapter 1: First Meeting
Star Fox at the beginning was fun :)
Bless Jim for being so hung up on Pam already!
And funny how they’ve both changed their names at the same time
Author's Response: Star Fox 64 is still a favorite game of mine. Yup they change their names at the same time. Could it be they're meant for each other?